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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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ha. the bracelet? i couldnt care less if that didn't match with my outfit. supporting a kid that got hit by a car > matching.

im not saying sport a red one, anyways just annoys me.

"supporting a kid that got hit by a car > matching" - i think i got stupider just be re reading this 4 times and pasting/bolding/qouting.

you could look like a girl, a really ugly girl, a really really ugly girl.

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"supporting a kid that got hit by a car > matching" - i think i got stupider just be re reading this 4 times and pasting/bolding/qouting.

look who's talking?

what about this infamous one...

Originally Posted by chrisj viewpost.gif

jmatsu and hholla have 2 different compleytle difrent ways of posting, or differents tyles shut the fuck up man seriously go read what jmatsu posts and go read wht holla post there is a fucking difference esrioustl

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Yeah but my post isnt stupid, it's drunk. What I say about Jmatsu vs Holla in the way they flame is true.

Go read their posts if you have a lot of time to kill.

And no shit supporting a kid that was hit by a car > matching.

Probably the worst attempt at trying to exemplify something you would not do.

And further more, if your so against matching take off your fucking red sunglasses because, HEY, your matching! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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im not saying sport a red one, anyways just annoys me.

"supporting a kid that got hit by a car > matching" - i think i got stupider just be re reading this 4 times and pasting/bolding/qouting.

you could look like a girl, a really ugly girl, a really really ugly girl.

Yeah but my post isnt stupid, it's drunk. What I say about Jmatsu vs Holla in the way they flame is true.

Go read their posts if you have a lot of time to kill.

And no shit supporting a kid that was hit by a car > matching.

Probably the worst attempt at trying to exemplify something you would not do.

And further more, if your so against matching take off your fucking red sunglasses because, HEY, your matching! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

in case he edits this later...

Calvin wins

it's 1:47, goodnight

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I'm still not seeing the huge issue with Calvin's fits... yes, he's not the best dressed on SuFu, but he's not worst either.

Anyone care to point out just what makes him so ridiculous and worthy of being in this thread?

Nothing at all tbh, but this bickering is kinda entertaining.

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develop a proper pose that won't make you look like a complete retard...

don't stand so rigit, but don't slouch. look relaxed.

look into the camera properly - don't look uptard or downtard. that just makes people think you're a pretentious bastard.

also, don't flail your hands or place them anywhere you want - actually be aware of how your hands and shit will be presented in the photo.

and seriously, take those fuckin crappy ass livestrong bands off. that fad was ages ago, and no matter how much you support livestrong or any other 'charitible organisation' (if such a thing exists), lance armstrong is still not going to be get his (left or right?) testicle back.

i can tell your sense of righteousness is only for 'looks' or a just for a selfish feeling of fulfilment, if you truly want to benevolently donate something, do it without trying to appeal for sympathy from others in the case of shitty ass wristbands. noone fuckin cares if you give $2 for a fuckin wristband. your money won't cumulate shit all - in fact, it's just a tiny percentage of everyone else's. do you really think you're that special because you donated a fraction of a percentage of your weekly pay/allowance to such an organisation? cause i don't.

to that picture that dino might! posted, after looking at it again made me (figuratively speaking) want to removing my eyes from their sockets and dunk them into a vat of vomit whilst rolling around in a tyre burning facility.

i'm not telling you to fix your style, yet. just fix yourself.

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I think the quality of the picture is deceiving people a bit..

i think the fact that you are focusing too much on the bad quality of the picture is deceiving you, not making you realize how much of a bad/unisex fit that is.


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Its too bad that most of Mr. Co's posts get deleted from the waywt thread by the mods because theres some good ones that would apply to this thread.......but the way I see it, his fit posts on waywt should get deleted because theyre way more offensive :P .....remember when he used to pose while "talking" on his cell phone?? lol ...so homo......like there was even anyone on the other end...

....I just think the reason alot of people have no respect for him is because we all know he wouldnt dare run his mouth in the real world the way he does on SF...

p.s. I think we should all lay off the kid...he was still one of the first to sport Skulls on SF...and for that he's alright in my books...i can put up with little shits

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I'm still not seeing the huge issue with Calvin's fits... yes, he's not the best dressed on SuFu, but he's not worst either.

Anyone care to point out just what makes him so ridiculous and worthy of being in this thread?

agreed...it seems like there's a trend of group bashing on here, out of nowhere someone will get picked on, everyone will join in on the gangbang and eventually repeat this process w/ another person. i dont get it...maybe i haven't been paying attention to his posts, but i dont see whats so irritating about them.

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agreed...it seems like there's a trend of group bashing on here, out of nowhere someone will get picked on, everyone will join in on the gangbang and eventually repeat this process w/ another person. i dont get it...maybe i haven't been paying attention to his posts, but i dont see whats so irritating about them.

Everyone loves drama.

Or maybe everyone deep down really hates everyone else and won't admit it till someone else finally does... who knows?

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we all like flame wars on forums

it happens on every forum and will keep going

doesnt really matter if u think someone's outfit is ridiculous, what matters is that if you do post something abt the outfit, try make it a little constructive! its hard to do since most of us spends less than 0.000000000003 seconds thinking of what we typed on the quick reply box before pressing the Post Quick Reply button

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Wasn't Hap the first person to sport Skulls on Sufu?

hap was the one who started the skulls thread, but i believe calvin was one of the first to buy them and take pictures (at least in that thread).

it seems like there's a trend of group bashing on here, out of nowhere someone will get picked on, everyone will join in on the gangbang and eventually repeat this process w/ another person.

i disagree. when people get gangbanged there's usually a reason. where there's vultures, there's stinking carrion. i might not agree with the hate, but i can usually at least see where the haters are coming from. but i usually agree.

how the fuck do i look like a girl, anyway?

calvin's problem is one of body shape. if you're going to wear really tight clothes, ideally you need to be a stick from head to toe so you can have a nice slim silhouette.

calvin is plenty skinny enough but unfortunately, he has big hips relative to his waspish waist and his soft, delicate shoulders. this gives him a girlish figure.

to deemphasize the hips i would say go with a slightly less fitted look to give the illusion of a straight, slim silhouette from top to bottom.

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develop a proper pose that won't make you look like a complete retard...

don't stand so rigit, but don't slouch. look relaxed.

look into the camera properly - don't look uptard or downtard. that just makes people think you're a pretentious bastard.

also, don't flail your hands or place them anywhere you want - actually be aware of how your hands and shit will be presented in the photo.

A lot of these points really do have an effect on the overall look of the photo, I don't really follow all of 'em but a simple thing as how I used to hold my arms in WDYWT pics not noticing anything wrong really threw my appearance off.

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the reason i nominate this isn't so much the outfit, but the sense of ambiguity i got from this post really threw me off. If I'm wrong in my judgment, i can negate this nomination...but until then:

the combination of the ambiguous username 'jay' and the 'man'gina as referenced before, makes it hard for me to decipher whether this user is male or female. If it's a female, my apologies this look is fresh. If it's a guy, then [pauliewalnuts]ehhhh.....[/pauliewalnuts]

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p.s. I think we should all lay off the kid...he was still one of the first to sport Skulls on SF...and for that he's alright in my books...i can put up with little shits

what are sKuLLs and where can I cop?!?!?!

p.s. but seriously everytime I see Mr. CO's avatar, it makes me want to run around with a samurai sword and go chopping off limbs... (no offense personally)

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