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Confession: I think I'm turning into a stoner. I didn't smoke much during the year because they drug test at my school, I've been smoking every weekend for the last two months, and 3 times since I got out of school on friday. 2 friends and I bought a 4th yesterday and we smoked with a gasmask. I feel like a stoner.


you're young, so if i were you i'd enjoy this to the fullest while you still can. one regret i have is i didn't do ENOUGH of that back in those days

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i feel like that sometimes too, only when my mind starts being weird though, like thinking things you wouldnt and reacting to stuff weirdly, just take a short break from smoking, you always feel much better for it, and the next time you smoke is always a good one. i only ever start being massively unmotivated, generally tired and feeling weird in my head after ive smoked a lot in a short time, so i relate to you.

make sure its in moderation though, 'too much of a good thing' and all that. :)

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i wrote a fucking A+ paper for this american classics course i'm taking (the course itself has been a load of horse-shit) and the teacher gave me a D. this is another D in a long line of D's that should be at least B's. most of the class is receiving similar grades, but i'm at a loss to why my paper, which both met and exceeded the prompt by a mile, edited by my english major brother, meticulously researched edited and revised by myself up until 2:30 the morning before it was due, was given a D. the other papers i can say were not my best work, but as i stated before deserved B's, and any other teacher would've given them as such. but there is something about this teacher, and i think he's becoming vindictive towards me and is trying to spite me just before the end of school, that is driving me fucking nuts.

i filed a formal complaint with my counselor, and my parents are going in to meet with the heads of the english department, but there is no reason whatsoever that this paper should be getting a fucking D. i'm not gonna lie, the paper is fucking ballin and a half.

Sounds like you gave that teacher a bad first impression and he or she is now biased. This is what you propose. get another english teacher to look over and mark 3 papers from the class. 2 from you classmates and your paper. The only thing is that the papers will have to be anonymous so the teacher does not know who wrote what. If you get a second bad mark your paper is crap, but if you get a good mark then you know your teacher hates you.

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Sounds like you gave that teacher a bad first impression and he or she is now biased. This is what you propose. get another english teacher to look over and mark 3 papers from the class. 2 from you classmates and your paper. The only thing is that the papers will have to be anonymous so the teacher does not know who wrote what. If you get a second bad mark your paper is crap, but if you get a good mark then you know your teacher hates you.

considering i participate and do the most work out of anyone in the actual class, i assume his bias is something based on the fact that while i do all that work and i participate, i am always late and have no credit in the course as it is. but regardless, i've done better to get in on time (never more than 5 minutes late to begin with) and to show that i'm making an effort. my theory is that this teacher is bat-shit crazy and has some sort of bs agenda against me cause he needs to make himself feel less threatened.

worst part is i haven;t gooteennnn anything back


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considering i participate and do the most work out of anyone in the actual class, i assume his bias is something based on the fact that while i do all that work and i participate, i am always late and have no credit in the course as it is. but regardless, i've done better to get in on time (never more than 5 minutes late to begin with) and to show that i'm making an effort. my theory is that this teacher is bat-shit crazy and has some sort of bs agenda against me cause he needs to make himself feel less threatened.


You said that you had gotten a couple of Ds for papers that you did not put as much effort into. Sometimes that is all it takes to make a teacher biased. Your teacher should be as objective as possible but he sounds like some jerk that has been around for a while and doesn't care like her used to.

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You said that you had gotten a couple of Ds for papers that you did not put as much effort into. Sometimes that is all it takes to make a teacher biased. Your teacher should be as objective as possible but he sounds like some jerk that has been around for a while and doesn't care like her used to.

well to break it down: i put effort into anything i'm writing, but the trend is with this class that however much effort i put into something, cut that in half and put a minus on it and thats my grade. any of the papers i write for this teacher, for any other teacher, would be a solid B. some are C's, yes, but none of the stuff i write it straight up shit. this teacher has not been around for a while, only about five or six years, and he is a fucking coot. i am not the first, nor will i be the last to complain about him in my school system.

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i just emailed ryan mcginley naked pictures of my selfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


Ryan is looking for cute fun and cool kids to spend summer with. Dates are June, July and August. Email Ryan directly for more information, please include contact information and some pics. [email protected]


Young nubile bodies for Ryan to exploit in the name of art.

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his first story about bears and fish was phenomenal, everyone dips into mediocrity at times

just wait, gotothebathroom will deliver another smash hit for the summer

I am so confused. While at first flattered by your positive reference to my story about bears and fish I am then quickly made aware that I have been lured into a trap. You have already complimented me into conveniently assigning you the following properties:



owner of good taste

But now I am forced to accept the notion that I have slipped into mediocrity, and it confuses me as just seconds before I held you in such high regard and now my ego is neccessitating that I assign you complete different properties, those being:



owner of poor taste

I suppose this whirlwind of feelings has just shown me that my opinion of other posters at this point is formed almost solely out of my own insecurities and need to protect my pride.

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i just had an hour long discussion with a homeless/crack addict. well he's not really homeless but he's on the block 22 hours out of the day. we had grub and then the conversation started. so like many other homeless & addicts he was in the miltary, was a staff sergent, served his time. got married had kids and lived in a decent part of town. he fell on some hard times and got divorced and pretty much thats when rock bottom occured.

did some odd jobs around the country one was doing drugs. eventually ended getting remarried and living in a not so good part of town with a nice addiction for crack. but even though all that shit happen to him, he's still a cool dude even though he does smokes crack. anyway we talked about pajamas and how fat chics love to wear them to wal-mart. also talked about kids sagging their jeans way to low. he said back in his day if a kids were wearing jeans at their ankles like now they would get their ass beat and given a belt afterwards. he also didnt appreciate visible skid marks. personal hygiene is big thing for him. he doesnt understand how you can take a shower and brush your teeth and you still reek of shit. when he starts to stink he said "i grab a hose get a rag and clean myself down." dudes awesome.

