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  haploid said:
I sometimes use getting drunk or high as a substitute for "having fun". The two are not synonymous as they used to be anymore.


been listening to this today since it describes my new years eve


EDIT: i should mention i don't like that song. that's how guilty my new years eve was.

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^Today I was considering how to explain to people how I can drink 4-5 days a week (only get drunk, if at all, on weekends). Then it hit me. It's like masturbation - usually out of boredom rather than actual pleasure. If I have something to do otherwise I have no problem not drinking/beating off for a while.

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superconfessional is a shitshow anymore.

today i am ordering chinese food, sitting on the couch, listening to music, smoking pot, writing poetry, hanging out with a friend-of-a-friend from malibu, and watching mad men.

i am so content with myself at this very moment. i feel like i am really making progress as a culturally-informed person. i feel good, the best i have in possibly my entire twenty years of existence.

i no longer doubt if i am insane, because i know i am. but such flaws make me who i am, blah blah blah.

"finding yourself" is amazing.

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We probably do, I don't know where though. I have a theater playing it in 3D that is just a block in front of my house though, been once already. Need something to get me loosened up or I get a headache from the 3D though, might get really hammered or something and go see it.

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i watched it twice (in 3D indeed), once with weed, it scared me more than anything else, then i went with my dad and sister and found it quite trippy. i can't really tell which one i prefered.

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Since the mods have seen fit to close a thread with over 1 million views, i figure a new option is needed.

I guess we should not get carried away with our brief asides based on someones post, but dont be afriad to chime in and "comment" if thats what ya feel.

All credit to DDML for starting the OG bad boy that was sufusucon. Lets hope this one thrives in its glaring absence.

I will kick things off:

At new years someone i dont know, hit someone else i dont know, with a bottle at a party full of people i dont know. (my plans fell though, dont ask).

I just sat and watched people go nuts and get mad. They started to kick him and his friends out of the party, but one of the girls with them was OD'ig on something. Her boyfriend kept yelling that he would leave if his "bitch" could just stand up (he was yelling at her like a fucking psycho). He ends up picking her up by one arm, she instantly starts to collapse... he pulls her up harder, and she go's in to full convulsions. while the rest of his crew march outside with him, people start yelling and pushing. I continue to sit in my seat watching the rest of the people at the party pretend nothing is happening. I take pictures of everything. Sooner or later i realize that things might be kinda nuts outside, and i might be missing something. I go out and see the kid who got smashed in a full nelson on the street, the host wildly swinging his fists at someone, and another person being pushed up against the wall being yelled at for having just punched a girl. Her hysterical crying walking around looking for someone to care.

I went inside, put on my coat, and walked away, hearing the screams and cries and shouting for a block or two in the middle of the silent cold new years night.

I still have not looked at the pictures, im scared to.

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I remember after my parents told me they were getting officially divorced when i was around 4-5 I decided to draw pictures because I wanted them to be as upset with my state as i was with theirs. so I drew some with crayons with me falling into a black hole and it saying divorce is death blah blah blah etc etc, and stuck them on my door.

my mom obviously saw them and got all worried and took me to a psychiatrist.

that was the first time I felt like a fraud.

oh and around that same time period i was really angry at my mom for sending me to my room (can't remember why) and i wanted to show her how angry i was. I used to have nightmares so me and my mom spent days/weeks making this dream catcher out of an antique birdhouse that was painted with all my favorite cartoon characters and dinosaurs and shit, with dolphins and stuff dangling on the inside and shit, and i decided that the best way to get back at her was to ruin it. So i ran over to it, but i couldn't break it or throw it or anything because it meant too much to me so i picked up and placed it's side in the corner of my room to look as if i had thrown it. 5 minutes later my mom comes up because all the destructive noises i was making, she sees the dream catcher and gets really mad, yells at me and takes the dream catcher away. i was sobbing for hours.

both these confessions came up because i found that dream catcher in my basement lol. :(

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the first thing i can remember is being at disney world and at midday touching this huge metal statue of the sword in the stone that had been baking in the sun for hours, ( i am told that it was mid august when we were there) and just screaming and crying hysterically and being in pain. my first and last trip to disney world.

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