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New obsessions to occupy your time


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Just wondering if some of the denim folks here are finding new things to fixate on since they may have had their denim fill for awhile.

I know I've been thinking a lot about shoes. ie my aldens, have a pair of swears on the way. I've also been finding myself looking at coldrice's carol christian poell shoes, ALOT! But that's on a whole another level of shopping!

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Some superfuturian had a Dsquared2 Peacoat in the wayw thread a few months back. Ive been obsessing over that for aaaaages!! I looked everywhere for it and for similar peacoats. I found one at H&M, but its too long and widecut! Anyway, I think about it alot. As for denim, I try my hardest to find things that I dont like about all the awesome jeans out there so that I dont want to get them, hehe. Denial isnt just a river in Africa....


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I didn't get hit by the denim thing as bad as some people around here but I have 3 pairs of raws I have to work on that still need plenty of time, which is too many for me, so I'm thinking about getting more serious about tailored pieces, as well as getting some serious shoes (all those Aldens here) and maybe updating my suit+tie look as I haven't worked on that for a few years now.

On the long-term, the forum has gotten me interested in sewing again, so I will probably take that up eventually...

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boots, I'm wanting some of those frye harness boots, but I'm saving for more jeans, to tuck into said boots.

those and the whole tucking business feels a bit old now, though.. ;(

I'm trying to find nice boots in Sweden, and then I'm going to buy one pair of Warehouse's and then get the rest of my stuff together. After that, I will start thinking about school.

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those and the whole tucking business feels a bit old now, though.. ;(

I'm trying to find nice boots in Sweden, and then I'm going to buy one pair of Warehouse's and then get the rest of my stuff together. After that, I will start thinking about school.

Not when you are tending to cattle!!!!

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right now i'm looking into a new phone for my pockets fades (i wasn't kidding in the you know you're addicted thread).

i'm also starting to look into bags. thinking about getting a messenger bag kind-of-thing or two.

and of course, shoes, like everybody else.

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I totally want a GORDON GARTRELLE shirt, but it's $90!!!

I remember this and the episode where Theo cuts the sleeves off his brand new and expensive sweatshirt. I'm not a big fan of the show but a few moments stick with me.

I'm currently obsessing about a new briefcase/bag. I keep coming back to this one but then I change my mind and I don't buy anything. Damn the indecision.


I still need a good pair of jeans too.

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now that i have my raw indigos, i think of other stuff i want to get.

i want raw black jeans with no designs on the back pockets (currently hard to find)

i want a peacoat

i want 2 leather jackets

i want a bicycle

now i want a watch, too.

i want boots.

i want a whole bunch of shit that gets my mind off denim.

and then there is also having a girlfriend, the best friends in the world, looking for a new job, and looking for a new car, and starting at a new school.

i have a bunch of shit to look forward to besides denim.

if you can't get your mind off denim, or when you do, find that life is meaningless.. start doing something new.

take up drugs, for instance.

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agree, that bag is sick.

i'm starting to think about a new helmet for riding my scooter. something full face to get me through another loooooooooong winter.

Funny, I was just out on my scooter this past weekend thinking about how my full face was sucking in combination with black leather and 95 degree temps. I'm not willing to give up the protection but sweating in the helmet was not fun.

I know I should get the bag, it's probably going to be my birthday present to me. And my wife's present to me. And the kids present to me. And the cat might be chipping in too. Not the fish though, he's a bastard.

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Boots and Denim are a constant. DDML shot me with an Alden dart and now I'm hoplessly infected.

I must be, however, the oldest dude to develop a semi-serious addiction to "kicks". 6 pair in the last 6 weeks. Never owned a pair before then. WTF?

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