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Yeah I wasn't fucking with the status like those gay little notes... I meant... relationship status.

And now I'm gonna wear Dior Homme scars everywhere to show how much I've BLED.

the: "its complicated" one is always truthful though.

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So i was playing ball today, and i went for a steal, jumped, and handed hard on the floor on my left side.. i was on the floor a bit caus i banged my elbow and hip pretty hard..

i was ok and kept playing.. after a while, i went for a drive and this guy came and blocked my way, i hit him hard and fell hard on the same side again... my elbow start to swell...

Left Elbow (not so ok side)


Right Elbow (ok side)


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I'm a tad jealous my parents are so supportive of my sister going to Berkeley... I was considering going to UC Santa Cruz way back then but at the time I felt so much pressure to be practical and go to UCR.

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I'm a tad jealous my parents are so supportive of my sister going to Berkeley... I was considering going to UC Santa Cruz way back then but at the time I felt so much pressure to be practical and go to UCR.

you should be happy for herâ„¢ :o

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you should be happy for herâ„¢ :o

OF COURSE! I'm very very happy for her.. it's not a hate hate type jealousy. She def earned the grades and all... just kinda miffed about how my parents were such an ass towards me (as the eldest in the fam) versus how much more forgiving and supportive they are with the youngest. It's only slightly, but yeah.

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I'm a tad jealous my parents are so supportive of my sister going to Berkeley... I was considering going to UC Santa Cruz way back then but at the time I felt so much pressure to be practical and go to UCR.

i feel the same way. i want to go somewhere away from san jose, but i feel pressured to do the more sensible thing and go to SJSU.

I just had my heart broken in two.

can i have a piece to wear as earrings??

anyways, i was about to make a pretty funny superconfessional until i realized that some of the parties involved might.. well actually probably will read it. i'll hold back.

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I'm a tad jealous my parents are so supportive of my sister going to Berkeley... I was considering going to UC Santa Cruz way back then but at the time I felt so much pressure to be practical and go to UCR.

You're in Riverside? Thats nuts. I'm from there. I'll be back in town for a few days at the end of the week for Coachella.

If it makes you feel any better my parents told me "you arent worth it" when I wanted to go to Berkeley and didn't have the funds. They wouldnt even pay for me to go to UCR. However they are currently paying my sisters way through UCR and will pay my brothers way through whatever school he gets accepted to...Though he is 17, 6'4" 300lbs and all county. So, they wont have to pay for it.

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but when you have that one moment that makes you happy to be alive, don't you forget the bullshit?

i guess its good i have the worst memory ever and i usually forget what i was upset about in the first place.

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in the simplest of terms, i want to kill myself. i really am not sure that life is the trick for me. i'm not extremely depressed, nor in the middle of some flight of fancy. i don't even hold some romanticised notion of death and all associated with. i am, however, a 'realist', and am contemplating this decision from a more measured perspective - one that reflects that at the very core of my being. i want to leave, because i find that living, in and of itself, will all just simply be too hard for me. there are too many hypocrisies, within and surrounding me; how am i supposed to make my way? how can you stay true to the self, to that at the very core, when everything around you demands compromise? as melodramatic as it sounds, it is a melodrama provoked and necessitated by circumstance. at a 'critical' point we arrive - we are supposed to achieve, to have accomplished, to have desires, dreams and goals to which we work toward, and are actually already working towards. we should make a difference, do something worthwhile.. why? i just really can not be fucked. there is nothing driving me, there is nothing i really, truly care for. i've lived a charmed life, i've experienced a fair bit. sure, it's a cop out; things get harder, things get easier, that's the way life goes – but, really, there is no point to it, so why bother?

*i will admit that i am listening to the first new order record while writing this, but that was only by chance.

**i feel confident that noone will read this, as there is tooooo.. much.. text...

Son...on the real...kill yourself.

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*i will admit that i am listening to the first new order record while writing this, but that was only by chance.

Fuck listening to new order. If you want to get things done, go rent and watch Stroszek. Worked for ian curtis...

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OF COURSE! I'm very very happy for her.. it's not a hate hate type jealousy. She def earned the grades and all... just kinda miffed about how my parents were such an ass towards me (as the eldest in the fam) versus how much more forgiving and supportive they are with the youngest. It's only slightly, but yeah.

my little brother fell short academically compared to me and everyone hates him in the family, I'm just the most vocal about it.

congratulations, we're asian.â„¢

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