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Shoes that look better with age...


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Love the Rat stompers !!! If my Malton age similarly I will be well chuffed . Sending these of after easter for a commando at Shoehealer , thanks to CTB pics for convincing me .

My dark tan Sanders are definitely getting there tho , give them a few more months !!!!

Great pics , keep us posted .

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  merzbot said:
some snaps of my scotch grain espresso stow boots

Mate, they're beautiful and I'd love to see what they'd look like with a couple of hours TLC spent on them :D

  mikedbt5 said:
Sending these of after easter for a commando at Shoehealer , thanks to CTB pics for convincing me .

He's resoling the Lotus boots at the moment; I've gone for another Victory sole unit as I wanted something more rugged than studded dainite but with a lower profile than a ridgeway or commando sole...

He's started to produce limited order MTO collaboration boots, too (Shoehealer x Tricker's?) - they'll retail for normal price as they will be produced in (limited) numbers as opposed to one-offs. Drop him a line with your details to get on the mailing list.

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  fre$co said:
I too am about to send some redwings to the shoe healer based on your recommendation.

My old man managed to get the welt stitching to separate on his GTs in less than a year.

So the shoe healer can do like any brand like hukuruju?

New soles?

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I keep getting these scuff marks by accident all over my beeswax clarks. It makes the color at that scuff turn a much lighter brown. I have a scuff about the size of my thumb at the front of the shoes. Is that bad? o.o Looks like weird.

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  bennnnny said:
I keep getting these scuff marks by accident all over my beeswax clarks. It makes the color at that scuff turn a much lighter brown. I have a scuff about the size of my thumb at the front of the shoes. Is that bad? o.o Looks like weird.

The beeswax Clarks take scratches and gouges constantly, but unless you went through a few layers of leather it will just blend in over time. Don't worry about it. The next layer of treatment will also make it harder to notice.

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  denimjunky said:
So the shoe healer can do like any brand like hukuruju?

New soles?

Drop Richard a line with your job specs and see what he says - I think he's more of a workmanlike cobbler than an artisan one, if that makes sense...

On a different note, if anyone UK-based needs a source of Saphir shoe care shit, I can recommend afinepairofshoes.co.uk - they got my order out to me on the next working day (£1 extra for 1st Class post).

They also have some bloody decent mark-downs on a lot of AS and C&J models, have a gander and see what whets your whistle...

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  Paul T said:
Interesting indeed - from the time of their last financial crisis. I hope the story they're undergoing a new one is incorrect.

My understanding ( from Tredders) is they are still producing, but I think there are minimum orders (200 pairs were mentioned) and cash up front requirements and also they will be upping the price by around £50-£80 on the whole range for new orders. Existing stock is cheaper unless you buy from Plumsoles which appear to have applied new pricing to old stock.......

I guess Marshalls couldn't meet the minimum order requirements? If so that's a great pity.

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That's good information, thanks. If they're hiking prices they need to get some good partnerships going, and get into the sort of places - the bureau, present - that truckers have moved into. I hope it works for them - I certainly intend to spearhead, along with ctb, the zug revival

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  Christmas In A Submarine. said:

I love this line:

“We had brown laces and black laces,†said Ed Pawlowski, the head patternmaker, shaking his head at the memory. “What more did you need?"

It must be an interesting experience for the 'old timers' working in these companies (Red Wing, Viberg, Alden etc.) to be making new models or old models with new colors (think blue suede RWs).

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Nice get-together, BF :)

  Paul T said:
I certainly intend to spearhead, along with ctb, the zug revival

Amen to that! It breaks in soooooo beautifully...

Those of you who are partial to Tricker's marron leather and a (UK) size 9.5 or 10 might be interested in these, on sale at Oi Polloi in Manchester:



Definitely a colour to love...and rare to find Tricker's reduced by so much...

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