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also, who the fuck plus repped that

i'll explain at a later date, but i first want to see if this is who i think it is.

if it is, everyone will suffer. if it isn't, i'll tell you all a story.

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I feel like love will always be a battle for me.

I will always love more.

The more I say, the less it matters.

Or so I feel.

I feel like me relationship of almost two years, has been a struggle, but for me absolutely worth it. I dont understand why he doesnt express the same feeling.

Yea, he says he loves me. But does he really?

I cry thinking I wont be with him.

A sophmore in college, shouldn't stress.


But I want to. For him at least.


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went to the strip club tonite and had a convo with a stripper about the wonders of japanese repro selvedge denim.....as i stuffed dollars into her panties.

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Today was my first day off in three weeks, and I didn't do a thing. I slept in until noon...finished reading a book...looked up clothing on the internet...played Oblivion and didn't get dressed.

Usually not doing anything productive drives me crazy, but today was awesome. I confess.

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In my delerium of the past two years I lived in Seoul and bitched about how Korean people were style-less and the place was shitty. Then I get back to America yesterday, step off the plane, and realized that Americans are the worst dressed people in the world. One look at this country and you'd think people here have no idea that clothing has a sizing system or that shoes without square toes and 3" rubber soles do actually exist.

On the plane I sat a couple seats over from a fairly cute Korean girl with dark glasses. She rode from Seoul to Tokyo next to me, then right in front of me from Tokyo to Minneapolis, a 10.5hr flight. She kept giving me IOI's and snuck looks, but I figured that'd be the last time I'd see her since my future is looking here and there and the thoughts of my truly excellent girlfriend who took me all the way to the airport just hours earlier led to pangs of guilt that got me, so I eventually just nodded off and then fucked off during my Minneapolis layover and got drunk off 3 huge Guiness pulls and a double Maker's Mark at one of those shitty Wolfgang Puck Express joints for like 50 bucks. Then suddenly at the end of it all I saw some retarded looking Asian guy at the baggage claim in St. Louis holding her carryon, with her nowhere to be seen. She must've been the only person that day to ride all the way from Seoul with me on all the same flights. She was a 7/10 back in Korea 24 hours earlier (-7pts for complete lack of steez/boring fit/stupid haircut, +2 for more ample than normal chest and lean body that I noticed on in-flight bathroom runs, +2 for cute face) and a 9.5/10 by local standards. Her boyfriend was the typical missing-chromosome looking Asian-American guy with a fade, stupid looking ill-fitting jeans and running shoes. To boot he was wearing sunglasses on, backwards. This was 9pm at night, fer fucks sake. I wonder if she was aware she was with a mentally handicapped individual? I, standing there disappointed, didn't really know what to say. I just tried to look disappointed and disapproving while waiting for my suitcases to pop out of the claim and checked my reflection in the shiny carousel once in awhile to make sure that I was still handsome in head to toe Dior Homme and got a little too into that instead. I forgot about that girl pretty quickly, til now. I have this eery feeling she might pop up again in my life later this week when I go visit old school friends.

Had I sat directly next to this girl, this whole story would probably have ended differently. I'm glad it just went this way, though.

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