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Shoes that look better with age...


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Depends on what your aiming for. Winter grip or a slicker profile outsole?







Ive got the 700 for my SDs and I live in Spain, there is never any snow...

You can also get the 100 (Lug).

Good URL for custom options (white's):


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Those are gorgeous. Did you just contact Viberg direct?

Yep, I contacted Brett Viberg directly.

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How much did those Viberg sting?

What I was willing to sting.

Custom made, contact Viberg for pricing.

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rubyblue, those Vibergs are looking great! Can't wait to admire those in the flesh.

Hadjuk, thanks for the heads up!

Davichan, you have a pm!

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Just curious but why are you reluctant to tell the price?

My experience of viberg was they were kind of useless to try to deal with through email. That was about a year ago and they were probably concentrating on other things. I gave up trying in the end. How was Brett with emails during your order process?

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i have been getting allot of PM's about my experience with sizing for Modified last,

and figured it would be helpful to share my experience with it on the boards.

The Modified last was my introduction to Alden.

I wear mostly Trubalance last in my other Aldens,

i have tried on Grant and Barrie as well.

Honestly it is really hard to tell for best fit.

especially with the Modified, in my opinion, it is a very tricky last, and to obtain a good fit, so much of it depends on the ball placement being really the key to success with it's most successful fit.

The other Alden Lasts are more forgiving for .5 error i belive and people can generally accept it or not, really depending on their foot shape type.

i personally have a high arch / instep type of foot. i tend to wear down the outside parts of my heels, due to the foot rolling in while walking, and so the Modified last is very well recommended for helping to correct this kind of foot primarily. do a little google search about it for more info on modified last.

from a strictly fashion point as you know the Modified last is a totally unique shape of last from Alden. Some people hate it and dismiss it as deformed, and others lust after it.. Personally, I think at sizes from 7-10 in Modified last shoes looks so beautiful, it is when the modified last goes past that and up when it starts to look pronouncedly banana'ish or clownish in many people's opinions; especially when photographed on wide angles.

i have tried on the Modified last in Cap Toe, Indy, and Wingtip styles at Moulded Shoes in NYC, and i size differently in all three shoes. I spent over two hours there, going from each stye, and in intervals from .5 to full size differences in each shoe to find my fit. I can highly recommend Modified Shoe, as one of the true old-school shoe dealers in NY that actually care about your fit, not just making the sale...

The combinations of the Modified last and the toe-box shape within the design of those shoes are so drastically different, if you are very critical about fit, (as i am starting to become as i learn more about shoes and what my feet tell me) then you will feel it when the Modified last is spot on when sizing correctly. it is def not a last for all feet types, i have been told.

i size 7.5 D on a Brannock Device by 4 different shoe dealers in NY.

That is how i start my sizing when purchasing a new shoe. it doesn't mean i always end up there.

and also the general prescriptions that manufactures lead us to believe about "sizing up or down" for particular shoe brand or last is also something that i am wary of for my feet best fit.

i can honestly say I wear a variety of slight sized measurements when choosing shoes, were i end up ultimately is were i believe the best fit is in the store at the end of the day, not the number on the tag, and of course taking into consideration the materials and my purpose of the shoe.:)

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Just curious but why are you reluctant to tell the price?

My experience of viberg was they were kind of useless to try to deal with through email. That was about a year ago and they were probably concentrating on other things. I gave up trying in the end. How was Brett with emails during your order process?

My opinion : Because it is only relevant to me & my wallet.

I've a very good contact with Brett. And yes, he is busy, as always, but took time and effort to help my out deciding upon my pair. As a result, I'm very pleased with the look & fit. In brief, nothing then positive vibes...

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My opinion : Because it is only relevant to me & my wallet.

I've a very good contact with Brett. And yes, he is busy, as always, but took time and effort to help my out deciding upon my pair. As a result, I'm very pleased with the look & fit. In brief, nothing then positive vibes...

You wanna know my opinion? No? Well I'll tell you anyway.

The reason this forum and this thread in particular are so useful and successful is because of the open helpful nature of the regular contributors.

Some people may like the look of your boots and be interested in ordering a pair, for them an idea of price would be very helpful.

It may even save your friend Brett from wasting time responding to inquiries from people unwilling to pay his (high) prices.

It may even encourage people to buy viberg if they know more about them, since they don't get a hgreat deal of coverage here.

I'm just playing devils advocate because I know how much the vibergs I was interested in were and I don't care about your spending, but hey don't be a dick.

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Got the point fre$co, so mea culpa, because it makes sense me being verbalized.

And ED, I know you always do.

The boots were manufactured for 600USD, ex shipping/import duties to europe of course.

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