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Speaking of which, I was at a bar 2 nights ago where my friends and I know a couple of the workers. Not 10 minutes in when I hear a scuffle, turn around, and see my friend being held by security. I go up to some guy in the vicinity and ask him what happened, to which he replies, " Calm your homie down, someone bumped into him and he started headlocking people." I simply chuckled and walked away. The headlockees ended up getting kicked out.

oh, confession? My friends are dicks?

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Just found out today that one of the most influential people in my past died... he was an upperclassmen when I was a freshman. He got me into music, style, movies... basically culture in general... he inadvertently kept me away from becoming a druggie as well. He was in and out of rehab for the past few years but I always thought that once he got straightened out he would become something amazing.

Really feeling awful... this dude was my sister best friend in HS and she's tearing herself up inside for not trying harder/ longer to help him get straight.

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i had a crush on this really cute girl since i was 17. i am 20 now and few days back we started talking to each other and she left me with her phone number and then asked if i wanted to hang out.

best thing is that shes 2 years older than me and fuck yes i love older women.

i've been trying to play it smooth and eventually get into her pants but i've got a gf now and i dont feel any guilt and it kinda suck that im not feeling it.

im sorry gf! shes hotter.

You are the most pathetic man. Break up with your girlfriend and quit being a prick

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