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i hate my hair when its really clean. its too dry and voluminous and hard to manage. its better after a few days not washing once its naturally oily and been flattened out. but i hate it then cause i can smell that shit and i know if i can other people can too.

i hate hair.

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I missed out on this chance to sing with a band tonight because I don't know the words to any jazz standard songs.

I don't think I actually know the full lyrics to any songs at all. Even the ones I've performed in the past, they just go in one ear and out the other.

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I missed out on this chance to sing with a band tonight because I don't know the words to any jazz standard songs.

I don't think I actually know the full lyrics to any songs at all. Even the ones I've performed in the past, they just go in one ear and out the other.

i was discussing this with a friend once, he claims he knows numerous songs end to end word for word from memory, i could only think of one song i could sing with no music, every word, everything. but just one.

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I missed out on this chance to sing with a band tonight because I don't know the words to any jazz standard songs.

I don't think I actually know the full lyrics to any songs at all. Even the ones I've performed in the past, they just go in one ear and out the other.

learn all Billy Holiday songs and I will love you for ever and ever.

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damn it i stumbled i was reciting 'paid in full' in my head right now and i stumbled at the very end. i thought i knew it word for word. i dont think i can recall any song exactly word for word. this is gonna be bugging me for a while now.

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i thought everyone knew the words to lots of songs

i must have 100s stored in my head just from listening to them a lot

guess that shows you what my priorities are

ask me about the stuff i learned about last year and i'll draw a blank more often then i'll remember

i'm pretty sure i could do the entire album war elephant from start to finish

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^i always think azns who love hip hop are funny. same goes for some of the white doods around here, seeing people in ann d and ro listening to hip hop is just two things one wouldnt normally group together to me.

but then again i probably seem kind of funny to people when they see a lumberjack show up at house show..

*edit- when i say funny im saying unique i guess, it doesnt actually make me lol.

maybe a smirk.

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