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there's nothing in the world that i hate more than straight edge dus preaching around

give me a fucking break and let me enjoy alcohol, drugs (occasionally) and random pussy

sometimes super humble nice straight edge guys bug me too

like their personability is some smug front. but i'm just a dick

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I just turned 21 about a week ago.

I've been diagnosed with skin cancer a few days ago.

Sometimes life is just pretty weird

Shit man. I don't really know what to tell you. I hope everything gets better eventually.

Good luck.

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Doing drugs right now

Feels great man

oh fuck yes it does.

I just turned 21 about a week ago.

I've been diagnosed with skin cancer a few days ago.

Sometimes life is just pretty weird

I'm sorry :( but, smoke a lot of pot. n eat edibles tho. <3

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my brother is about to marry this girl, and is making a massive mistake. It's clear to everyone, family, friends...everyone. There's too much detail to explain here, but everyone...and I mean, everyone, is at least either seriously uncomfortable with this or outright vehemently opposed to it, but of course nobody is speaking up. I told him I thought he should think on it for a bit, but he is beyond brainwashed and consumed by her...which is weird cause she isn't really appealing in any way. He's making going to the wedding as intolerable as possible, only like 20% of the guests that were invited have rsvp'd (and the rest really don't want to attend)...and I can just see this being a trainwreck. I know he's my brother, but I want so badly to be uninvited or find some reason not to attend. I'm a groomsman, and we both know it's because we both feel obligated...not because either of us want me to be. I was gonna say something, but I'm at the point where I just want to get through it as painlessly as possible...so I think I'm just gonna shut the fuck up, put on the suit, give a standard speech, and let them figure it out on their own.

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If you were really tight at some point, I'd say you're about as obligated to sit him down and speak for everyone as you are for being a groomsman. Dude's your brother and if he's about to fuck up his life and no one is willing to step-up and make some kind of impression as to this potential reality, then shit, that's kind of sad.

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I've been buying a lot of stuff lately. I think I'm trying to fill some sort of emotional void. I'll be dead broke soon at this rate but I can't help but not care.

spend money on experiences instead of stuff, you'll be happier for it

Edited by philosophiliac
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