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Defining Hype Items


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I remember reading an issue of The Face years back in the `90s and there was a piece on what the bare basics defining items that set you apart in the `90s were and how they compared to the `80s.

From what I remember from the article:

The `80s: Armani suit, Gucci loafers, mobile phone

The `90s: Vintage jeans, airmax sneakers, MD walkman..?

From what I can tell and in my opinion only, the basic standout items for this decade are:

Raw jeans, Visvims, ipods

What do STer`s think?

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Yeah but this is a mainstream phenomenon. I`m talking about the hi-end niche who go all out to be elite.

Yeah I know I`ve got ipods on my list of 3 supposedly non-mainstream items but ipods started out being elite objects of desire endorsed by true elitists like Hiroshi Fujiwara.

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well howies do organic, and I know its a trend for mums to buy only organic cotton for kids, also ( although the name escapes me ) some tailors have started doing organic suits and dress's.

Organic refers to how its grown, if chemicals are added to the growing process its not organic, so hemp can be organic or not.

I was kinda thinking of cotton though.

Just people being generally more concious of their clothes etc is a decade trend I guess, like buying fair trade.

But im being a bit general and Milspex was asking for specific items i think.

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Yeah but this is a mainstream phenomenon. I`m talking about the hi-end niche who go all out to be elite.

Hmmm, this can be a fine line as there is a trickle down effect created by the elite who will inadvertantly build a buzz for something, then more and more ppl catch on and pretty soon, shit is mainstream and you cant pay ppl to wear/use the shit.

But, this is a good topic, really makes one think, "whats the most superlative shit people strive to get"

Only thing I can think of is Chrome Hearts glasses as they are pretty up there as glasses go, but Im also a little hesitant because these have kind blown up as of late.

Carpe Diem?



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he he he..

how about limited edition anything? i remember when i was a kid and am95 were 50000 yen at retail stores...but they werent really "limited edition" so as far as that goes, people are buying into being the limited few that have "that limited" item

as far as items go...it doesnt define a generation and its style...but, louis vuitton is everywhere (in japan and u.s.). people of all ages are using it, from junior high japanese kiddies to old white people.

i think this is lv's and other high end uhh brand's impact on clothes like ape etc. but you can really tell what the hell people that wear that shit, are wearing. ape with the HUGE colors etc. which is now being taken up by the likes of 10deep uhh TH and so on...but which i think started with LV and so on's influence.

i guess to wrap it all up...people want to wear stuff that others can easily distinguish what they are wearing.

if that makes sense...

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i think it's pretty hard to make a top 3 because their are so many elitist sort of groups that wear different clothing. i like milspex 3 things, but you could also say:

1) slim jeans ( dior, acne)

2) slim jacket, blazer

3) chucks

which you could define as hedi slimane style

then you could say the london underground misshapes stuff is getting an elitist touch, look at dior ss 07, that top 3 would be:

1) weird bowl ' the horrors' haircut

2) feminine super tight black clothing

3) make-up

then you could say superfuture is elitist, milspex top 3 would be a good superfuture one, maybe without the ipod

then you have the hiphop elite: 1) bathing ape shirt 2) raw denim 3) limited edition nikes

this is all ofcourse according to my opinion, but i think it's really hard to define the elite of the ' 00's in 3 things, their just so much diversity these days

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Nike SBs would have to be I there I would say.

Bape tees too (I know these were around before but i think the 00s is when they really blew up).

i agree, everyone and their fathers has a pair of dunks, sb or not. bright flashy colored hoodies should be up there too

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I agree with RobbertJan. The question has no definitive answer as each target market is manipulated differently by those who'd seek to exploit it. What's hot to the majority of people logging on to ST - Collaborations, limited editions and revisionist authenticity - wouldn't pass muster to your average highstreet shopper.

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Look again at the 80s and 90s trends. Most are still objects of desire today.

People still strive for Armani suits and Gucci loafers. The newest Air Max and the oldest vintage jeans are an obesession for many.

I know I lust after the latest and most stylish mobile phones.

IMHO the nearest to a basic standout item for the noughties are the 'just in time' practices of Zara, Mexx, Top Shop, etc. Getting the latest catwalk fashions onto the high street for pennies before the models have even left the runway.

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ipods are not elite. they're mainstream.

see this post


Originally Posted by MilSpex

Yeah but this is a mainstream phenomenon. I`m talking about the hi-end niche who go all out to be elite.

Yeah I know I`ve got ipods on my list of 3 supposedly non-mainstream items but ipods started out being elite objects of desire endorsed by true elitists like Hiroshi Fujiwara.

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i dont think you can classify visvim as hype item yet. hitherto, only a small niche in the market truly appreciates it, i'm pretty sure their customer base is still smaller than supreme. bape might be a better one. and SBs...

Yeah but the decade aint over yet...

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This is an intersting topic. I would say as a whole Hype items for the 00's would be:

1.Smaller = Better electronic devices.

2.Limited Edtion Everything

I saw an add for limited edition ladies secret deodorant the other day. That to me says hype. Limited Edition.

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This is an intersting topic. I would say as a whole Hype items for the 00's would be:

1.Smaller = Better electronic devices.

2.Limited Edtion Everything

I saw an add for limited edition ladies secret deodorant the other day. That to me says hype. Limited Edition.

Yeah but I think your coming from a pretty young perspective.

1.The limited thing in fashion started in the mid `90s. Griffin would release 10 hoodies, Evisu did a super limited (1 of 1?) gold stitching edition, Levis released 1000 or so pairs of Dockers K1s, individually numbered, all the big Japanese players were doing super limited runs on everything since the early `90s...

2.Smaller = Better? MiniDisc came out in 1991 and was definately smaller and better than tape..I wouldn`t call that a 00`s phenomenon.

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I am not really that young. I was thinkning more in terms of how those are the two things that have been really hyped in the 00's. Think cell phones and ipods for the electronics. And by Limited Edition I meant it like a buzz word for everything. "Get your limited edition this and that" Shoes, jeans, Shirts, DVD art, Posters, Candy bars, coke cans, it seems to be such a big deal now a days that everything is limited edition. So much so in fact people with use the word to sell anyhting, and some jack asses will only by things that are limited edition. I know where you are coming from though, and you are right from the aspect that it has been around. I just think that it is way more hyped and status now.

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