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I just found out via facebook that the girl i was interested in that i mentioned a few days ago is baptist and possibly involved in youth groups. My roll is officially slowed.

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jeep are you hostin by yourself? do you have a producer? what kind of equiptment are you using?

yeah its just me, 2 hours, mostly music. Self-produced. Dunno the equipment, will learn later.

Not the first time I've done radio. First time to an expanded audience.

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Jeep. The station have a website i could listen to the show on? PM me if you feel weird posting it publicly.

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but you using cd players? rather than computer right? Just be comfortable talking to yourself and you will do fine. Radio is actually really fun to do. I had a few community radio shows when I was in uni.

computer, I have playlists set up. A few from youtube due to the fact that the internet here is awful and slow as hell. I have it segmented so I can talk after every 5 or so songs, not too much though

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I read d-rip the same way, ha.

more importantly...what can I do to discourage a mancrush? I have a corny (as fuuuuck) co-worker who really wants to be my friend. I've hung out with him once outside of work and it was funny for once....but now he wants me to hang out with him and his friends again in a few days...I'll have to make up some excuse that doesn't piss him off because he's above me at work and could make working there suck even more.

how do I kill the mancrush?

Stop wearing deoderant and do some jogging or other exercise before work. Whenever he's around be really touchy-feely and put your arms around his neck. Just always be up in his grill with your manstank.

He wont come near you again.

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radio show went really well, I ditched the history lesson and just focused on little facts. Anyways, show went really well, everyone who was listening enjoyed, but I gotta figure out the live stream so everyone I know can listen in the future. I don't think its up yet, but regardless, I want to share.

Tomorrow I am doing a live set @ the club fair, or at least I hope I am. Gotta talk to my advisor. Hype the show, u knowwwww?

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