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There's 3 cute girls in my class that meets everyday, I'd probably be fine with banging any of them for the next 3 months. However,

girl #1 has been staring at me since the first time she saw me, the Friday before last, when we were taking level placement tests. I passed her again in the hallway that day and she headjocked me really hard too. We all gathered in the school auditorium and gathered classes by reading out names one by one off a powerpoint, and I was one of the first to have to stand up (in front of the whole school) and this girl was elated to see we were in the same class together.

She looks pretty Japanese decent, long dyed hair, snowy white makeup, immaculate eyebrows, epic rack, blah blah, but dresses really boring, like a Japanese housewife from outside of Tokyo. She sits opposite me in class everyday and stares at me, cracks up exceedingly loud when I make jokes, it's almost to the point where it's uncomfortable.

girl #2 is a mainland Chinese girl, 18 years old, fresh from HS graduation. She wore the same exact clothes for the two days in a row. We were paired up for an exercise and I caught a glimpse of her tenderoni rack and I really want to hit it. The probability of that seems low though, and I don't like deflowering girls.

girl #3 is the girl I really like, she has pretty cute steez, it's casual Japanese girly-like without being over the top. She wears super tight black overdyes and it's sexy as hell. She has a kind of unique face but we've had a long weekend here and I've been piss drunk all weekend, so I can't remember what she looks like right now, but I just know that I like her. Our desks are in a horseshoe pattern and she sits down the row from me so I can't see if she's jocking me or not and it's killing me, but when we were left to find partners in class she jumped up and came over to me with this huge grin on her face. Obviously I am the only dude in the class with stee, and I am killing it, so I would be able to bag it if I reallly wanted to, but I the class ends on Dec 10 and I am not sure if she's going back to Japan or not, and whether she's down for skins for like just 2 months. I want to have her over for wine and fucking every night, so I have to go to school earlier tomorrow so I steal this other girl's seat, so I can sit next to her. I am about to pack a snack so we can eat cheese, jamon and crackers and grapes during our 20 minute break, and hopefully I can chat her up.

I might revise this though, because if it gets towards the middle or end of the week and I haven't bagged a date with #3, I might just cut my losses and go for #1, who is guaranteed.

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There's 3 cute girls in my class that meets everyday, I'd probably be fine with banging any of them for the next 3 months. However,

girl #1 has been staring at me since the first time she saw me, the Friday before last, when we were taking level placement tests. I passed her again in the hallway that day and she headjocked me really hard too. We all gathered in the school auditorium and gathered classes by reading out names one by one off a powerpoint, and I was one of the first to have to stand up (in front of the whole school) and this girl was elated to see we were in the same class together.

She looks pretty Japanese decent, long dyed hair, snowy white makeup, immaculate eyebrows, epic rack, blah blah, but dresses really boring, like a Japanese housewife from outside of Tokyo. She sits opposite me in class everyday and stares at me, cracks up exceedingly loud when I make jokes, it's almost to the point where it's uncomfortable.

girl #2 is a mainland Chinese girl, 18 years old, fresh from HS graduation. She wore the same exact clothes for the two days in a row. We were paired up for an exercise and I caught a glimpse of her tenderoni rack and I really want to hit it. The probability of that seems low though, and I don't like deflowering girls.

girl #3 is the girl I really like, she has pretty cute steez, it's casual Japanese girly-like without being over the top. She wears super tight black overdyes and it's sexy as hell. She has a kind of unique face but we've had a long weekend here and I've been piss drunk all weekend, so I can't remember what she looks like right now, but I just know that I like her. Our desks are in a horseshoe pattern and she sits down the row from me so I can't see if she's jocking me or not and it's killing me, but when we were left to find partners in class she jumped up and came over to me with this huge grin on her face. Obviously I am the only dude in the class with stee, and I am killing it, so I would be able to bag it if I reallly wanted to, but I the class ends on Dec 10 and I am not sure if she's going back to Japan or not, and whether she's down for skins for like just 2 months. I want to have her over for wine and fucking every night, so I have to go to school earlier tomorrow so I steal this other girl's seat, so I can sit next to her. I am about to pack a snack so we can eat cheese, jamon and crackers and grapes during our 20 minute break, and hopefully I can chat her up.

I might revise this though, because if it gets towards the middle or end of the week and I haven't bagged a date with #3, I might just cut my losses and go for #1, who is guaranteed.

pix or they don't exist.

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feeling restless, i go out for a walk with some jeff bruckrey playing. see a guy lying unconscious outside a bar, thought he was piss drunk, but then noticed he had blood coming out of both of his eyes.

kinda shook.

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i'm never satisfied with anything/ anybody.

i should stay alone and complain on my own

sad to say i feel the same. the first thing i said this morning was




on unrelated note, i've become a huge fan of 5 minute naps.

anything more,

and i just get too attached.

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the world is against me, ahhhhh.

ima go drink some whiskey make myself feel better.

maybe give myself a haircut or something.

i need change in this life of mine. guhgshv

don't we all...

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yeah im stoned as hell right now

all the sufu characters left portland today and now im alone again thinking about me and katie. Im starting to feel like i should just be over it

Kunk what you said was pretty good advice. I think for the first time in my life im gonna try not to just dive into another car wreck...although this one seemed pretty legit for quite some time


after a long week of getting drunk and stoned with carl im fucking tired

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^if so, i'm glad. people say lots of shit about weed/booze helping make things clearer, but juvenile as it sounds, sometimes getting fucked up is the only answer IMO. good luck.

thanks kunk. i knew you had my back..

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^just kind of posted it in random thoughts. Think i'm just kind of inert right now. married kids career bills etc. no big exciting happenings to foresee. just kinda miss falling in love, looking forward to stuff, like a new job or a house, or etc.

just kind of stuck in a rut which all my routine seems to prevent me from getting out of.

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