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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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eww, it looks like you have a 'baby arm' dont know why that weirds me out so much.

hadn't noticed that myself but its great all the same...keep up the weird angles

also jus my 2cents...

not all fat ppl are ugly and stupid but sometimes stupid ugly ppl happen to be fat...

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nothing is really working here.. the pieces aren't great to start off with, and aside from that nothing really fits or works well for him, and how it all comes together as a whole just is bad IMO.


Same goes for this one...


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There's no point in posting this in the main thread because it'll just get moved here.

Pic from my meetup with MASUERTE (the cruel man who requested that I post or die :( ).

edit-- masuerte never told me to post in this thread. i did it by myself because im a masochist. hahahaha

--- FROM SATRUDAY- Cinco de Mayo


Pants are my contest sammies. that is the only possible thing of interest.

and today after cutting some TERRIBLE pinstripe pants to make some TERRIBLE pinstripe shorts = PINSTRIPE OVERLOAD, YES YES YES!

Oh, and new haircut too because it was so bummy.



K.... FLAME ON!! ;)

jmatsu, you NEVER disappoint me.... HAHAHAA i love you!!! NO SARCASM. yes homo across the board?!!!!!!!!!! -- oh and i edited just to insert that thing about masuerte never telling me to post in this thread.

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Guest jmatsu

and today after cutting some TERRIBLE pinstripe pants to make some TERRIBLE pinstripe shorts = PINSTRIPE OVERLOAD, YES YES YES!

Oh, and new haircut too because it was so bummy.



K.... FLAME ON!! ;)

wallowing in your own self-pity? the member who told you to directly post into the worst waywt or die was way out of line. a better suggestion would have been simply to just take your own life and die.

do you enjoy getting shit on? are you a masochist? whatever possessed you actually purchase and wear this crap (if your mother purchased this for you, fucking punch her in the head!), let alone post it?? it is because of this post that a part of the world/humanity actually died today.

added bonus: the interior of your room sucks and so does your haircut (but you knew that already, didn't you?).

i wish i could smash those sunglasses and shove the shards up your dickhole.

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^ ouch... dickhole. the closest thing to jmatsu getting on someone's jock. Hope you're happy now you self depricating azn80i you.

dammit TED! I told this guy to post on the waywt thread not the worst one... this guy is so funny. Har har. I'm so tempted to post it on waywt whether you like it or not, I took it after all.

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'cause they know their fit is lame, and they don't want someone else putting it in here.

for example, my last waywt post;


flame if you please. it allows me to learn from my horrid fashion mistake(s). lol

and yes, i know my pants look strange--enough said.

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I just think those type of shoes don't go well with that kinda baggy jeans. The silhuette gets totally thrown off with that combination. Otherwise it looks like a pretty unassuming fit with the hoodie.

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If you post your own fit in here whats the point of even posting it in the first place? Unless you really want advice (more power to you) dont do it. Its retarded.

Ken I hate the color combination of purple and red. It just looks terrible. Perhaps find a different pair of shoes to wear with the hoodie or vice versa. Also, whats the point of pulling your sleeves up 2 inches. It doesnt do anything to cool you down. Try picking one article of clothing and working around that. Finally, I think you have the worst username EVER. Noob for life. Haha.

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Lol I really don't know why chrisj keeps posting pics from years ago. This is what are you wearing TODAY, not 3 fucking years ago.

These hypebeast outfits really aren't as bad as everyone is saying, there has been much worse in this thread. Everyone is just jumping on the "LOL U LOOK RETARDED" bandwagon.

hahaha, dazzle im sorry.. i thot it wld pretty interesting... but i guess not... i really like the fit at the time, but i guess the pose and angle does not do it justice.

ps: im not posting no more old photos :D DONTWORRY!! hahaha

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Finally, I think you have the worst username EVER. Noob for life. Haha.

i disagree. there are plenty of people with worst usernames than mine. because some have names which interchanging upper case and lower case letters.

i'll probably change my username soon anyhow (when i feel i've become less of a noob). i already have the username "Ken" lol:D

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short's fit is off, colors off, shoes dont go, socks dont either, and i always thought wearing one brand of sneakers on your shirt whilst wearing a different brand on your feet was just silly

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short's fit is off, colors off, shoes dont go, socks dont either, and i always thought wearing one brand of sneakers on your shirt whilst wearing a different brand on your feet was just silly

Wearing a brand of sneakers on your chest is just silly whatever. Levis is for jeans, Nike is for trainers (and the stuff you wear to the gym), etc.

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Wearing a brand of sneakers on your chest is just silly whatever. Levis is for jeans, Nike is for trainers (and the stuff you wear to the gym), etc.

I would normally agree with you, but Nike's old school tennis stuff (CHALLENG COURT, GODDAMN!) is fucking hot fire. Beautiful shit...wouldn't mind wearing on court or off.

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got caught taking a shit at a party last night, this was the only pic i got with the full fit in





fred perry

is this supposed to illicit a chuckle...did you think to yourself..."i bet everyone will think it's a hoot if i take a photo of myself dropping a deuce and post it on waywt...but wait it is kind of stupid.Hmmm, maybe i shouldn't.....oh, what the hell I'LL DO IT, GOSH"

don't tell us this was the only pic you got with the full fit...what, did the fit go home for the night...were you only able to get "the fit" together for a short photo shoot on the throne before they had to split the party, leaving you awkwardly naked in your "birthday fit." what about your underwear...did it stick around for the duration of the night? was is just a shitty party, so much so that your dior's couldn't take the "vintage bowie" kept on rotation and had to get the fuck out before it's seams came undone...

and don't give us that bull shit about getting "caught taking a shit at a party" - first of all when i'm going to take a party shit i ALWAYS make sure the door locks...rule numero uno. if the door don't lock at some unfamiliar shitter then i ain't droppin' one. just tell us that you put the camera on a timer and set it on the shelf across from the pot and waited intently for 10 seconds for your "self portrait on toilet." or maybe you had a friend take it...telling the truth doesn't make it better it just makes you honest, and that's a step.

hey, the next time you and your fit get together for a party at a friends house...make sure they stick around till the next morning...it makes the walk of shame a lot more comfortable...


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