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in this picture i see chucks, generic running shoes, and juun js. he also has rafe astros, bw bootz and dunno maybe some other shoes? (no stalker)

lulz, those be mah roomies shoes you see there

i have too many pairs of shoes but not a ridiculous amount and only one pair of astros

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On one hand it would be fun to have a significant other who was into the same clothing I was.

On the other hand it would be kind of weird

Brand synergy unite!

and yes.. if someone can find me a girl who's into UC, Visvim, Raf n Rick, and listens to Joy division, Doom, and arcade fire.. it wouldnt matter what she looked like. im in love

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I try to avoid posting anything about Seenmy these days to avoid seeming creepy.

I honestly think it would be strange if my girlfriend was into the same shit that I was. It would be fucking weird to meet her somewhere in Owens regalia and be like, "Oh, I see that you are also wearing Rick. We can wear Rick... together!"

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there is neither band nor brand synergy in this statement.

i know music influences fashions and fashion influences culture, but since when does music have to be branded with its fashions. (if that makes any sense) but im a multicultural influence and thats just my preference personally with women

hence my last two post consisting of visvim and dior runway pieces. im both disgusted and influenced when i hear that term. people are sometimes run there lives by that statement brand synergy

i made that sentence with the intentions of being two separate paragraphs



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