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i would be great if there was a blocking option on facebook chat. sometimes in don't want certain people to know i'm online but want to talk to some others...

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The first time someone facebook imed me it freaked me the fuck out. Now i regularly talk to a few people on it so it's not that bad but the interface is really glitchy and sucks ass. I'd rather do gmail chat or aim or something.

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was in an accident today and have cracked rib and stitches, it sucks. :(

Oh shit, good to hear you're alive, though. Hopefully you recover quickly. Maybe you'll get to rest and relax at home for a few days. I hope your cluthz didn't get ripped or anything :(. Feel better

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I stupid and let myself get friendzoned with this girl. We fooled around and shit some during spring but then she moved home for the summer. I saw her tonight at a friend's when she got in band just got that vibe. Wasn't expecting serious relationship shit, but whatever. She cool and all but a bit crazy/flaky. Probably for the best. She cute though, and there's a good chance for drunken hook up sometime this month.

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1st base? 2nd base? 3rd base? If 3rd base, now is the time you treat her like dogshit, make her think you think she is gross subliminally, and that you would do any other woman on the planet besides her. She does not friend zone you, you friend zone her. Skeezy hoe.

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I think you're right. She knows i be nice guy so she try to play that too much. I know she's gonna ask me to help repaint her old room before she moves out. Fuck that noise. I wasn't going to anyways, but you right. I don't know how, but you know the situation and what would work with her personality way too well. She's cute and all, but wrapped up in her own world most the time. Not worth me caring unless the situation is staring me in the face. Shorty lookin better than she did back in april though; damn.

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Why don't you test the waters out? Not only reject the room-painting thing because you're busy with some other skeezy beezy, but also invite her to come paint your room, and see if she swallows on that.

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She leaving for another 2 weeks and i'm just gonna say fuck it for now, even though she might come over tomorrow night before she leaves tuesday so i'll try my luck. She the kind of girl who will be really excited about coming over and playing nes games at one point, see something shiny, forget about it, go out with other friends, come back, call me to hang out after or just forget. After meeting her, realizing these tendencies and flakiness, i immediately detached myself and realized we'd just be friends and occasionally bit more on certain nights.

I don't worrying bout dat shit though. Don't need to be worrying myself over it. Just a quick mini-rant after coming back from seeing her for the first time in 3 months. I'm gonna find bigger fish to fry once grad program starts.

I bitch here because my roomate is dating her good friend and my other friend knows her too. I know my roomate would tell his girlie too as he has in the past. fuckin' snitch...

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today is four weeks and one day that i have been working straight with only one half day off. full seven our eight hour days, all work and no play make astrowolf something something...

go crazy?


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i need to learn to drink in moderation..

i ain't no alcoholic, but when i drink, shit gets (far too) loose.


when there's a drink in my hand, i have the tendency to drink it as fast (generally) as possible. So basically I need to stand around w/ nothing in my hands for 10 mins between drinks

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i need to learn to drink in moderation..

i ain't no alcoholic, but when i drink, shit gets (far too) loose.

I used to get really drunk when I was drinking, drinking too fast is the problem...

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admittedly, its getting outta hand. i can't deal with these hangovers anymore.

yeah, its all about the pace. something to do with standing and drinking. and the fact ive had alot of 21sts this year = free, unlimited booze.

needa get me a self-help book or something, ha.

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