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  On 3/3/2013 at 2:19 AM, Rob060 said:

i used to have some kinvaras. nice shoes. nice time as well. i've just stuck to half marathons and get tons of grief about it from my friends, but it doesn't phase me. i'm in no hurry to do fulls lol.

26.2 is, IMO, the hardest distance out there. It "should" be an ultramarathon, in that the cutoff for an ultra really should be the point at which glycogen runs out (around 30k to 20 miles) and you have to start dealing with food/digestion. With a marathon, you have to deal with the food and stomach nonsense, but you also have to run really hard the whole time. With that in mind, running 50s or 100s can be a lot easier because you don't have to hammer it from the gun. Running 100 miles is super mentally tough, but this marathon today beat my legs even more than my last 100, not to mention that the last 20-30 minutes of a well-paced marathon near your capability is agonizing. That's also not to mention that training for a 100 is way easier: you just run a lot of easy miles. In 10 miles and half marathons, a good pace will make you hurt the whole way, but things just don't fall apart the way they do in a marathon. It's really horrible if you're not ready, and even if you are ready, if you run hard, you can be in this much pain for the last 10 miles:


(Yuki Kawauchi, who isn't sponsored but runs a 2:08:10, usually looks like this from about 16 onto the finish and almost always passes out at the finish). Fun, right?

Marathons suck, but they are super addictive. Hah...

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endomondo seems not quite to be able to get my paths down, hurting my speed. i need to figure out a better route with less looping around. still, it's surprisingly accurate considering what i'm doing - it's just the slightest changes in my trajectory can significantly affect my mph. also was crossing the street yesterday after making sure it was clear of cars. right as i stepped in, i got pushed by someone riding a bike. he didn't really hit me though - i didn't even have to stop running. i knew he was pissed but i didn't see him, simple as that.

had some foot pain today. nothing bad, but noticeable. not sure how to handle it. i'll probably wait until wednesday to run. foot aches have never really amounted to much more than that in my experience.

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i don't have all that much time, and it's a bitch for me to get to the good trails (town lake above all) since parking sucks and taking the bus eats up time. i just leave my apartment and start running through the ut campus. i've been mainly sticking to going through and on the outskirts of campus, but i might start running through west campus some just so i get my distance registered more accurately.

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there's an excellent park in houston (memorial park) that has a normal trail that runs along the street and is flooded with people all the time. BUT, there is a trail that goes through the woods - feels like you're just running in the forest even though there are massive buildings all around you. it's amazing. i would run there all the time if i still lived there. that said, it probably contributed to my injury since there are lots of jumps and drops and stuff. still so much fun, so nice.

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  On 3/5/2013 at 1:19 AM, Oscur said:

Whoa rob is that in San Jose?

Nisene Marks in Santa Cruz. A little out of the way from where I live, so I only get out there twice a year or so.

I'm on the volunteer staff for a run team that raises money for the leukemia and lymphoma society and helps train people for half and full marathons. It's one of our training run locations every season.

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  On 3/5/2013 at 3:29 AM, wurm said:

i don't have all that much time, and it's a bitch for me to get to the good trails (town lake above all) since parking sucks and taking the bus eats up time. i just leave my apartment and start running through the ut campus. i've been mainly sticking to going through and on the outskirts of campus, but i might start running through west campus some just so i get my distance registered more accurately.

fuck...this was really hurting me today on my walk to and from class. unless it starts feeling better a lot faster i think i'm out for a few weeks. i'll probably start again after sxsw. i just hope it doesn't hurt to walk by that time cause i'm gonna be needing to do a lot of it. i'm just glad it's not as serious as the hip injuries i've had. or that's what i assume at this point...fuck

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memorial's nice but a bit too far from me. rice trail would be great if it were lit/cleaned up. found a good trail near my apt though. looking to change it up.

hope you feel better soon man. headed over to austin later this month probably gonna run the places you've suggested.

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Picked up some new shoes today - mizuno wave nirvana 9 as recommended to me by the shop guy. Took them out for 5km's today. More support than I am used to and quite a firm ride but felt better then my old Lunar Elites. If they don't work for me I can take them back even if worn so I will see how I go.

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So there are two Nike+ apps for the iPhone/iPod. The stock app requires a sensor and the other one from the App Store uses GPS; no sensor required.

Which app do you guys use and did you buy the sensor?

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You're right about the app being accurate. Whenever I slow the treadmill down, the time increases a lot. When I speed up the treadmill and my pace, the remaining time on the clock is shaved by every 30 secs or so!

The faster the treadmill goes, the more time is shaved off

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  On 3/5/2013 at 3:29 AM, wurm said:

i don't have all that much time, and it's a bitch for me to get to the good trails (town lake above all) since parking sucks and taking the bus eats up time. i just leave my apartment and start running through the ut campus. i've been mainly sticking to going through and on the outskirts of campus, but i might start running through west campus some just so i get my distance registered more accurately.

Depending on the distance you're trying to run and where you live, it's nice to go up to 29th, west to the shoal creek trail, then down to MLK and back up to campus (or just turn around and go back up the trail if you don't want to mess with the hill).

I also used to just run north up guadalupe however far I wanted to go, then east, then south down speedway or duval. Not the nicest scenery, but there's sidewalk the whole way. Running around west campus sucks...the sidewalks and streets are torn up constantly and there are tons of people in the way.

Edited by youkinorn2
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  On 3/6/2013 at 8:47 PM, PRC. said:

So there are two Nike+ apps for the iPhone/iPod. The stock app requires a sensor and the other one from the App Store uses GPS; no sensor required.

Which app do you guys use and did you buy the sensor?

I use the Nike+ that doesn't require a sensor and uses the GPS, works well.

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I ran Shoal Creek Trail in Austin this morning.


It had rained the night before so the trail was submerged in some places.


Not many people out today.


Ended up managing a pretty slow 4+ miles. Trying to recover from a torn muscle so taking it kind of easy.


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  On 2/25/2013 at 2:11 AM, 8080s said:

I just signed up, hoping my leg heals up soon so I can start running again.

Speaking of legs, has anyone had any visits to a sports physio? I have to see one tomorrow: for 8 weeks now i've had a problem with teh top if my leg/thigh, and slightly on the interior side. The discomfort travels up sometimes to area around appendix. Anyone had anything like this? I took 2 weeks off, tried to come back, couldnt (like 4km before having to stop through discomfort) and took another 2 weeks off. Is still sore, tried to do a 10km yesterday and laboured horrendously.

Am I right to think the physio isn't going to cure me in one session? I've been doing strengthing exercises and stretches with a theraband for the past 2 weeks.

Oh, on a different note, waht's teh difference between endomodo and nike+ ?

I'm a nike+ user if anyone wants to add me, although currently i'm struggling with just 1 run a week.

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