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good hip hop

mike lowrey

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that's ok. thanks for sharing.

ok wait, are u guys talking about common's "a dream" from the freedom writers soundtrack? cause that was way back in january..

i guess i get where u guys are coming from, cause it sucks that he rehashed "so far so good" from dilla's the shining which released a year ago.

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Von Pea "Grand Vonye" (cat from Tanya Morgan)

Gave that album a chance and it went nowhere... meh.

Just got the new Skyzoo mixtape off RappersIKnow.com (same place I found Grand Vonye), though, about to start listening to it.

EDIT: Skyzoo music MINUS 9th Wonder production PLUS Kay Slay shitty shouting over everything EQUALS complete garbage... deleted after three songs, out of spite and not because of any particular need of hard drive space.

On a more positive note, thumbs up to Prefuse 73 and Antipop Consortium. Anyone have recommendations for similar artists, making more electronic style of hip hop?

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ok wait, are u guys talking about common's "a dream" from the freedom writers soundtrack? cause that was way back in january..

i guess i get where u guys are coming from, cause it sucks that he rehashed "so far so good" from dilla's the shining which released a year ago.

who? where? wait, what? :confused:

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The new Common album is horrible. Its a recycled Be minus all the good parts. Theres maybe 1 good song on that.



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The new Common album is horrible. Its a recycled Be minus all the good parts. Theres maybe 1 good song on that.



I disagree about the Common album...I think it's a refined version of Be, not recycled lol, and I happen to think most of the production is on point, as well as the concepts, guest appearances, and Common's rapping.

But I do agree about the Pimp C part LOL

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I'm with un here, very well put. the album feels somehow more versatile then Be, which liked very much as well. theres not a single track on the album I skip and production is very very on point. Forever Begins is one of the best produced tracks in a long time, I'm so psyched about the drums, the vocal sample and everything. Kanye's drumming is sick as well, dude is a beast.

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Grabbing that mixtape right now...Crazy that Frank Miller is working for OKPLAYER now. I used to read his blog about 8 years ago when he was still in college in Texas. I think he linked to my site once which was pretty rad....

Big up to FWMJ.

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Surprised that this is the only mention in the entire thread.


Can't embed. With Zach de la Rocha on the drums.


Spoken word video

I'm not surprised, because he's a horrible horrible MC.

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The best part of that song was at the end when Jeezy says "nah im serious nigga i got money"

Its real short and sweet, but completely made my day.

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So I'm a little late, but I finally gave Common's new album a good once over, and I honestly didn't like it all that much. Common didn't seem to have anything new to say, and half way through the album, I felt like I already heard everything. 'The People' and 'Southside' were solid, but none of the other tracks were that captivating. And in my opinion, Lily Allen was under utilized in 'Drivin' Me Wild.' All she did was sing the hook. You can plug Nelly Furtado / Fergie / any other pop-hip hop singer in and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. 'Forever Begins' started off well and the beat seemed to have some composition to it; building up as Common got in his groove, but the spoken word bit at the end killed the song for me. That part added nothing to the track, and dragging the entire track out to 7:30 was just irritating more than anything else.

I can't put my finger on it, but there was something fresh about 'Be.' Common seemed sharper on that album. Maybe it was the fact that people had written him off after 'Electric Circus' and he needed to come back strong with something catchy/fun but still well written. This time around, he seemed to lack energy and went the way of reiterating old material. I'm going to give this album a couple more listens, though, maybe it'll grow on me, but at this point, I doubt it.

I know some of you have been listening to this album for a good week already. I'm curious to hear your thoughts after multiple listens.

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I hate chris brown more than life its self, but I will say, Jadakiss killed it on the remix I keep hearing on hot97.

"Something Something about chillin in a fresh white V neck" had me thinking about superfuture. Kiss wasn't wearing no V's last summer. Hmmmmm.....Lurker?

Anyway, I've always liked him even though I doubt his credibility, he's a gifted entertainer who always comes up short on the album tip, but has been killing guest appearances and mixtapes since BIG was king.

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Anyway, I've always liked him even though I doubt his credibility, he's a gifted entertainer who always comes up short on the album tip, but has been killing guest appearances and mixtapes since BIG was king.

word, songs feat. Jada are usually pretty dope but his albums are weak

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And in my opinion, Lily Allen was under utilized in 'Drivin' Me Wild.' All she did was sing the hook. You can plug Nelly Furtado / Fergie / any other pop-hip hop singer in and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. 'Forever Begins' started off well and the beat seemed to have some composition to it; building up as Common got in his groove, but the spoken word bit at the end killed the song for me. That part added nothing to the track, and dragging the entire track out to 7:30 was just irritating more than anything else.

personally I think her voice is pretty distuingishable which makes the song slightly more interesting. what goes for Forever Begins, sure the pops skit could've been its own track, but for me it doesn't change the fact that the song part is absolutely killer. and it kind of fits the vibe of the whole track, so far it hasn't bothered me at all.

Anyway, I've always liked him even though I doubt his credibility, he's a gifted entertainer who always comes up short on the album tip, but has been killing guest appearances and mixtapes since BIG was king.

my thoughts exactly, I've always had a soft spot for Jada, his albums are always suspect but his feats can be pretty dope.

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I guess the idea of album y being a refined version of album x is ridiculous to me. I dont want you to release a refined version of your last album. Get it right the first time, then move on with your next. Ive never heard anyone get praise for releasing the same album twice.

Now let me go put Southside on loop.

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well I just used "refined" to describe my feelings of the album, to me it feels a bit more better made in some way. of course it would be odd for an artists to think like that. at the end of the day I like both albums a lot and to me they dont really even sound that similar to me.

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best mixtapes ever

out of brooklyn

the next big L



idk how i feel about him.

i know most of his lyrics are good.

but i find his style and voice sooooooo fucking boring. i can't get thru a whole song.

i don't know what it is.

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