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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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what. nobody liked my N. Hoolywood? seriously? Fuck this. I'm gonna get all FAM0US on you guys.

btw, the correct answer to my question was 'billykirk. billykirk. billykirk.'

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You referring to the shirt? Nah didn't like the shirt. Too big and pastel-y from the pics. Also I couldn't figure out why you said it was a summer fit, but you seemed to be in a sweatshirt and jeans (which is not my ideal summer fit).

I am very partial to Margiela footwear though and APC will probably be my next denim purchase.

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Disliking that fit is not something that anyone needs to 'try hard' to do. Hap'c critique was so blithe and whatnot that I didn't even realize who was saying it until I went back and re-read.

There are two other members that wear that vest and it doesn't look good on any of you.

You misunderstood what I was saying, the comment reads as if he sat as his computer for 20 minutes trying (hard) to think of something clever and funny instead of just saying 'this sucks'.

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You misunderstood what I was saying, the comment reads as if he sat as his computer for 20 minutes trying (hard) to think of something clever and funny instead of just saying 'this sucks'.

I'm not misreading it - you attempted to deflect Hap's critique by speculating about how long it took him...subtly framing him as 'caring too much' because his reply was...too intelligent? People do it all the time when they can't come up with any other response.

BTW your fit sucks. Is that better?

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Dior Homme

Common Projects



i dont mean this as hate

!2onnel you looked better in head to toe Supreme concept

Nigga if you tryin to dress up, dress up.


puttin yourself to shame by tryin to dress like JackPhotography

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i dont mean this as hate

!2onnel you looked better in head to toe Supreme concept

Nigga if you tryin to dress up, dress up.


puttin yourself to shame by tryin to dress like JackPhotography

where's sayword

there is shit to be stirred

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im in the same area code as fam0us right now i hope he doesnt beat me up


Dude's about as real as his tat's

ppl hate on famous cuz he's a fake gangsta spending money to impress the internet.

workin' at the shit factory n sellin' weed. so gangsta!


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don't be jealous cos he be rocking that shit better then you cos he got it made


he doesn't jiggle that much more then you but even so, 78>FAMOUS.

edit-this was suppose to go right under famous post but egpt beat me to it :(

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Did you just say I jiggle?

Wtf, I lol'd. How am I jealous Whitney?

Egpt, you way off dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I already showed how that angle was messed up, but you too hard headed and just wanna be on my sack. WHATS NEW?

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why do you guys even bother to argue with FAM0US. this niggah ran his hs and doesn't give a fck what you think cuz he's already got a fam and a hot wifey so :confused:

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