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picking up women


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nice books, but i prefer a more hands on approach.

picking up women is a skill and like all skills, requires practice. you get better and better the more you do it.

i used to pick up women all the time on trains, elevators, the mall, parties--in new york and london. if you try to pick up a different girl everyday, you'll be suprised how good you get--and oh, the adventures you will have!

im down for an adventure. :D

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^^ chris... tell us you secret. and id say that rich and good looking doesnt mean anything unless its a shallow cunt youre trying to get. im better looking and make more money than most of my friends, and they get more girls than me.

of course, that will soon change. when my raw denims are done. because you know girls like nothing more than jeans that are dirty and worn out, and get more attention than her clit.

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im actually a rafc (reformed average frustrated chump)

ive got alot of material frmo the game, mystery method, juggler etc..

i try to apply aspects of it and incorporate into my own game.. although its never easy to score the hottest girls, im constantly improving and learning more about women

its funny how unintuitive they can be, yet at the same time eventually u begin to understand their twisted logic

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Guest Fade to Black

the thing is, i don't necessarily see 'the game' as a 'how-to' book on picking women up...with that and to a different extent, the movie 'Hitch,' i always thought the message was that the best game was no game and just being spontaneous and natural worked the best in the end...those guys were getting women and shit, but it became such a robotic and laborious process that they broke down, as happened to Mystery if i remember correctly. I'm not saying some of those tips don't work, as they obviously did for them...sure it's fine to take some tricks but I don't think it's stuff one should live by...

i used to be so bad socially that i couldn't even approach or hold a conversation with a female for longer than the initial greeting and casual weather discussion, but it's gotten exponentially better in the past year, and i wouldn't necessarily attribute it to any specific approach. i think like mizanation said just more practice and exposure to social settings is the best way...i mean i still got a long way to go but at least i'm comfortable with my situation for the most part. i think i'd be more uncomfortable if i tried to work this shit like a science; not saying that's a wrong approach, but just isn't for me is what i'm trying to say.

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Damn I have a good photo op for this thread.....me with my arm around a roll of denim.

Mojo lacking. Must read whole thread and practice tips by SuperMackers

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somewhat dissapointed by the reccommendations of the how-to books in here, i was hoping for some more homebrewed advice.

i've been around the block with the mystery method, badboy, etc. in all honesty when you really get deep into it's way more nerdy and paranoid than raw denim obsession. what is alpha, what isn't alpha, every other guy is competition so you can't have friends unless they're specifically "sarging" with you. analyzing everything. all the stupid fucking acronyms assigned to everything. shit just gets tired after awhile.

i've even heard stories about women starting to pick up on canned routines and "negs" since the whole seduction underground thing blew up a couple of years ago. how many times do you think the women in NYC have heard "nice nails, are they real?"

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somewhat dissapointed by the reccommendations of the how-to books in here, i was hoping for some more homebrewed advice.

i've been around the block with the mystery method, badboy, etc. in all honesty when you really get deep into it's way more nerdy and paranoid than raw denim obsession. what is alpha, what isn't alpha, every other guy is competition so you can't have friends unless they're specifically "sarging" with you. analyzing everything. all the stupid fucking acronyms assigned to everything. shit just gets tired after awhile.

i've even heard stories about women starting to pick up on canned routines and "negs" since the whole seduction underground thing blew up a couple of years ago. how many times do you think the women in NYC have heard "nice nails, are they real?"

i agree with you completely.

there is something to be said about playing it cool and somewhat disinterested at first. i always play it pretty chill but thats just how i am naturally. but following all these contrived rules and methods in order to get laid is lame IMO. im not hurting in the looks department (but im not the best looking guy around either), i have never had money, and i have never hit on a women in my life. and i have never had trouble with girls. sure i can be a bit of a flirt but if the vibe is not there initially than im not about to do anything about it.

and to be honest most of the women you guys are talking about wouldnt get my time of day. maybe its because ive always been more interested in a genuine connection than playing my way into a girls panties.

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fade to black man, im reading ur posts and totally see where ur coming from..

but to get laid and get laid alot is not easy, particuarly by beautiful women. But its a choice i made, i dont want to be the guy with no options, settling for a average girlfriend just so i can have boring sex, and discuss the weather

i want a more exciting life, and part of that is meetnig and attracting beautiful women. Maybe im shallow and insecure, which im willing to admit, after all why the fuck do we care so much about selvedge...

i find the tactics and routines and such only a vehicle to deliver what natural pimps already do : confidence, a willingness to walk away, humour etc..

that being said, just being yourself is not good enough, being yourself is a great way to remain stagnant in ur current lifestyle

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somewhat dissapointed by the reccommendations of the how-to books in here, i was hoping for some more homebrewed advice.

