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Help me decide the fate of my neighbor's cat.


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So my girl moved in with me and brought her 2 cats. They're chill, aside from shedding everywhere they're totally fine and I love them. One carries dozens of leaves in all day long and gifts them to us, and that's a bit annoying, but other than that they're cool. We both work a bunch so we leave the back slider door cracked so they can go in and out as they please. I couldn't handle the smell of the litterbox anymore, and I'm sure they love exploring outside, so win-win. Except there's a neighbor's cat that's started coming in, fighting with my cats (and winning, so even more bummed at him), and then spraying all over the place. Cat piss is the undisputed champion of worst smells ever. And here's where the dilemma comes in. So what do I do, grab the offending shitbag cat by the scruff and hand it over to it's owners and tell them to make sure it doesn't happen again? It's an outdoor cat, and they can't control where it goes. I can't say I want to hurt it, but I wouldn't be upset if something happened to it. I spray it with the hose when possible, but it's not getting the message, and I'm getting frustrated. I'm not permanently closing the slider door on account of this one piece of shit cat and inconveniencing the rest of my life, and you aren't allowed to "deal" with it now days because suddenly you're a psychopath. The social implications for hurting a cat are way worse than hurting a person. Maybe even worse than being a registered sex offender, who knows. I'm for sure not gonna risk it. All I can think of is catching it, driving really, really, really far away, and releasing it into another neighborhood to torment someone else. I'll probably leave a pile of food as a headstart and donate some money to the SPCA to clear my conscience, and when I see the fat old woman who hasn't paid any attention to this cat for the last 2 years suddenly concerned about it being missing, I'll "help her look" and tell her how sorry I am that her cat she might not even remember the name of ran away. 


Give me ideas here. 

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are you leaving the litter box open? you should get one of those higher end litter boxes with a cover. also, you need to change the sand completely every week. apparently, if you just scoop out the dirty part and replace with new, that still leaves you with residual smell. 


speaking of pets, i think it's a very interesting phenomenon that the majority of single people (at least in America) over the age of, say, 22 own pets. most people don't even have the time to give attention the pets deserve. it's pretty fucking ridiculous to have pets if you work like 8 to 6 and live in an apartment. but i don't like animals in general so there you go.

Edited by herpsky
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You can always provide nonlethal force like airsoft guns to scare the offending cat. There's also cat repellent and other chems to keep it out of your yard. If it ever crosses into your domain capture it, put it in a cardboard box and then just leave it there in solitary confinement until it learns from it's mistakes. If it hisses then roll the box down a small set of stairs to shake it up.

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my mind goes to the potential vet bills from not only allowing your cats in and out but also mixing with some other random strays (?). ide say seal that shit up man, invest in some toys and shit they can climb on, leave windows open so they can sit, also they will entertain each other. trust. as far as the liter smell, when i lived in a tiny studio with my cat, he made a nasty habbit of taking a huge dumb everytime i would sit down to dinner because it got a rise out of me, cats pick up on that and just think its a game. anywho,  i went to a pet store in town and invested in a high dollar liter, its lasted twice as long and kept the smells waaaay down. i eventually made a liter box out of an old wicker chest and when i had peeps over, no one even knew i had a cat and that they were literally resting drinks on a liter box.


...but yea, keep them inside man. letting em out time and again is kewl, call em in after they get some excersise, but not free to roam. mixing with other animals alone will drain the jawn fund. the vet sucks. make an initial investment on a shit ton of toys and introduce them slowly over time. and they will play together. the shit head cat next door will have no choice but to look in and cry! hahah

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  On 10/11/2013 at 9:54 AM, OkayOkay said:

So my girl moved in with me and brought her 2 cats. They're chill, aside from shedding everywhere they're totally fine and I love them. One carries dozens of leaves in all day long and gifts them to us, and that's a bit annoying, but other than that they're cool. We both work a bunch so we leave the back slider door cracked so they can go in and out as they please. I couldn't handle the smell of the litterbox anymore, and I'm sure they love exploring outside, so win-win. Except there's a neighbor's cat that's started coming in, fighting with my cats (and winning, so even more bummed at him), and then spraying all over the place. Cat piss is the undisputed champion of worst smells ever. And here's where the dilemma comes in. So what do I do, grab the offending shitbag cat by the scruff and hand it over to it's owners and tell them to make sure it doesn't happen again? It's an outdoor cat, and they can't control where it goes. I can't say I want to hurt it, but I wouldn't be upset if something happened to it. I spray it with the hose when possible, but it's not getting the message, and I'm getting frustrated. I'm not permanently closing the slider door on account of this one piece of shit cat and inconveniencing the rest of my life, and you aren't allowed to "deal" with it now days because suddenly you're a psychopath. The social implications for hurting a cat are way worse than hurting a person. Maybe even worse than being a registered sex offender, who knows. I'm for sure not gonna risk it. All I can think of is catching it, driving really, really, really far away, and releasing it into another neighborhood to torment someone else. I'll probably leave a pile of food as a headstart and donate some money to the SPCA to clear my conscience, and when I see the fat old woman who hasn't paid any attention to this cat for the last 2 years suddenly concerned about it being missing, I'll "help her look" and tell her how sorry I am that her cat she might not even remember the name of ran away. 


Give me ideas here. 

curious.  did yr gf think it was a good idea 2 confide in superfuture.com  about yr guys' cat problems? 

may i ask how long it took you to make this thread?  did u brainstorm with gf or at least get her to proof read?? or u keepin shit  on the downlow cause u alpha male?



anyway since this genius-thread has already been made, let's explore the statement that i've takn the time 2 bold.  ur in merica right?  i did not know that cat-hurtin is worse than hurtin a human or worse than sex offendin. so what happen in usa  if u rape cat?  should i b scare??

Edited by SSchadenfreude
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  On 10/11/2013 at 7:32 PM, SSchadenfreude said:

lots of words

This is actually a shared Sufu account, like how couples share a Facebook account because they think it shows unity, but it's actually so they can spy on eachother. We moved in together, and a cccccombo Sufu account is the next step in getting serious. I'll explain it in the djrajio dating thread later. And you should be scared if you come to america. What we lack in anime pillow fucking and tentacle sex we make up with cats.

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I have tons of experience with this kind of problem. First of all, the fact that the neighbor's cat is spraying means that it is male, and unneutered. That's also why it's fighting with your cats - cats are highly territorial, especially males. If the neighbors cat is coming into your house, then what you need to go is get it into a carrier (if it's friendly with you) or set up a tomahawk raccoon trap for it and trap it. Then you can just take it to your local ASPCA or Humane Society office and have them neuter him. They can do this without even much of an incision and without stitches. I am involved with a Trap Neuter Return group and we deal with feral cats. We trap about 200 a year and release them back where they came from after they are sterilized. If they are friendly we adopt them out to homes. A male cat can be released without a cone-of-shame within about 24 hours after surgery.


Problem solved.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 10/11/2013 at 10:02 PM, OkayOkay said:

This is actually a shared Sufu account, like how couples share a Facebook account because they think it shows unity, but it's actually so they can spy on eachother. We moved in together, and a cccccombo Sufu account is the next step in getting serious. I'll explain it in the djrajio dating thread later. And you should be scared if you come to america. What we lack in anime pillow fucking and tentacle sex we make up with cats.

da fuq?

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