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picking up women


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there's an unfortunate truth to picking up girls. it involves actually being way less stylish.

step 1.) don't be skinny. work out and get muscular. girls like that.

step 2.) throw away your slim fitting japanese repro jeans and your visvims and your supreme tees. Trade them in for american eagle polos with a predistressed collar and some chinos from Tommy.

step 3.) Buy a corona hat and some aviators from a gas station.

step 4.) get a tan

step 5.) go to a club and sleep with corny chicks

There ya go.

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there's an unfortunate truth to picking up girls. it involves actually being way less stylish.

step 1.) don't be skinny. work out and get muscular. girls like that.

step 2.) throw away your slim fitting japanese repro jeans and your visvims and your supreme tees. Trade them in for american eagle polos with a predistressed collar and some chinos from Tommy.

step 3.) Buy a corona hat and some aviators from a gas station.

step 4.) get a tan

step 5.) go to a club and sleep with corny chicks

There ya go.

You are weak.

HAHAHA, I took a class with a Russian girl who's family runs one of these.


This shit is hilarious and terrifying.

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honestly, reading a book is not going to help anyone's game. you need to:

a. become more mature

b. stop giving a fuck

D. travel.

d helps with a and b, but if you can pull of a and b without D, pulling off D will make your shit unstoppable.

where is C
he'll tell you when you're old enough.

omg hahahahahaHAHAHA!

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I don't mean for guys to be completely loaded but I have to admit that I liked being wined and dined and stuff like that. so you win.

i dunno if that means you assume the guy will pay for your dinner, but honestly, going dutch is the way for me.i hate girls who think we should pay for their stuff just cuz they are with us out to dinner or something. sure, i have payed for 2 person dinners, but i would never do that constantly, much less on a first date.

and i am not cheap, it's just that if a girl accepts to have a dinner, they are enjoying each others company, it's not a one way thing.

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I can get girls easily by being my (sarcastic, pessimistic, nonchalant) self, but thing is that it always turns into a relationship, and theyre usually too "outgoing", the total opposite of me.

This gets me jealous, cuz it feels like they go out givin their love to everyone but me, and I get pissed off and end up bugging the hell out of them till they end the relationship (cuz i cant really be bothered to care), and then im usually single for a couple of months till it happens over again.

And yes, I have grown up, and yes I know its my problem and no one elses. Ive gotten loads better, and im not insecure at all as far as my looks, attitude, the competition, or any of that goes. What I do make a big deal about is my intimacy, and if I feel shes too intimate with others, it makes the relationship more into a game of subterfuge, which ultimately breaks it apart.

I think I just need a chick as lazy and indifferent to life, people, and all their crap as I am.

Anyone else get their nerves tweaked everytime a girl starts talkin about new friends like theyre the coolest things since sliced bread?

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I can get girls easily by being my (sarcastic, pessimistic, nonchalant) self, but thing is that it always turns into a relationship, and theyre usually too "outgoing", the total opposite of me.

This gets me jealous, cuz it feels like they go out givin their love to everyone but me, and I get pissed off and end up bugging the hell out of them till they end the relationship (cuz i cant really be bothered to care), and then im usually single for a couple of months till it happens over again.

And yes, I have grown up, and yes I know its my problem and no one elses. Ive gotten loads better, and im not insecure at all as far as my looks, attitude, the competition, or any of that goes. What I do make a big deal about is my intimacy, and if I feel shes too intimate with others, it makes the relationship more into a game of subterfuge, which ultimately breaks it apart.

I think I just need a chick as lazy and indifferent to life, people, and all their crap as I am.

Anyone else get their nerves tweaked everytime a girl starts talkin about new friends like theyre the coolest things since sliced bread?


thats about exxactly right

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girls make new friends all the time, you'll notice that alot of girls make friendships very quickly, and are super bubbly , on some BFF bullshit tip, and a year later they wont even speak..

i tend to find that with friendships (and relationships i suppose), women can go hot to cold very quickly.. part of them just eing more emotional creatures i suppose

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Word, I had the outgoing girl problem too (alex/mick).

Not so much anymore, my game is evolving at a decent rate.

A few months ago I was super low key. I'm a pretty reserved dude most of the time anyway, but even more so then. I'm also good looking, so girls would talk to me and go for me, and for a long time I thought that I didn't really need game. I couldn't figure out why I'd always end up disliking the girls after a while, and it was because they were outgoing, I just didn't click with that part of them, I hated meeting all the people they knew and I hated that they would always be so bubbly with everyone.

So game had to be stepped up so I could meet girls that weren't all about talking to anyone (read: most women).

As far as game goes, I tend to find that the sufu thing actually helps a lot.

Not so much sufu itself, but fashion in general. My town is totally run by bros (26,000 university students = amjacks abound), american eagle and shell toes is totally the uniform, lacoste in candy colors with the collars high. I dress nothing like them, and I definitely get noticed for it. If girls decide to bring it up it's a really good thing to run with for a conversation, it really sets you apart since most dudes know absolutely nothing about clothes.

Plus in a small community like a university, getting your face recognized is definitely key, I try to make at least a tiny bit of contact with girls anywhere I am. Coffeeshops, library, my classes and labs, once you're out at a club that tiny exchange you had with a girl outside an exam makes a huge difference in singling you out amongst the plethora of single males looking to meet her.

Figuring out how stupid guys try to pick up girls and avoiding what they do is actually good advice. I've seen guys pull so many stupid bonehead moves that it amazes me. Learn from their mistakes. Those how-to books are very useful in that area. Put it this way: I've seen guys doing "kinetics" or "cocky-funny" or whatever else they suggest you do, and I've seen it performed hilariously badly. Most girls get stupid shit ALL the time, and they'll know when you do it, more importantly, they'll know when you're NOT doing it.

I've found that if a girl looks at me in a way that suggests to me that she thinks I'm cute, just going up and saying "Hi, I'm Stephen", then whatever non-sleazy opener I think fits the situation it generally always works. Girls tend to like sincerity.

Boy that was a bunch of rambling bullshit.

There's really not a lot of tips in terms of doing what I do, which is meeting women I actually want to have a relationship with.

Now if it comes to stabbing bar whores... I had a ton of sleazy game tips for those endeavours back in second year.

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girls make new friends all the time, you'll notice that alot of girls make friendships very quickly, and are super bubbly , on some BBF bullshit tip, and a year later they wont even speak..

i tend to find that with friendships (and relationships i suppose), women can go hot to cold very quickly.. part of them just eing more emotional creatures i suppose


girls can be on you 25/7 for like a week and just disappear right after

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I'm also good looking, so girls would talk to me and go for me, and for a long time I thought that I didn't really need game.


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Fuck hitting on girls. The closest whilst single I ever get to 'approaching' a girl is idly talking to them in the queue for a bar...

Actually, I think my entire 'game' has always revolved around getting completely wankered and looking cute, which I'm pretty certain is what girls do.

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Reading through the topic, I think the whole disinterested act may work. I swear I get more attention since I've not been single, and possibly even more when I'm out with my girlfriend. Then again, it could just be that I'm older, hairier and better dressed.

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