i've been around the block with the mystery method, badboy, etc. in all honesty when you really get deep into it's way more nerdy and paranoid than raw denim obsession. what is alpha, what isn't alpha, every other guy is competition so you can't have friends unless they're specifically "sarging" with you. analyzing everything. all the stupid fucking acronyms assigned to everything. shit just gets tired after awhile.

i've even heard stories about women starting to pick up on canned routines and "negs" since the whole seduction underground thing blew up a couple of years ago. how many times do you think the women in NYC have heard "nice nails, are they real?"

i agree with u, i take the material and i try to make it fun for myself. I've met some people through the commmunity, but its not a defining part of my life. I have my own interests and shit to do, but while im out with buddies or at the mall, why not approach that hot girl i wanna talk to anyway..

i agree the constant analysing of tactics and such makes it feel like a job, i hate that part about the game, but ive had success with canned routines, but its funny once u get good at it, you can say whatever u want and ur body language will convey that ur a fun , interesting guy.

women respond to body language and confidence much more then any lines u could use, but these lines provide a way to practice and limit the variables. I think alot of it were made for guys with no social saavy at all.

that being said

the concepts are much more important then the specific routines and such

heres some easy things ive picked up about how to be better at the game

1) if u REALLY want to talk to a girl, try to.. even if it fails, its better knowing then wondering. Also, be in a social mindset when u do, talk to ur friends, meet some strangers at the bar (could be guys or ugly girls, i treat both the same)

2)dont be afraid to show interest and ask for something u want, whether thats a phone # or more

just dont give her things in exchange for her attention

3)get female friends, go out with them, meet their friends, have them introduce girls into ur life

4)better to be an asshole then a nice guy

theres 10 nice guys for every asshole, the girl will be attracted to the person who gives a shit least about her

hot girls think they can win over any guy easily, dont let yourself get won over

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girl, dont lie.

ok maybe i sounded a little too idealist. I've actually been out with guys because of (and only because of) their personality, but I remember one of them was not into spending money that much, and his cheapness started to overpower his initial charm. I don't mean for guys to be completely loaded but I have to admit that I liked being wined and dined and stuff like that. so you win.

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Whelp, I am naturally a jerk and girls have always loved it........:P

But seriously, I have never been overtly cocky or self-absorbed; I am, however, noticeably confident and don't mind at all if a woman acts uninterested; I have never 'chased' a woman and have in turn, always had women become more interested in me as a result......another thing that has helped me immensely is having very attractive female friends as when I hang out with them other women either assume that:

a.) I am a flaming homosexual, or

b.) I must have something excellent to offer (huge wang, money?)

I have had insane amounts of women approach me when I am hanging out with other girls. Then again, these aren't always the same girls you want a relationship with....needless to say, I am happily married now so those days are over........

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Guest Fade to Black
Fade to Black has an excellent talent for majorly creepyifying up threads that he posts in.

? What's your problem?

I don't think what I said in this thread was particularly creepy...sure i'll admit i've said some weird stuff on these message boards in the past, but i'm not sure about this time...

I guess I just don't have a very good ability of censoring myself on the internet, or in general...i don't really feel a need to, i mean this is one of the places you can be honest and stay relatively anonymous without worrying about consequences, and i was pretty much just honest here, as i usually am.

but if whatever i say is too much for some people to handle, then fine...just ignore my posts. no need to make a fuss over it.

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Whelp, I am naturally a jerk and girls have always loved it........:P

But seriously, I have never been overtly cocky or self-absorbed; I am, however, noticeably confident and don't mind at all if a woman acts uninterested; I have never 'chased' a woman and have in turn, always had women become more interested in me as a result......another thing that has helped me immensely is having very attractive female friends as when I hang out with them other women either assume that:

a.) I am a flaming homosexual, or

b.) I must have something excellent to offer (huge wang, money?)

I have had insane amounts of women approach me when I am hanging out with other girls. Then again, these aren't always the same girls you want a relationship with....needless to say, I am happily married now so those days are over........

wow england.

for the first time i actually can relate to and agree with one of your posts in its entirety.

well im not naturally as big a jerk as you love. :P

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what helped me out a lot when i was younger was hanging out with older cats who have a lot of game. if you are hanging out with losers all the time, it's hard to improve on your own game.

there's also a snowball effect. once you start getting hot girls, it gets easier and easier to get them. your confidence goes up, you have more experience to draw from, girls that were hot to you before are ok now so you don't put them on a pedestal, etc., etc....

i believe good game can be developed. however, some people are just born with it.

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? What's your problem?

I don't think what I said in this thread was particularly creepy...sure i'll admit i've said some weird stuff on these message boards in the past, but i'm not sure about this time...

Haha, yeah, okay, this one wasn't too bad. I just think you seriously need a better sense of a "TMI filter." *cough*
honestly, reading a book is not going to help anyone's game. you need to:

a. become more mature

b. stop giving a fuck

D. travel.

d helps with a and b, but if you can pull of a and b without D, pulling off D will make your shit unstoppable

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