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Shoes that look better with age...


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  On 5/24/2012 at 2:00 AM, gnu said:

Can anyone recommend a quality engineer boot in the 400-600 range? I've looked at Wesco, Redwing and Lone Wolf. Really like the Lone Wolfs but I think I may be half a size larger then their biggest. Is there anything else I'm missing? I've been chasing a deal on engineer boots ever since I passed on these brand new RRLs for 200... its been 6 months and I'm still kicking myself.

edit: Im looking for that double sole, black look of the RRL/Lone Wolf. I'm tempted with Mister Freedom just down the street but I really cant afford to step up to the road champs...

You can still get Wesco's for that price range if you pick the right options and order them from Baker's. Also there be White's Engineers in custom configurations making their way out to people soon. I'm really curious to see what they look like with a half sole and different leather option.

Edited by smittybat
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For Wesco, you can call Stompers Boots in SF and they have special price on custom boots, plus free shipping. If you plan to ship to non CA address, no tax will be added.

Still waiting for mine to show up, entering 10th week now.

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Thanks for the advice. I'll look into whites, I didnt know they offered an engineer boot. Being in medical school, all I've got is my savings from christmas and my birthday to work with, cant really afford to dig into the loan bucket.

What about these Yuketen's?

Sorry I cant figure out how to post pics from another website, so I've got to post the link.


Whats the deal with the 'Brandy' engineer boots? I love my Yuks, so I'm intrigued about an engineer boot. Anyone know if these were/are available ANYWHERE?!?!

I spent the better part of an afternoon at work trying to track these down on the google but to no avail. Anyone have a clue where they might be?

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My family tree...

Top middle (clockwise)

Trickers Allan in a honey colour grain leather (red dainite)

Trickers Stow in Champagne waxed suede (double leather)

Mark McNairy for Tres Bien - waxy derby boot (commando)

Trickers 88 last black shoe boots (leather)

Trickers Keswick

Trickers Stow Chestnut (antique marron, commando)

Trickers Ilkely

Trickers Burford (espresso, leather)

The Stow Chestnuts are for sale as 7.5 and too small. When I bought them I wrongly thought they matched my 7.5 Keswick on the 4444 last. I take 8 in the 4497 last and so these are tight.

Amazing boots, custom colour that you can't buy, fell in love with them and really don't want to see them go. Only just past the breaking in stage, pm if interested.



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They were a limited run for the Bureau, honey grain leather and the red soles... Unique and completely stunning shoes. The grain really looks the bizz, and they are fantastic with denim!


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I am currently looking to purchase some RW3410's. I have tried on the 9's and they went on a little tight in the arch, but once they were on felt quite spacious in the toes.

Would you recommend sizing down one to an 8?

Currently I wear an 8 in Clarks Desert Boots and they are perfect.

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  On 5/23/2012 at 11:04 AM, marineabilly said:

Decided to move these out...


Boy, I've received like a million and one offers for the boots! However, there was one offer I just could not refuse - a trade. That said, the Buco's are no longer available.

Thanks folks! Not sure, at the moment, if I'm feeling froggy enough to offer the Becks or RRL's...or the Glow-in-the-darks...or...


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For those of you in LA I found a pair of vintage 1960 Built-Rite (I think thats what they are called) at the Wasteland on Melrose. They were selling them for $150. I'm not sure how good they are but I guess they came from the Ralph Lauren vintage collection at RRL down the street where they were retailing for $1500. Not sure if they were worth that, but $150 seemed like a pretty good deal. I really wanted to pick them up but they were a lot big. Probably around an 11 or 11.5.

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  On 5/25/2012 at 3:40 AM, attackwithstones said:

So what did you get outta the trade???

=) I'll post them on the blog when they come in.

  On 5/25/2012 at 4:49 AM, gnu said:

For those of you in LA I found a pair of vintage 1960 Built-Rite (I think thats what they are called) at the Wasteland on Melrose. They were selling them for $150. I'm not sure how good they are but I guess they came from the Ralph Lauren vintage collection at RRL down the street where they were retailing for $1500. Not sure if they were worth that, but $150 seemed like a pretty good deal. I really wanted to pick them up but they were a lot big. Probably around an 11 or 11.5.

You shoulda picked them up - that sounds like a good item to flip.

