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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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Im not trying to pick on you personally...but CAN WE GET OVER THE FUCKING FLANNEL ALREADY!

I agree with your other picks but I really like this one.

not a big fan of the baggy jeans + oversized lumberjack flannel -look but this is nothing like that. this seems like just a nice basic shirt, not sure if it even is flannel or just plaid.

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I agree with your other picks but I really like this one.

not a big fan of the baggy jeans + oversized lumberjack flannel -look but this is nothing like that. this seems like just a nice basic shirt, not sure if it even is flannel or just plaid.

Oh, i agree with you mike...i like the fit.

It was just after pages and pages of flannel...he was the unfortunate victim.

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and he keeps getting compliments... i'm totally confused. None of this looks good. None of it fits... at all. That hat is completely ridiculous. The jacket is ugly and doesn't match. And he has baggy jeans and popped tongues. So much ugly in one picture!

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and he keeps getting compliments... i'm totally confused. None of this looks good. None of it fits... at all. That hat is completely ridiculous. The jacket is ugly and doesn't match. And he has baggy jeans and popped tongues. So much ugly in one picture!

well, as everyone else says, he's doing his own thang...so it's cool.....at least that's the excuse every else always give....blah

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For once I actually disagree with you, I think DC definately rocks his stuff the way he likes and it looks good. If anything I`d say the items are lacking.

yeap we gonna have to disagree on this guys look man,agreed he dose his own thing and dosent follow the slim all over trend we have on here,but he just for me never carries what he wears imo it always looks sloppy but not in a good way tounges popped out is a pet hate and im sorry i hate thhe way he wears those hats.the style is one i like he just dosent carry it

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yeap we gonna have to disagree on this guys look man,agreed he dose his own thing and dosent follow the slim all over trend we have on here,but he just for me never carries what he wears imo it always looks sloppy but not in a good way tounges popped out is a pet hate and im sorry i hate thhe way he wears those hats.the style is one i like he just dosent carry it

Yeah okay personally I think popped tongues look good, why not show off the shoes?

also beanies look cool with long hair imo, suits his style..just imo of course

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Guest StuckOnStupid
i cant dis ghost.... he rhymes well enough to be beyond fashion critique.

anyone on here who can out-rhyme ghost, you get a free pass to wear whatever the fuck you want.

good answer.

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i dont know...anyone who can get away with wearing a bigass gold eagle on his forearm is entitled to wear some bigass pants.

word, you cant fuck with ghost. dude can pull of anything. when he had a gig here, he had gone to a local department store and gotten some sz44 marlboro classics jeans and was rocking them with the tags on.


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hoodie, pin rolls, and shoes... i just dont like it at all.

damn... never thought id put hap in here.

i agree with you cheap, plus it looks like he's pinrolled w/o wearing any socks...


and to avoid a huge battle with the rest of you, i normally am ok with cult's fits, but this one is just a bad robert smith tribute. shirt is like a tall tee from footlocker and the jeans are tucked into his shoes. the 80's were fine, and it's fun to see pics from that era, but reliving the bad trends from the 80's does not carry over today.

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see... i think its just hes on some next NEXT level shit... spearheading the 90s revival 5 years early. every time i see him post i feel like im back in 9th grade. its a perfect 94-95 skate style, down to the tongues.

what up jay nigerelli...

a kid spearheading early 90's when he was barely born in the 90's...

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and to avoid a huge battle with the rest of you, i normally am ok with cult's fits, but this one is just a bad robert smith tribute. shirt is like a tall tee from footlocker and the jeans are tucked into his shoes. the 80's were fine, and it's fun to see pics from that era, but reliving the bad trends from the 80's does not carry over today.


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