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Now that we can't smoke in bars, it's just Red Bull, one sniff of that and you're already saying 'bro'

Red Bull just got to Japan like last year or the year before or something.

I remember the first time I saw it in a bar there was a group of what looked like 5 or 6 Japanese rugby players getting rowdy in a corner. For some reason, every 30 seconds or so a loud roar would come from the area they were drinking as they cheered wildly about something. I wandered in that direction to see what they were doing and I realized they were pouring red bull into shot glasses like it was booze, and then taking it like a shot and chasing with lime. Then when the can was empty they would hold it up over their heads smash it on the sternum of the guy who took the "shot" the slowest. I just stood there in disbelief, shocked at what was happening and wondering why no one else thought this was insane.

I didn't have the heart to tell them that Red Bull wasn't alcohol so I eventually joined in just and commenced with the can smashing goodness.

"Red Bull, it brings out the bro in you."

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You are allowed to have 3.5 before you enter CWD territory. Halfway through your fourth one, you should spit it out and pour the rest on some ugly bitch and throw the glass/plastic red cup at her face.

Recently I've been thinking of hitting up Diesel and buying some muscle shirts to look like my other banker friends.

One of my friends has a hot gf.

We'll all buy red bull vokdas and talk about how we were "getting it done" at work today.

Total awesomeness.

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red bull and jaeger has been one of my standard drinks for a couple years now. when i was in iceland this summer i was hitting up different bars and was a little surprised they didnt have red bull.

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Red Bull is promoted very aggressively in Singapore, especially in tertiary institutions. At almost any event at my college, there'll be decent-hot girls handing out FREE cans of the stuff. In a good month, this happens about 3 to 4 times. I now scoff at people who pay for Red Bull.

250mL cans and a business card = Asian style PR

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When I used to work, the Russian hookers all came out and gave out cans of iced coffee and their cards after lunch. One girl's card was all in Korean and her name was 'rose' in Korean. I thought that was sweet. then I drank the free coffee.

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I gotta a girl nibbling at the line who i could possibly date. She's cute and cool and whatevs, but i'm just trying to figure out if i want to put in the work to make that happen, and if i have time, patience and effort to maintain it. I just superconfess this as i know this isn't the kinda girl i could just use for a quick romp. I dunno. I'll probably slowplay my hand until i get put in the friend zone and the decision is made for me. I'm lazy

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I gotta a girl nibbling at the line who i could possibly date. She's cute and cool and whatevs, but i'm just trying to figure out if i want to put in the work to make that happen, and if i have time, patience and effort to maintain it. I just superconfess this as i know this isn't the kinda girl i could just use for a quick romp. I dunno. I'll probably slowplay my hand until i get put in the friend zone and the decision is made for me. I'm lazy

You should let fate decide. Take her to the movie and try the ol' dick-through-the-hole-of-the-bottom-of-the-popcorn-bucket trick. If it happens, it happens. Better make sure it happens or doesn't happen quick, though; salt in the urethra can be really painful. Trust me.

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yeah, I'm thinking of going to Montreal in the spring, depends on my wisdom teeth removal schedule though.

But seriously, I didn't feel insulted getting carded tonight. Apparently the bartender was, because I tried to pass off every ID that didn't indicate my proper age. Oh well. Douche.

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i need to invest in a fake id

Told you so.

I had a bad id for the beginning of my first year. The picture was of some latino guy with a buzz cut who lived on 1800 La Cadena, El Paso TX . Birthdate 9/16/1980. I remember trying to remember all that information in line to get in the bar. Sometimes I fucked up the social security number.

Eventually I met this Chinese kid who made the illest scan-friendly, holographic, perfectly laminated, flawless texture, super IDs out of his dorm room. Which I remember because his room smelled like barbeque sauce, and was covered in sailor moon posters. He made a killing hustling those IDs to rich white kids.

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I gotta a girl nibbling at the line who i could possibly date. She's cute and cool and whatevs, but i'm just trying to figure out if i want to put in the work to make that happen, and if i have time, patience and effort to maintain it. I just superconfess this as i know this isn't the kinda girl i could just use for a quick romp. I dunno. I'll probably slowplay my hand until i get put in the friend zone and the decision is made for me. I'm lazy

i think you should try to sleep with her and then see what happens. as soon as possible actually. if there is chemistry, then it will work. if not, then it won't. but at least you will know, and you will have controlled your own life.

people will think this is a crass joke but it isn't. i'm serious. one day, you will be old. so for now, try to seize the moment. you need to have sex with a lot of women. you gotta get it out of your system before you are old and married and your chance is gone. it will be good for your future marriage, too. (if that's your thing)

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