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^^^ He's talking celibacy, not torture

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What if you masturbate but don't finish? Will you still be considered in a state of celibacy?

you can have sex without the climax.......sex is not all about the big "O" landho.....its a mental thing...between you and your partner.....

hahahaahahahahah..cant beleive i just said that...........

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^^^ He's talking celibacy, not torture

Some people use this "start and stop" method to increase the potency of their orgasm. This would be similar to that, except you don't start again. I guess.

you can have sex without the climax.......sex is not all about the big "O" landho.....its a mental thing...between you and your partner.....

hahahaahahahahah..cant beleive i just said that...........

I see what you did there!

But hypothetically speaking, if you're out say strutting and your junk starts rubbing up against the seam of your jeans and you get an erection, I don't think it should count against you. "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak," after all. It's different with intercourse because it's much more difficult to stick your junk into an orifice by accident.

Or, to use an example closer to home, what if you're lying on the ground and suddenly you start bumping and grinding the floor and then you realize how good it feels--so good that you might get addicted to it--but then you realize that what you're doing may constitute masturbating, so you stop. Or you don't stop. Whatever.

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so maybe you celibately masturbate .....if you want to of course..........

I couldn't help but read this as...

so maybe you celebratorially masturbate .....if you want to of course..........
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Prepare to be unhappy. Good food, sex, sleep, friends, and activites = The good life

I recently went through some relationship hell wherein the said person slept/was sleeping with someone else. That alongside a long distance relationship (from New York to SF), getting turned on does not have the same appeal any more.

Also, I am about to be somewhat homeless while I travel seven or so different cities to shoot the rest of my portrait series. That's probably the biggest thing going on in my life and the empty feeling I get about love and relationships really make it less appealing to think about sex. I am more nervous about publishing a photography book and figure it's more of a distraction to be sad/inlove/horny/etc. than to actually be productive in my career.

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I am more nervous about publishing a photography book and figure it's more of a distraction to be sad/inlove/horny/etc. than to actually be productive in my career.

Some say that voraciousness--the inability to be satisfied--is the root of all accomplishment.

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my school of thought..

celibacy is a form of meditation,, truely celibate has a mind free of sexual thoughts

when you meet someone you dont size them up for sexing etc

i was celibate for a long time

now i just dont have sex / not getting any

I think the freedom of letting go would be absolutely serene, though that wasn't the type of celibacy I was referring to.

At my age and virility, I am not expecting myself or attempting to remove myself from sexual desire. Rather, I think my curiosity lies in how much willpower I have to let myself become distracted in something that becomes less fulfilling as time passes.

I mean, I am horny like a dozen times a day, but I think that my personal life vs. my professional life is at a point where I could go home, try and get as much ass as possible to satiate my urges, and mope around as another 20-something year old…or I could learn to curb everything and channel it into something else.

I've also come to realize in the past year that my definition of success does not allow me to fully enjoy the other aspects of life, but if I am to live up to my own expectations I should actively pursue it by all means necessary.

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I currently don't have enough financial backing to pull a Spitzer. Maybe I'll try smoking more cigarettes to curb the libido.

Then again, I might have to contend with lung cancer in a few years.

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I suppose. I am a long ways away from affording Diamond(s) status though… I did end up at a whore house last Friday night when I flew back to San Francisco. We thought it was a karaoke bar. We should have known. It was called ‘Dimples’.

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Fuck I ain't going to that. I'll be getting Peter Luger for runch on that day. BOOM TIME.

tisch is not same ceremony as CAS?

fuck yo boom time noggro

i guess ill just see you around when you return to new york (if that ever happens?)

Sidney Lo's 2008 Celibacy & Boom Time World Tour - Go Fat or Go Home (and Fap)

i imagine if you're travelling that much you're gonna be boom timing a whole lot - BEST KEEP IN SHAPE YA HURD? CAUSE LORD KNOWS WE DONT NEED NO FAT AZN'S RUNNIN AMOK ALL OVER THE WORLD


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The Tisch ceremony is at Madison Square Garden on the 17th.

I'll be back in NYC the first weekend of August for the state yo-yo competition down by the seaport.

I weighed myself when I was back home this weekend; I'm still 127lbs.

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The Tisch ceremony is at Madison Square Garden on the 17th.

I'll be back in NYC the first weekend of August for the state yo-yo competition down by the seaport.

I weighed myself when I was back home this weekend; I'm still 127lbs.

CAS is this sunday @ MSG.

im unhappy there will be no hollartron going on between sufu'ers at your grad. regardless, we already talked about all those shoutouts you gotta do if you snag a mic.

"big ups to eric glennie, keepin it fresh and never giving up."

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I suppose. I am a long ways away from affording Diamond(s) status though… I did end up at a whore house last Friday night when I flew back to San Francisco. We thought it was a karaoke bar. We should have known. It was called ‘Dimples’.

I was at one of those not too long ago! Our two regular karaoke bars were filled up, so we ended up at this shady Korean place. An older Korean woman in her 40s greeted us--she was wearing a short, bright orange top, a short white skirt, and high heels. We went into one of the dimly lit private rooms and sang our guts out for around three hours. (There were about eight of us.)

We came out to see three such women eating what looked like sushi with three older, well-dressed Korean men, all in suits and smoking cigerettes and drinking alcohol. The women were all draped over the man, and a lot of laughing and close talking was going on. I think they forgot about us, because the woman who greeted us looked up and said, "Oh!" She charged us $70, which is way less than what we would have gotten charged anywhere else. I think she arbitrarily chose that number, which only strengthened my suspicion that that place was in fact a brothel. Plus, the fact that there is a shady members-only gaming parlor with heavily tinted windows in the same strip didn't help matters.

Also there was a large stray dog that was prowling around the parking lot.

We now refer to that place as Shady Karaoke.

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as soon as we move over to a fast server, this thread errupts over celibacy...

What are you subtly implying… Mister Chicken? :mad:

There shall be no such sexual innuendos in this threak!!!!

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a couple of hours ago, i watched a white man commit suicide by jumping off of the h&m building.

i could probably make a joke about it, but my feet hurt.

which one?

cause there are like a bunch.

too soon?

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the one with a diving board on the roof.
fuck. i regret missing such a great waywt oppurtunity.

just read up on it here the intrablogz

fucked up shit.

people took photos too, wtf is that.


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What are you subtly implying… Mister Chicken? :mad:

There shall be no such sexual innuendos in this threak!!!!

i guess what i'm saying is god bless the faster server. the past few pages here really make me feel like sufu is back. where we could rant and discuss anything we want without the hassle of seeing:


that's crazy red, btw.

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