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I've been told I have a nice smile.

May as well. Only two weeks left of work as it is.

What's the age difference? If she is younger it probably won't take much. This same thing happened to me. You gotta do the starbucks thing. Find out what her favorite drink from starbucks is from co-worker, go out and copyourself a drink as well as her favorite, go back to work and walk up to her as if shes the first person you saw since you walked in, say "hey sorry do you want this (insert drink name here), they gave it to me for free"

and then she will say "omg thats my favorite thing"

and then you start conversation

and then you fuck & post nudes in supererotic.

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wouldn't it be nicer just to tell the truth? i'd be more flattered if someone intentionally bought me a coffee instead of saying they got it accidentally :P

But wouldn't you be most flattered if someone bought you a coffee and when you drank it all the way down to the bottom there was a picture of the guy who gave it to you holding his erection? I've heard that girls love that type of stuff. You know, surprises.

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isn't everyone in the world some iteration or combination of married, single or gay.

Wow asking Superfuturians for love advice? I think you're better off asking a donkey. The majority of Superfuture users are single, married with kids or gay.

Go watch The Game with Mystery in action, you'll get more tips that way (8)

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I don't know how I feel about robocop. I'm thinking it could turn out to be something really amazing or a piece of caca.

i hated all the robocops and i'm looking forward to see what he does with it. certainly don't have high hopes, but it could be a diamond in the rough.

this is coming from somebody who thought very highly of Southland Tales though, so take it with a grain of salt.

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so initially i decided not to go to this cotillion because 1. i hate cotillions and 2. i didn't have a dress. but last night i went to the mall with my friend because he wanted to buy an iphone, so afterwards i went to macy's to shop around and i found this pretty moschino dress

so now i've managed to squeeze myself a spot to the party and the sole purpose of me going is so i can wear this dress.

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this girl is taking the bus to say bye to me. Im kind of annoyed because I bet shes going to ask for a ride to the bus stop and i dont even want to waste the gas on her

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I always used to laugh at people who wore rick owens and raf.

Now i want rafXeastpak, rafXdrug dealer shoes, and rick owens shoes.

Strange how things change. Oh and does anybody know ehre I can get those raf drug kicks in white? where they made in white? thanks

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there's this girl I find really pretty, but we only had really, really small talk so far. I was going to invite her over for food and less small talk but today I saw her with what I believe is her bf. he looks like a huge dork. she saw me and kinda glanced my way, looked down and left with him.

I think I'll still ask her if she wants to go eat or whatever but this has reduced my hopes of her packing my lunches when school starts.

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