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1st World Problems


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My dogs get afraid at my neighbor's excessive use of fireworks.

my big german sheppard was afraid of fireworks. she'd bark to come inside from the backyard and hide under the living room table. we'd have to spend the night near her because she was afraid. (i miss my dog :( )

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Been fostering a pit-bull for a couple months and she's dead scared of firework as well. Been having them like 2-3 times a week recently and she freaks out everytime, especially since some of them were set from the building across the street.....

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I can't mow the lawn today, my hair is too dirty/messy - what if one of the neighbours sees me? Or someone who is driving past? Showering before mowing is just illogical and I don't want to wear a hat. I need to work out this afternoon anyway.

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is the a/c in your range kaputt too?

Funny you mention that...

Right when I turned in to drop it off last time for the intake, I heard a click and the AC turned on full blast, and wouldn't turn down or off, so now it's running at full whenever the car is on. It's cool though just $200 to diagnose (sp?) and see what the problem is. I'm sure it'll be reasonable to fix :/

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I'm working from home today and having hard time adjusting to 1x monitor instead of the usual 2....

i have that issue, but reversed. 2x monitors at home, and only 1 big screen at work :( my boss won't let me take the monitor from the computer that's barely being used.

anyhow, my issue today. i ordered a pair of sunglasses online. came from fedex today. paid the taxes and brokerage fees, open them up to find out it's the wrong fucking colour. now i gotta contact them to see about exchanging.

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