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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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^^^^sorry about the picture quality. the jeans are not black but they are blue. yeah the carpet is kinda ulgy. n the mj well they are brown. but for 40 dollars i couldnt past up on the shoes.

Im talking about the top and shoes. A change of kicks and it looks fine, but the black and brown is pretty bad.

Black and brown can be done (its gotta be fucking good, though)...but when it's poop colored brown and black :(

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yes the sweater is brown and the shoes is brown. but i still dont know where you get the black from. i agree. the mj aint my favorite shoes but i wear them from time to time. maybe the outfit would look better with some black shoes? white? any ideas?

Last night that shit was black. Maybe i need to get my eyes checked.

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i like dcrev40

even though he's one of those kids that post up at supreme like they sell drugs there

he is resilient and consistent

he likes what he likes and doesn't pander to the superfuture hive mind.

i think some people forget that he could go over to the hypebeast and have his e-peen sucked all day but he chooses to post here instead.

Sufu hive mind is a myth

however hype beasting is real and its ugly its really about liking anything or even being original its blindly following labels blindly

the fact that dressing like bucket head can be called "well dressed" should make us all hang our heads in shame at how we will have to justify this to our children

im done ragging on this kid

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feedin this thing for jmatsu


i knwo some of you like to wear your pants slung low but this just looks bonkers. got the diaper ass effect goin

i don't think subject deserves the wrath of the worst waywt, but everyone's on point about the jeans. i don't care for the cut of his shit either. i know that various cuts are purposely made like this, but if you're short-stay the fuck away from this.

obviously the rise is way too long. the crotch is totally too baggy and unproportioned to that of his legs. simply, if the rise is long and the crotch/butt area is too big (and IF you're a short motherfucker), it's going to make your legs look stumpy-short thus giving you that fucking cartoon ala bluto from popeye effect. at least mc hammer could dance and knew his shit was gay. i doubt it, but i pray to god that these weren't modifed to attain this look. dude is asian, he doesn't need this much crotch space.

again this guy isn't the worst, but if there was a "worst-what-kind-of-fucked-up-pants/jeans-cut-are-you-wearing-today? thread," maybe he would make the cut(no pun intended) or just maybe rookie of the year.

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^ jmatsu that was kinda insulting for all the asian peeps.! Maybe he's a tall mofo with a high rise denim.

i'm pretty much asian, and i am a realist. yeah maybe he's 6 feet tall. i guess the camera lies sometime.

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those shoes are HUGE :eek::eek::eek:. I feel kind of bad since he's new and all, but wouldn't any normal person at least take a look around WAYWT before diving right in? or maybe he has so little self-awareness that nothing was out of place to him

lol most of america still wear shoes like that from pac sun. its even worse when girls do it. (sorry girls)

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dear dasman

not sure if your still tuned in

first of all, impressed by your wwillingness to accept criticism, without being bitter

what i dont like about that pic:

dont like the way you wear that hood. the sides next to your face look too stretched. just not the right cut for you.

then i dont like the sunglasses indoors thing. i know you were taking pics to post on here but whatever. dont like it

then the denim tux. been talked about before, ill just say ive never liked ddenim jackets and more so when worn with jeans.

dunks and slim fitting jeans looks clunky. i prefer slimmer profile shoes/sneakers

finally the pose is awkward looking, dont like the mirror coz it looks cheap.

thats about it.

anyway, dont take any of us too seriously, do what you need to do

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ok here we go again. jeans? shoes? just wrong.

not only is the fit wrong, but the actual articles themselves are eyesores.

crappy fit and crappy clothes. doodoo plus doodoo equals more doodoo.

double punch!

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That's Tom86, a refugee from the Fashion Spot.

personally i'm not feeling the outfit. It looks like an assortment of clothes you'd find at a designer outlet in Italy, and I'd say that applies to his overall style too. Doesn't feel very elegant. No offense to you Tom, but IMO i would say wait a few more years before wearing those labels/clothes. It's hard enough to pull that stuff off without looking like a fashion victim, if you're as young as you are and do it it looks even more trying. If you're older and have the personality for it, it can work so it's not a total lost cause...

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