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Levi's 501 Shrink to Fit (STF)


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  xilla said:
Does anyone have info on LEvis STF Knights? Someone enlighten me on what they are, like are they as stiff as raw denim, are they black or just a really dark blue, anyone have measurements, and where I can get a 28x34-36 or 29x34-36?

Knight STF:


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  beeetus said:
They're a 34x34. Leg opening is around a 9, thigh I'm guessing is about 10.5. I can get you some more precise measurements.

it's alright, man. i got me a pair coming. i'm prepared to live with the bagginess if need be. i've been wanting a cinch-back cotton duck pants (not sure if they're actually cotton duck, but duck and canvas are kissing cousins, right?). got it for a good price, thanks to the guy who posted the active discount code. :)

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  WE350B said:
it's alright, man. i got me a pair coming. i'm prepared to live with the bagginess if need be. i've been wanting a cinch-back cotton duck pants (not sure if they're actually cotton duck, but duck and canvas are kissing cousins, right?). got it for a good price, thanks to the guy who posted the active discount code. :)

Yeah, they're a little baggier than I normally wear, but not annoyingly so. The canvas isn't quite as heavy as duck, but it's still a nice canvas.

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I went to the downtown Levis store to peruse the new stuff. Dang brick 201s are Chinese. I can handle some South American manufacture, but the menacing ubiquitousness of made in China makes me just throw on the brakes. As a side note, it amazes me how little education they give thier staff. The fellow who stepped up to help me was obviously interested in denim, but had no clue. He was confused by the blue line selvage on my Lees, as he thought selvage had a red line (he had no idea what selvage was). He was almost as out to sea when my STF Type 1 had one pocket (they've currently got Type 2s on the wall), and why the Type 3 trucker does not have three pockets. The best is probably the lack of concept of the shrink to fit. They didn't know what sanforisation was, and thought that the STF were specially processed to make them shrink rather than the other way around.

Oh and the Type 2 is Chinese now as well.

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Yeah, I actually almost picked up a pair of those brick 201s online using the 40% off code, but in the end chose against it. And it was mainly because it was made in China (and that I don't need anymore jeans).

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My knights are showing their first signs of wear... I've had them for a while, but they're pretty stubborn. They develop an interesting blue hue in the faded areas though that looks really nice next to the blackish color in the areas without indigo loss.

Also, in case you were wondering, I moved the back pocket to the hip and I took out the arcuate stitching.

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  Joseph Hill said:
it amazes me how little education they give thier staff

I've worked at Levi's retail and I left with many friends and experiences. I do agree that they don't do much really to educate the employees about denim and it's history but then again, they don't hire sales associates at levi's to teach every customer about the smallest details - you're job is to bring in that dollar. And for 99% of employees, working retail is just that, a job. At the Chicago store, we had 3 denim enthusiasts so it was different but in the retail culture, as long as you aren't standing around slacking and basically not bringing in the money, you aren't encouraged to geek over denim with customers.

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I know this is the 501 thread, but my jeans don't really fit in the LVC thread...

Levis 520s (Slouch Skinny), discontinued model, 2 years (not worn very hard, as you can tell..) 1 early wash:


A couple months ago I got snagged on a fence and it completely demolished the crotch of my Levis 520s, finally repaired them:

(Not sure why this came out so shitty looking)






0802101724.jpg (most accurate color)

Time for a handwash!:


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  • 3 weeks later...

I sure would not mind owning that myself (if you ever go to this shop again, could you make a full frontal pic perhaps??? Would be clearer to read, and perhaps possible to print and enlarge then).

I believe I've spotted a mistake that the graphic artist has made: after the soak, the cuffs would probably be gone, due to the shrinkage.

  jbphoto23 said:
saw this recently at my local Levi's store..thought it was funny.


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I sure would not mind owning that myself (if you ever go to this shop again, could you make a full frontal pic perhaps??? Would be clearer to read, and perhaps possible to print and enlarge then).

I believe I've spotted a mistake that the graphic artist has made: after the soak, the cuffs would probably be gone, due to the shrinkage.

  jbphoto23 said:
saw this recently at my local Levi's store..thought it was funny.


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*dirty grin*

The "dad"-factor has been haunting Levi's the corporation for some time now. I guess the managers long for the 80s, when the 501-relaunch was as good as a money printing machine for them. These times probably will never come back, but at the same time, Levi's 501s will always have their followers as the original.

These I like a lot, looks like well-earned fading. As ever so often, I would prefer them just a little less roomy, a tad more snug.

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