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meh, i try. having an unusually angry/violent/shitty day

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I'm so nervous these days, i feel like i can't do shit (and don't do anything actually). All i've been doing in the last week is checking stuff on the internet, listening to some beat and smoking mad weed, mad MAD weed

i'm leaving in less than two days and i don't feel ready at all.

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I'm so nervous these days, i feel like i can't do shit (and don't do anything actually). All i've been doing in the last week is checking stuff on the internet, listening to some beat and smoking mad weed, mad MAD weed

i'm leaving in less than two days and i don't feel ready at all.

in my experience, the weed makes the nervousness worse, maybe cut down on the smoking?

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i knows, i'm gross :(

in my experience, the weed makes the nervousness worse, maybe cut down on the smoking?

well, smoking change my thoughts, keeps my mind busy thinking of a hundred things aside from the ones that make me nervous. i'd be way too hyper without it

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i knows, i'm gross :(

well, smoking change my thoughts, keeps my mind busy thinking of a hundred things aside from the ones that make me nervous. i'd be way too hyper without it

word up to this.

i don't think i'd be too hyper without it because i'm never hyper really

but i'd definitely be much more hyper and anxious.

all i gotta say is.. M.R.E.A.M.

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i've never been punched in the face.

and i don't know if it's because i've been feeling shitty lately.

but i just had the overwhelming urged to get punched.

like knocked out.

maybe leonard leroy could pacquiao me real quick.

i've been punched in the face, several times. last time my eye socket bone was crushed and I had to have surgery and all this shit. you're not missing out on much. trust me.

on a side note: when I was younger and full of weird rage, I would punch myself in the face. so you could try that.....

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guys, scratch my earlier statement. i push pressed 315 tonight and went to my muay thai class so i can still fuck all of you up. no worries.

dang, and i was finna get out of line. Apologies, I'll walk the straight and narrow (5)

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i've never been punched in the face.

and i don't know if it's because i've been feeling shitty lately.

but i just had the overwhelming urged to get punched.

like knocked out.

maybe leonard leroy could pacquiao me real quick.

billy, hook us up with a ring and some gloves and we could have us some good ol fashion fun


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