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today/night i was suppose to get stoned with my friend

i wound up not feeling shit and it was a dissapointment.

though the day was alright, after it was over i felt like it was shit.

i was invited to a party tonight, but the mood dragged over and i don't even feel like going anymore; even though it would probably make up for it.

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i let a girl that i like borrow my phone to call someone since she lost hers. Bascially said, "i got home ok, i love you". I feel disrespected since shes knows i like her. I have a dilemma, i got the significant others #. I think I'm gonna pretext see who this goofball is, already thinking of a back story. Sometimes I am just creepy.

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what does it mean when a girl says she dreamt of you?

I get it a lot- I got it 3 fucking times this week, from girls who i haven't really seen in a long while.

they obviously didn't fucking dream about me.

This is like a tongue in cheek way of saying "I haven't forgotten about you, and I know you would be offended if I said I did".

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they seem to be all the same dream though??? Tonight it was "You came over, your hair was short, you where tan".

three days ago it was "Dear Keagan, i had a dream about you, that you came back and you were really tan , you looked really good.

really really good".


then a few days ago it was something like "you fed my dog. You had campy highlights in your hair, you were tan, you looked good".

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Posted · Hidden by Huerequeque, May 4, 2012 - zxc
Hidden by Huerequeque, May 4, 2012 - zxc
Confession: This has been an ongoing issue with my girlfriend for quite some time. I know for a fact that she's only mucked 2 other guys in her lifetime. Even if it was 15, it's not really the issue here but the low number coupled with her loose vagina is raising eyebrows.

Shes one of these female ejaculators. And don't get me wrong it was unreal the first couple times it happened, but nowadays I'm really wondering how her pussy is so loose for only 3 guys total? Are some women's vaginas just larger than others!? Why after 5 minutes of sex does it feel like Lex Steele was inside her before I was?

I need a really discrete way to introduce Keegles to her without straight up telling her that her pussy is loose and I feel like my dick is lost in an ocean of kooze, any help would be appreciated.

Yeah, it's true. some girls are just bigger. Don't tell her. It will stick with her for the rest of her life. Unless she's fucked clifford the big red dog every day for a year or two and never let you know, it's hard to imagine that a few big dicks here and there are going to stretch a vagina out for life. she's just bigger. don't be an ass to her about it. either get over it, or let the relationship go if it really matters that much. but please, don't tell her. it will only hurt her. it's not like she has any control over that.

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I kinda want to grudgefuck my sister-in-law because she's hot, and stupid, and annoys the living shit out of me.

I'm not even attracted to her. But I'm pretty sure I could scar her for life, and for some reason that appeals to me.

I'm really not a nice person, evidently.

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I've had a very stressful few months and my sleepwalking habit has come back. one night like a month ago I got out of my bed and went and slept on the couch (where someone else was sleeping), and my girlfriend followed me and tried to wake me up to which i told her "baby, i hate you" then woke up really confused while she was taking me back into bed.

Last night takes the cake, however. Apparently I got out of bed and was standing next to my desk when my girlfriend woke up and realized i wasnt there. she looks up and sees me standing there, figures i'm sleepwalking again, and gets up to get me back to bed. walks over and realizes...I'm peeing on my laptop. dead serious. so my powerbook is fried, because I peed on it. she woke me up and i had no clue what had happened, just waking up standing is really weird and I take about 10 minutes to really be fully alert after waking up. i apparently cleaned everything, moved my cameras and externals, and woke up this morning thinking it was a dream, which it wasn't.

the best part is going to be going into apple and telling them i dropped a drink on it and just want to get whatever's fried replaced.

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my freshmen year roomate at college came back wasted one night.

i was half awake because i came back like 30 minutes earlier.

he walks to his fridge.

opens the door.

and starts to piss in it.

for some reason i think he's pissing in a cup so i'm like oh..ok cool.

but then i hear it pour

i start freaking yelling "HANSON, HANSON what the fuckk"

another one of my friends did what you did.

but i think just under their desk.

no computer. haha

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.... (10 characters fo sho)

anyways, corter, my advice to you is to seek therapy, and more specifically hypnosis. my aunt used to have awful sleep walking problems and had to get them solved after she walked all the way to the subway entrance on 6th street and she lives in the west village... anyways, hypnosis worked for her, and no one in my family is very suggestable. its a good method of dealing with it, but general talk therapy would probably help you relieve some stress. try going to the gym/getting a hobby such as an art book or something (just makin art n stuff). find something to help remove the stresses in your life temporarily and you'll find that your sleep walking will start to subside again.

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I've had a very stressful few months and my sleepwalking habit has come back. one night like a month ago I got out of my bed and went and slept on the couch (where someone else was sleeping), and my girlfriend followed me and tried to wake me up to which i told her "baby, i hate you" then woke up really confused while she was taking me back into bed.

this is really funny because when i first started dating my exboyfriend we were sleeping and he told me i was talking in my sleep. one night i said, "i love you" and that was the first time i told him that i loved him, in my sleep. another night i said, "baby, are you dead?" and he goes, "no baby, i'm still here." and i say, "oh, okay. that's good you're not dead. i love you." wtf.

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Edit: compromising information...
...........Tonight things happened i will never speak or write of, pray for me the future pray....... :(

thats two in as many days.

the future demands compromising information from both of you.

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My brother used to freak the shit out of me sleepwalking. He would come and sit at the top of the stairs and just look at me from under his brows... He's a really pale kid, and in that light he would look like a fucking zombie. This would then inspire further nightmares where my bro WOULD be a zombie.

Also my best friend was informed by his gf that he had drunkenly gotten up ad pissed in his dresser drawer.

So he checked, and it was his roommates dresser. A roommate who spends too much on clothes.

My only sleep antics involved fisticuffs... more specifically punching my then-gf in the face. Her shout woke me up, and I knew I had done it, and ould still feel that particular warmth on my knuckles. Cue massive nosebleed on her part... and me laughing my ass off while trying to apologize.

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jeep- yea, i've been trying to do all of those, the wallets really calm me down and i ride about 15-20 miles daily on my bike, it's just getting really bad (or... I would think as bad as it could get). It runs in my family though, my mom and dad had it younger. my dad walked barefoot in the snow to his neighbors at 2am one night when he was about 17, then back...got some frostbite on his toes. I've done some stupid shit, I almost snowboarded down our stairs in highschool asleep, used to be walking around every night and take showers and stuff.

I don't know, just sucks right now and a lot of the things i'm stressing about aren't going to be going away anytime soon. I'm going to go try to get in to talk to someone at school until i can afford/find some sort of good therapy, cause that's some scary shit to have to worry about. I don't want to hurt my girlfriend or something.

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so an acquaintance of mine's friend saw me on myspace... she recognized me from shopping at the store she works at. she is way fucking hot. ( i didnt know they knew each other beforehand btw)

she messaged me on myspace saying she recognized me from the store and was friends with that dude.... ive been trying to feel her out of myspace to see if she has the hots for me but she seems to be an ice queen...

am i wrong in assuming she wants to have my babies cause she messaged me?

why would she care enough to do it otherwise?

if im right, how do i go about it... im not friends enough with my acquaintance to have him sort it out really.

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