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i've never seen you before, but now whenever i see your name i'll go 'there's that fat fuck.'

mellowbonsai is the dude that got flamed in Worst WAYWT cuz hes got thunder thighs and little girl shoulders.

confession: i hopped on a skateboard for the first time in a couple years...attempted a kickflip and fell and got scared and put it away.

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My jeans are so soft that I've slept in my jeans for the past 2 weeks. I've been too lazy to change when I go to sleep. I also wore the same outfit for half a week.

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my first confessional:

I've recently come to the conclusion that i have pretty much nothing in common with some friends from my part of town that i've know all my life. i find them to be incredibly stupid and superficial on a lot of occasions, yet i cannot bring myself to cut off contact completely....i just try to avoid them and some times we'll hang out, but it just sucks and i really don't feel any connection with those guys accept the fact that i've known them for so long.


i'm really into this girl lately, we've been friends for a while and i'm sure the feeling is mutual. but because i'm applying to college in London I have the feeling she doesn't want to start something because we're to into eachother to try it for a month or so and then end it when i leave....but it fucking sucks and i really want to be with her, what do i do?

and about that study thing, i first applied for international business because my dad thought i would be a good start to a great career. but i realised i really don't want to do it so now i'm gonna apply for english literature and creative writing which is something i really like and want to do. but now my dad thinks i'm fucking stupid and says i'm gonna end in the gutter.......

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Guest jmatsu

i had a one night stand with this random girl. she had a chiwawa. i finished and nut on the floor. instead of cleaning up my seed, i let the dog lap it up.

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there is this hot asian milf that runs by my pad everyday around 5-6pm i have been skating or riding my bike outside at that time for about a week now. yesterday the wind blew her visor off and she bent over to pick it up.. ass is so on point.

she smiles at me now.

im a sicko.


Was her visor on point?

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there is this hot asian milf that runs by my pad everyday around 5-6pm i have been skating or riding my bike outside at that time for about a week now. yesterday the wind blew her visor off and she bent over to pick it up.. ass is so on point.

she smiles at me now.

im a sicko.


i <3 milfs.

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Confession... I don't like Arrested Development. The show is very well written, and hilarious... but I can't laugh when I watch it. It's like I should be laughing, but I just can't. And it's not the absense of a laugh track. I find most sitcoms to be made for dumbfucks who get off on fart and poop jokes (FG excluded), and I appreciate smart humour on shows like Arrested Development. But I can't laugh. I don't know why. I stopped watching the show entirely because I couldn't laugh.

I imagine this is what it feels like for chicks who can't orgasm. What the fuck is wrong with me?

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one of my best friends from high school jumped off the don mills overpass onto the 401 yesterday, didnt die, and ran in front of an 18 wheeler

its been a fucked up 2 days

he died when that 18 wheeler hit him right? if not, god was looking over him (or her)

ill keep you in my prayers..depression is a lifelong struggle for myself.

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