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Jeepster, aren't you graduating in a few weeks? The grade you got on this paper will not affect the trajectory of your life one iota. Forget it and save your energy for better things.

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Jeepster, aren't you graduating in a few weeks? The grade you got on this paper will not affect the trajectory of your life one iota. Forget it and save your energy for better things.

obviously. but i'm more incensed that this teacher graded me not on effort, but whether he agreed with what i was saying or not. who the fuck died and made him the authority on Hawthorne? regardless, i live in a house governed by academics, so when something like this happens and i tell them, its either my fault, or its the teacher's. this time it was the teacher's, but it doesn't really matter cause even after talking to him and realizing for themselves this guy is a prick, i still have to pull my weight and a half to catch up and try to get at least a C for the year. it's a whole lot of convoluted and shallow bullshit that this teacher is pulling on me, but i don't want to give him the satisfaction for his diminuitive little Bowdoin degree any gratification by failing the course. that would be too easy for both of us. i wanna get him back for this because he deserves a big FUCK YOU for being anything but a teacher. he may be some brilliant literary critic, but he's a fucking shithead prick teacher. if he wants pedagogical statisfaction to tell students they are explicitly wrong, maybe he should teach college, but in this instance, there was no reason and nothing to warrant him telling me outright that i was wrong because it was a literary analysis, not a statement of the facts. i backed up my argument with textual evidence and i referenced pertinent works - he's just a fucking prat and it was his way or the highway.

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jeep, no offense, and i like you and all, but if you put half the effort into whatever the fuck paper you were supposed to write that you just put into your last few posts in here...

i get you but i put in a solid weeks worth of effort, plus i even consulted with the teacher. this paper was quite labor intensive. my amount of posts don't corroborate to how i write my papers friend-o... it's just a load of bs on his part. sure i could've done better than i did, but i wrote a solid paper that deserved a good grade.

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i get you but i put in a solid weeks worth of effort, plus i even consulted with the teacher. this paper was quite labor intensive. my amount of posts don't corroborate to how i write my papers friend-o... it's just a load of bs on his part. sure i could've done better than i did, but i wrote a solid paper that deserved a good grade.

i feel you

unfortunately, it's not your decision to make

i'm not gonna say i'm entitled to drop knowledge here, but take it from a guy who can just barely still say he's in his mid-twenties:

school is, more often than not, less about liberal inquiry than about playing a game

try and keep that in mind, be prepared to compromise often, and you'll save yourself a lot of grief down the road

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screw all that Jeepster, complain complain complain. If teachers are allowed to establish themselves as assholes mark-wise it ruins things for kids in the future. One shitty class can affect your entire average and make the difference between a scholarship or not, etc.

Good for you for voicing yourself even if you aren't going to benefit so much from it

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If you really thought the paper was good you wouldn't need the validation of getting a good grade on it, now would you? Don't get sucked into that bullshit mane.

Shit, I do not miss school.


even though there can sometimes be quite a lot riding on that validation, even if just for the superficial purpose of a different letter.

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If you really thought the paper was good you wouldn't need the validation of getting a good grade on it, now would you? Don't get sucked into that bullshit mane.

Shit, I do not miss school.

true, and i will stick by that it is a very well written and conceived paper, but since i have not received academic validation on any of the work that i've put into the class, then what am i really getting out of it? i signed up with all intentions of learning something and it turns out the teacher is an asshat who doesn't teach jack-shit. i wanna be validated for putting in the effort and time to prove to this guy i'm smart and at some level, higher would be preferred, i can comprehend a logical thought that deserves to be recognized with an appropriate grade. a D is a fuck you. i don't play that. i keeps it real.

i feel you

unfortunately, it's not your decision to make

i'm not gonna say i'm entitled to drop knowledge here, but take it from a guy who can just barely still say he's in his mid-twenties:

school is, more often than not, less about liberal inquiry than about playing a game

try and keep that in mind, be prepared to compromise often, and you'll save yourself a lot of grief down the road

obviously, and i've compromised a lot, but i'm not gonna stand for some guy grading me on whether he agrees with it or not, despite the effort i put in.

screw all that Jeepster, complain complain complain. If teachers are allowed to establish themselves as assholes mark-wise it ruins things for kids in the future. One shitty class can affect your entire average and make the difference between a scholarship or not, etc.

Good for you for voicing yourself even if you aren't going to benefit so much from it

hah well my grades across the board are never constant. this is on account the last four years of high school were pissed away because i wasn't interested, but this year i honestly exerted myself to show that i'm worth something to the teachers as well as the colleges i applied to. and i voiced myself once this arose. there is no reason with less than 3 weeks left of school this teacher should just be shitting on me because he doesn't agree with what i write in my essays (its not only me, the class generally is getting dumped on because he is an awful teacher and fails to see this in himself). so after my parents sat down with him this afternoon and deduced that he was in fact the prick i knew he was, they worked it out that i will write another essay for a grade to make up this one. the subject matter is based on a completely different source material and but it will be the same sort of essay. the guy is just a fucking douche, no ifs ands or buts. he has this awful methodology to his teaching and sticks by the "my way or the highway" way of grading, so all in all, the only way i can achieve a decent grade is if i get down on my knees.

i'm gonna fight him to the end, but i won't give him the satisfaction of winning. i will write the paper he wants and i do it even better than what he wants as an extra fuck you to his whole schtick.

fuck, i can't wait for high school to be over.

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