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Employment is not really an option, but I'm poor by like, stylezeitgeist standards. I don't work, I can't cop the CCP everyday, it's a tradeoff I can accept. I've learned to budget and compromise in my years; in college I'd wash and wax my BMW 540i every other week to save a little money, and limited my ricing to BBS's and P-zeros with coilover suspension rather than full-out AzN ricing, which freed up a little money for the drank. (0) Work makes you look so shitty, I've done it for like 6 months and I can't be doing that shit for the rest of my life man, my undereyes will be like black holes by then.

I think I am moving to DC in a couple weeks though, I have been neglecting my real life friends pretty badly (because I sit on an internet website and freestyle battle rap) and I heard there are a lot of corny Korean girls in NoVA that I want to see. I just gotta sort out my rentals now so I can forget about them, and then I can travel some more again. I will be hitting up your neck of the woods eventually, but you said you're done with the jap land?

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Yeah, I've had enough. Came here during college and been here now a couple years after graduating, but I'm done in about 2 months.

I fucking love this city and always will, its a manic, depressing, exhausting, and exciting place. But working in Japan will break your back, and I need a a change of scenery. Next stop London.

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London would indeed be nice. My DB friend is coming up from Sydney this fall, said he wanted to do NY. I want to see him, but fuck, I'd stay in Sydney, life seems nice down there. I have a little beach flat in Cairns that I've had given to me, that I've been wanting to go down there and flip so I can trade up to something in the Sydney CBD, you can get some nice flats for blowout prices down there it seems to me. I don't have it in me yet, but you can get a nice flat with a roof terrace, with harbor bridge and opera house views for a mil, so I'm hoping whatever I do pans out.

Eventually I will move to Sydney to settle, and my family is moving down there as well soon, so it's probably a done deal. I will probably buy a fish n chippy and surf a lot. The girls look fucking quality, there are things to do, and it's good place for getting old. I'm a bit tired of northern hemisphere life anyway, i like slim girls with a little tan and light hair. Tokyo was good for that but the uglies can outnumber the winners on the bad days, you have to admit.

I've been calling my mom lately trying to get on her good side (not likely) so I can do my latest dream, which is buying up Doorae Korean BBQ restaurant in Sydney. It's $250K for the shop, or $2.5m for the shop plus property buyout. Not likely, but that is why I call it my new dream.

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I dont know, superfuture doesn't make me feel gay when I look at it since I actively control what on superfuture I am viewing/reading etc. Therefore I guess you could say there is gay material on superfuture, but I tend not to view it.

I understand that lookbook is like facebook/waywt combined which in theory could be in fact the future after superfuture from a fashion standpoint, but after looking through a couple dozen obtuse poses, seeing a 35 yearold man take the same picture as a 14 y/o boy whom of which decided not to wear pants for his shoot, and dozens upon dozens of wayfarers and oakley frogskins..... i dunno man I'm not sure if I can just fall in line into what seems to be the international status quo of "enlightened fashion." ...

Call me whatever you want, but this sort of lifestyle might be a trend I may infact have to finally sit out on.

Saying it made me feel gay may not be 100% accurate to describe the feeling I get from lookbook, but maybe lame is a better word to describe what I draw from it.

Weird, why did I type all this?

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Tokyo was good for that but the uglies can outnumber the winners on the bad days, you have to admit.

Trouble is that's most days for me lately. Don't know if J-girls got uglier or my tastes changed, but the streets aren't what they used to be. I think the girls have just stopped trying as hard, and the emasculated men have allowed it to get out of hand.

Only been to Sydney once but really liked it down there. told myself I could live there while I was visiting. Every city could use more K BBQ.

Got a similar dream but its more a retirement thing. Would like to set up shop on a smaller island in the Ryukyu/Okinawa archipelago and just surf, fish, bang tan oki girls, and drink awamori til I die.

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s-man, that is the life. I'd just find the point where you're ahead and then retract into the life of small shopkeeping, surfing, and boning beach bunnies all day, that is my plan for my 30's and 40's. Surfing with my whitening beard, supreme tan. Drinking shandies with my breakfast.

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Also, I don't feel right matching my brown leathers together for some reason. matching brown leathers just doesn't feel right as all black. I'm trying to figure it out. like in one outfit wearing brown bag, brown shoes, black belt, i'm torn. but without bag, brown belt and shoes are cool. Or how about monochromish outfit, like all black and white up top, but with burgundy boots? sigh.

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i like to think that all the pieces in my wardrobe are versatile and everything goes with everything so sometimes i purposely wear shit together that i dont think works in trying to prove to myself it does, knowing that i can think of combinations that look better. i think i will stop this immediately

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