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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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By no means is that a bad fit. He has a stocky build, and is obviously a pretty large guy. Now, taking that into account, I think his clothing (although nothing to really rave about) fits him very well. Those aren't even stacks on his sleeves, just elbow-creases.

Can you say why you think his fit is bad?

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  eggshell said:
This is a bunk argument. When it comes down to it, you know that a huge number of people don't post fits, and by posting you're opening yourself up to criticism.

I'm pretty sure a restaurant manager doesn't say "oh I've never seen this guy cook his opinion doesn't matter..." when a customer complains

actually you are just using a bad analogy here.

there is no customer and supplier in waywt, a more fitting analogy would be one of an art school critique, where in order for your criticism to be meaningful you should be producing work yourself.

if somebody does not post up outfits there is no reference point for the person being critiqued, and therefore no way to know how much of the critique is worth taking heed of.

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  eggshell said:
This is a bunk argument. When it comes down to it, you know that a huge number of people don't post fits, and by posting you're opening yourself up to criticism.

I'm pretty sure a restaurant manager doesn't say "oh I've never seen this guy cook his opinion doesn't matter..." when a customer complains

your fit looks bad and that's that

This isn't a restaurant. Post up or shut up.

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Yeah I know that sweaters, jeans, black boots are nothing special, but since I remembered, I took a picture anyway--nothing revolutionary, but also not in the category of worst waywt.

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  Servo2000 said:
It makes sense considering that WAYWT itself has pretty much turned into 'shit people wear around the house' (or at least looks like it has)

no no that's the 'workwear' movement


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  soonami said:
I've never seen any of your WAYWT's Citizen, so I don't think you can credibly say anything. I might not always have the best fits, but I'll post whenever I remember--I don't just sit around in internet anonymity and criticize others. At least I'll put my shit out there.

As for sleeve stacks, that what happens to a sweater when you spend all at a lab bench pipetting, you get some mad combs on your elbows. And yes, Edmond and I look remarkably similar, except I'm about 4 inches taller.

Awww you can't take the hate but you sure can dish it? My whole point was you bitch about everyone else but the minute someone talks about you you get all pussy hurt. It's the fuckin internet I don't live my life around it so say wtf you want. You give soxfan all the shit and then some. He's a kid for god sake so if you can dish it learn to take it or get out of the sandbox.

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  Citizen said:
You give soxfan all the shit and then some. He's a kid for god sake so if you can dish it learn to take it or get out of the sandbox.

Citizen, you're certainly entitled to a subjective opinion about what you think makes a good fit, and if you truly believe that soonami's fit is 'worst waywt', you should've come out and tell us what you thought was bad about it.

I'm not sure if I've fully understood you however, as you seem to be saying that you posted soonami's fit here and he should accept it by virtue of the fact that he picks on soxfan.

I don't think that was the best way of proving your point.

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expensive sweaters + expensive denim = expensive mediocrity.

the price is justified by the quality.

these are all the things ive learned thanks to superdenim.

And citizen doesnt look bad. Thats just how vintage sweaters look with wear. His clothes fit how they should and arent too tight or baggy. I think dudes got a nice, comfortable everyday fit. Hell, im wearing that same fit more or less right now

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  Citizen said:
Awww you can't take the hate but you sure can dish it? My whole point was you bitch about everyone else but the minute someone talks about you you get all pussy hurt. It's the fuckin internet I don't live my life around it so say wtf you want. You give soxfan all the shit and then some. He's a kid for god sake so if you can dish it learn to take it or get out of the sandbox.

I do not think that my waywt belonged in the worst thread, and I didn't think you had the credibility to say so so either. I think that soxfan's posted waywt are pretty awful on some days and that the way he dresses could be the subject of ridicule by people in the real world. If it makes him happy to wear what he wears that's great because we all wear what we like, but that doesn't mean he won't get laughed at.

Soxfan might be a kid, but if he posts then he is going to get scrutinized. I know he's an easy target, but there's probably 50 other kids dressed like that lurking on sufu and what I'm saying to these people that just because you can buy expensive pieces of clothing doesn't mean it looks good. There's an element of taste and style that is lacking, needing to be developed.

Citizen, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I just do not agree. I've taken a lot of hate on the SF waywt thread before, ask zissou, and I took it with a grain of salt. People have different tastes and maybe there's a forum somewhere that digs soxfan's style, but it's not here.

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  Zubin said:

expensive sweaters + expensive denim = expensive mediocrity.

this is why i don't get some of the selfedge only guys who are dressed top to bottom in selfedge lame basics. they look like fuddy duddy 40 year old white collars who decided they'd play mechanic one day.

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  Double D said:
'Posting fits whenever you remember' is all well and good in theory, but is there really any need to clog waywt up with pictures of a chubby guy wearing a plain sweater/plain jeans/plain boots?

I mean, if that floats your boat I can probably get my dad to start posting.

you should.

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