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nah, not even. I was really close with this girl a couple summers ago and she essentially has tapered our friendship off to NOTHING since the end of that summer. I would call her and see if she wanted to hang out but like nothing, ever. Then one day over break she calls me while I'm at home and is like "I'm driving by your house!" and that's it. Fucking immature is what it is.

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Imagine having that happen over a single day, as in you were really close friends with a girl for 4+ years, and had hung out with her almost every day for an entire summer, then having her not answer or return your calls one day.

People around here suck.

On another note, when I get nervous I either get really quiet or talk a lot. Add weed and you also get a third possibility, incessant laughter. I think I scare people off, especially any possible dates because I like to talk about geeky shit when I speak.

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I've been filled so much bilious hate and rage and negativity lately and I feel I owe a bunch of people on this board apologies, so I am doing just that.

If I have offended you in the past month or so, I am sorry. Shit's been very pear-shaped for me and it was unfair of me to offend in so many ways.

On another note, I am trying to better myself and find a happy medium. Right now I'm particularly empty though. Shucks.

make music




maybe buy a sewing machine (i want to do this but have been too stupidly idle to get to it)

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classic. I've been taken from the airport to work before too, and then shown my apartment after clocking hours./QUOTE]

well last night they brought me to the teacher housing but i was told that im either gonna keep teh room i have now or am gonna move to another one, so i really dont want to unpack yet

i hate this boosted wireless too, i know you get what you pay for but damn it keeps cutting me off, that and i didnt know my phone wasnt gonna work here either

but then again if it starts this wack itll only get better

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make music




maybe buy a sewing machine (i want to do this but have been too stupidly idle to get to it)

been doing all those things (save for the sewing machine) but I haven't felt actually compelled to do them. Just doing them cause I either have too or I get a quick burst of energy and once I get around to them for real it turns into nothing real quick.


I wandered around NY all day today. It was nice just walking aimlessly, but I was wearing the wrong shoes and was not properly dressed at ALL.

I felt good when I did that.

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I wandered NYC Thurs and Friday Jeepster, I was wearing AEs so my toes feel fucked, I thought they would be bruised when I took off my shoes. I must've walked at least 20-30 miles at least. I enjoy wandering around cities, it lets one get a feel for a place so much more than taxi or train.

mpcec, I know it isn't limited to my area, but I feel like the people in my area are more ingenuine than the people I have met other places. Meeting these other people showed me that and I realized that it is stupid to sell yourself short.

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I wandered NYC Thurs and Friday Jeepster, I was wearing AEs so my toes feel fucked, I thought they would be bruised when I took off my shoes. I must've walked at least 20-30 miles at least. I enjoy wandering around cities, it lets one get a feel for a place so much more than taxi or train.

i do this whenever i have the time. i've walked from columbia to downtown several times.

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yesterday i was supposed to hang out with this girl, she's nice and I was looking forward to just chilling at a park with her. then she calls me and is like i don't have a ride, and i'm like maybe i can give you one (this is at like 1) then she says, well i'll call you once i get home. i'm in town right now (so she;s like 30 min. from her house). she doesn't call for like 3 hours, so i just call up a friend and chill with him. then she calls me at 4.45 after i already told a friend to come over and chill. it was akward. so i made up an excuse about how i can't give her a ride. i felt like an asshole. anyone else get stuck in these situations where you end up making plans with two people, because you think one flaked

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When I am down I usually do a ton of cleaning and do lots of laundry. Cleaning/ folding laundry while listening to nice mellow music is really cathartic.

sometimes when i get in these funks I get frustrated at inanimate object and have to pick up clutter, fold laundry, or clean my bathroom or something.

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blech for the first time in like two years, i am truly sick


so im sitting in bed, stewing in teen angst

i have nothing in common with any of my friends

at all, period


i never meet any guys

the only one i liked was way too impossibly too old 4 me


school sucks!!!

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blech for the first time in like two years, i am truly sick


so im sitting in bed, stewing in teen angst

i have nothing in common with any of my friends

at all, period


i never meet any guys

the only one i liked was way too impossibly too old 4 me


school sucks!!!

Nothing wrong with not having much in common with your friends in high school. I would hate most of my friends from growing up/school if I met them now, but am still very close to most of them.

You'll inevitably make friends with people that are more "like" you in whatever you do after high school...but it's still nice to have those people who are completely different from you.

Whenever you are around a group of people who are all alike, you realize how much that sucks (for other people, if not for the group itself).

And everyone is sick right now, seems like.

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youre right tg

having friends just like you would probably be a vom-fest

and it is nice to have friends with diverse interersts

and its been said before that, corny friends can be the best because they kno how 2 have fun

but sometimes, even your very best friends, can act like big jerks about the things you care about: my best friend acts like im some pretentious elitist asshole if i even mention anything im into, so i cant even talk about fashion/music/movies without her getting snotty at me, its strange

mr waffles, you make the art i sell the drugs ok!!!

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I feel you Jane... the dude I hang out with couldn't give a shit about anything that is beyond the periphery of your average american. Its stifling and frustrating to be around people who think that anything outside of the mainstream is just your attempt at being different.

The only people I've met who enjoy the same things as me in terms of music/movies/clothes are on the internet...

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You make bonds. Doesn't matter how. And you don't have justify a friendship with the quantity of times you see each other other.

All you need is when you do sit down next to each other, you could say say as much or as little as you need, and time doesn't feel wasted.

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