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I tried calling this girl two days in a row and she hasn't picked up. I haven't left any messages or anything but I'm starting to get pissed off. I guess I'll just ignore her this weekend.


Just play it cool man. Always leave a message though so the ball is in her court. I like to do the open, vauge thing like "What's going on this weekend? I heard about a couple good parties and my friend's playing a show. We'll see what's going on, give me a call"

My confession: I ran into this smokin hot girl I used to date, but never sealed the deal. I have a girlfriend and she has a boyfriend, but I wanted to hate-fuck the shit out of her and leave a used condom on her bed cover. Still might try to pull that shit. She likes money, so maybe I'll sell my skulls to make this shit happen

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speaking of which, dude - duh

they all like money

no way man, my current girl is happy with a bottle of jager and a 12-rack of budweiser! This is why she's my girl. Plus she makes cash on the side bootlegging bus passes. Bonus

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the 'clothing trauma' thread made me realize that there are certain garments out there that are amazing but i could never buy them or just plain rock them because of the sheer number of people on superfuture wearing them. <------ when you're on sufu a lot, although you pretty much never see anyone rocking some exclusive shit on the streets, the amount of times you see the garment on sufu makes it seem too trendy and worn by everyone, which is a turn off

is this only me? :confused:

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^ it's hard sometimes to step back and realize that superfuture is made up of people all around the world. I catch myself thinking along the same lines as you and realize that I'm keeping myself from buying amazing shit just because a bunch of dudes on the internet are wearing it.

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how does this work?

She makes fake bus passes that look identical to real ones, and then sells them. They obviously don't work where you have to scan the barcode, but it works on any bus where you just flash them

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i walked across the stage at carnegie hall today

it was a good feeling

but seriously fuck chuck palhuichikakwhotheufck

and fuck his books and everyone who is obsessed with him

he told this fucked up story concerning being sewed up inside of dead horses

to an audience of all the award winners, while it was funny, it was just like fight club

something i enjoyed

but dont feel like revisiting any time soon.

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I would rather work at a cafe and get paid less then the current gig I got going which is dealing with medical insurance.

Now the opportunity is here I am kind of scared I can't cut my shopping habits

Yeah I took a huge pay cut to work at an indie record label. Money is for suckers

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wow, a medical insurance job must suck

but then again, so would working at a cafe. dont think you wont have to deal with annoying customers who want their fucking 4 dollar lattes done just right.

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speaking of coffee, i've started drinking about 15 cups a day at work. We have this little maker that i thought 'oh, that's nice, it's like instant. i bet this cost like $200 and should get one for the house.' Then I google search for Nuova Simonelli to see aobut getting one and find out it's a six fucking thousand dollar coffee maker. Yeah so I use it a lot now... i bet insidertrading has the 3-pot version chillin in his kitchen...

i got carried away with the drinks on thursday and ended up getting jumped by two angry villagers on my solo walk home at like 6am. I'm not looking superfuture-approved at the moment. I also gotta go to work like this. I was ok on Friday because the bruises hadn't set in yet but now I'm a real sight... sad thing is that this is the first time in my life looking like this, and I'm 25... plus i wasn't wearing my jeans so they missed a good fade opportunity there...

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Guest Airjamie

Im gaining weight from constant partying and just being lethargic since graduation. Also my doc is out of town and i cant refill my adderall. Shitty.

Also: I would like to thank the dark lord for coconut fried rice and chimay bleu. Wonderful dinner. Hail Satan. I should really tell her i have other girlfriends but fuck can she cook yo. Taiwaneese/american pussy for life.

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Im gaining weight from constant partying and just being lethargic since graduation. Also my doc is out of town and i cant refill my adderall. Shitty.

Also: I would like to thank the dark lord for coconut fried rice and chimay bleu. Wonderful dinner. Hail Satan. I should really tell her i have other girlfriends but fuck can she cook yo. Taiwaneese/american pussy for life.

LOL, so how many r u seeing lately?

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