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so i finished my paper at 4 this morning, fell asleep at 5, woke up at 9:15 and got to my 9 am class by 9:41, turned in my paper late and still got to sign in for the day for attendance. What a fantastic, miraculous bit of luck...too bad i didnt wake up and edit it again....sigh

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ahah, so true right now.. Swagga is peasant steez right now..

I need to start saving up for the holidays.. Too much good shit comin out

yo y don't u just get a 2nd job?

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i fear that my knee and ankle problems will never go away and will forever be hurtin when its cold/rains/humid. the idea of getting old sucks but in a good way i can get a cane when im older with white hair and be like house md but without the genius.

i cant play bball anymore?

if bill murray did in Space Jam, you can too. just ball up and ice tha kneez.

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i fear that my knee and ankle problems will never go away and will forever be hurtin when its cold/rains/humid. the idea of getting old sucks but in a good way i can get a cane when im older with white hair and be like house md but without the genius.

i cant play bball anymore?

I broke my right foot in late 05.

now my foot is fucked/not how its supposed to be

i have a screw in it

and it hurts.

the doctor told me that if I want my foot like the other one (straight, not at 45 degrees), he'll have to break the ankle and turn the feet into his right position.


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a check from my brother is "lost in the mail" however it was cleared on his bank statement.

i'm so fucked.

lot of moneys in someone's pocket right now...

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yo y don't u just get a 2nd job?

Well that's what im currently looking for right now.. Im currently a note taker at my school for a temp job until i find a job in advertising.. But shit isn't easy..

I'm making calls to companies, seeing if i can speak to people. Perhaps get some advice and shit

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if you don't have any experience in an advertising related field your best bet would be to get an internship/co-op(if you school has it) to get your foot in the door. i don't mean to be pessimistic but don't expect much until you have experience and you're finished school.

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school stress is making me break out

on my back

where I normally never break out.

I just normally don' get pimples

its not that bad though, just gonna scrub well in the shower and try to chill a bit.

I guess the stress of midterms/projects and whatnot and the fact that my aspirations, or the opportunities presented by certain programs seem to keep falling through. I'm not going to London in the winter for my Arts Administration thing anymore, so I feel a little dejected about that. I feel like I haven't done anything social in a while, but I don't really feel that anyone around here wants to include me as it is, and generally I've felt behind in all my work for the past couple of weeks. I dunno what's going on in that sense, but I've definitely also noticed some increased disdain from my roommate who I'm normally very courteous and respectful towards. He's been eating my food and using my things, and while I was away the other week he had a party in the room and left my side completely trashed (which I returned to twice, once on Sunday when I was back for a tennis match, and then again on Wednesday when I came back to school). Obviously there is some sort of underlying dislike thats beginning to boil over, and I don't think I've necessarily done anything other than fuck a girl that he expressed interest in like the first week of school.

Fuck, I'm rambling and I can't feel my feet. My immune system is shot and my neck is going into spasm. Tennis ends on Saturday which I'm both happy about but simultaneously bummed about. I like the exercise, its different than just going to the gym every other day. Oh well.

/end rant

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yo, jeep. i got that midterm stress too. what school do you go to?

Wagner College on Staten Island

I'm really sick of the people here. Also I'm kinda bored with the girl I'm seeing, especially since there was this amazing lookin girl who wears a77's and is like, 5'9 that was supposed to go on this London trip with me, but I'll never get a chance to formally meet her unless I devise some ridic plan or have a class with her. She's an upperclassman too. fuck. There was another one today that was mad cute in the dining hall and I made eyes at her, but since I had just rolled outta bed, I don't think I was on point in terms of looks (bedraggled hair, shorts, sperry's, black baseball shirt and my Topman bomber... not ballin)

My mind is fucking everywhere right now. my body hurts too.


fuck this week

I've got class all tomorrow

and my stomach is acting up.

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make a playlist like this

have a dorm room party

all ur cwg troubles will be gone


yo alex

the problem is

i have no cwg problems

i have hip chick problems

i am bored with cwg's

i need some hipster poon in my life, namsayin?

that is cwg uber playlist tho.

when you comin to america doggie?

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ps my name aint alex:mad:


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when is fashion week next summer? im probably working in la for 2 months and i might be able to line it up so that i can be in new york that week.

ps my name aint alex:mad:

btw april77s dont give cred anymore in austria they can be bought at the highstreet hipster places


i just blanked and thought alex(vstoto) posted that

im sorry chris


i will self-flagellate later.


a77 isn't what sealed the deal on her. the fact that she wore a77 and was a babe sorta did it for me. great ass for a white girl.

must. get. name.

ive seen her at lunch. she has attractive friends too.

dunno who the other girl is though (aforementioned). she was cute, but a little more cwg i feel like. couldn't tell, she was dressed up for some class, maybe an internship. oversized turtleneck-skirt thing, red oversized flannel as a jacket (sleeves pushed up), necklace, black stockings, those little like oxford heels (dunno what they're called). sorta cwg overall, but she had a really fine asymmetrical haircut and shocking blue eyes though, so maybe she was kinda more hipster-ette, namsayin?


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cwgs wear flip flops. hipsterettes wear ballet flats

girl in psych class reminds me of an li guidette. two finger split will confirm my suspicions

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