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Posted · Hidden by mikedbt5, May 25, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by mikedbt5, May 25, 2012 - No reason given
  On 5/24/2012 at 5:58 PM, CrashTestBrummie said:

can't imagine why people reckon c&j boots are more elegant than tricker's...

I think Trickers country collection is what says ...country footwear , no frills just very well made and harwearing . cROCKETT AND JONES HAS A DIFFERENT AESTHETIC TO ME , THE NAME ALONE CONJURES AN ELEGANT IMAGE UNLIKE TRICKERS , THE FOOTWEAR SPEAKS FOR ITSELF . i PERSONALLY CANNOT COPMARE THEM .

definitely feeling the brogue boots at the moment...


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  On 5/24/2012 at 5:58 PM, CrashTestBrummie said:

can't imagine why people reckon c&j boots are more elegant than tricker's...

islay and stow:


skye and malton:

definitely feeling the brogue boots at the moment...



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  On 5/24/2012 at 7:52 PM, Steve7 said:

They were a limited run for the Bureau, honey grain leather and the red soles... Unique and completely stunning shoes. The grain really looks the bizz, and they are fantastic with denim!


fantastic, look forward to seeing these further down the line with some wear on them. i dithered recently over getting the honey stows from the brooklyn circus and missed the boat thanks to a rare moment of indecision.

i've an idea for an mto order in this kind of leather which i might put to use...anyone interested should drop me a line and we'll take it from there.

  On 5/25/2012 at 5:52 AM, marineabilly said:

You shoulda picked them up - that sounds like a good item to flip.

my thoughts exactly...

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Yeah probably should have grabbed them. I thought about it, they had a big hole in the back where some of the stitching was coming undone. I've tried to do that in the past and have just broken even. Oh well, live and learn.

I'm dealing with a dilemma with caring for some boots with the rough out. Do these need to be oiled like my regular boots or what? I'm not really sure how to care for the leather on these.

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Chalk this up under shoes that will look better with age. 8 week wait is over. Fit is spot on. I was a bit nervous about the whole tracing of the foot thing Bakers does, but they did a better job of sizing these boots to my foot than the usual clowns at a shoe/boot store could do in person.

*' Smoke jumper on bounty hunter last. all CXL everything, 1/2 composite vibram sole, heel lowered 1/4"


Edited by garden gnomes in space
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so those are 8" bounty hunters, or smoke jumpers? bh are on semidress last, which your boots appear to be.

when did you order yours, and was it direct from white's or through bakers?

just about 8 months for me too and no delivery confirmation from bakers. did the foot trace too, but still getting nervous about sizing.

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  On 5/26/2012 at 7:14 AM, PeterParker said:

so those are 8" bounty hunters, or smoke jumpers? bh are on semidress last, which your boots appear to be.

when did you order yours, and was it direct from white's or through bakers?

just about 8 months for me too and no delivery confirmation from bakers. did the foot trace too, but still getting nervous about sizing.

They are 8" smoke jumpers built on the semi dress (also known as bounty hunter) last. Ordered through Bakers, took about 8 weeks, a bit less. As far as I can tell, Whites is super busy, thus making production take a bit longer. You could always call and ask for an update.

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  On 5/18/2012 at 10:56 PM, CrashTestBrummie said:

i'd guess crockett & jones from what you've said but the 'look' of the stamp itself would give me a better clue. the speed hooks made me think that too, as all my c&j boots have them, although not sure if that's a more recent development.

Yep, Crockett & jones have confirmed they're theirs, good to know, thanks.

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i definitely like a higher heel, but those are pretty great looking!

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  On 5/26/2012 at 8:51 PM, evansrc said:

Yep, Crockett & jones have confirmed they're theirs, good to know, thanks.


these turned up today, an older pair of crockett & jones made for the alan mcafee label in the 60s or 70s. sadly for me, a couple of sizes too small otherwise i'd be hanging on to these.

before and after a little tidying up:



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crashtestbrummie: You've done it again... Love the islay and malton but those C&Js look amazing. I really need to go to the UK simply for boot shopping.

steve7: beautiful family pic. Shame I wear 9-9.5 because I would actually go for those stow chestnuts.

marineabilly: wow, those buco's were gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you got for them.

garden_gnomes: well worth the wait if you ask me. CXL everything sounds amazing and they look great. 8 weeks huh? Might have to check that out...

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