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  On 6/3/2012 at 11:52 PM, lotek01 said:

Did you join sufu just to post in this thread?


Sometimes the forum I normally post on is down. So one day when it was down, I found this one, and some people were posting about some bs, so I had to jump in and throw in my two cents.

Admittedly, it was not my best find, considering the time it takes for anybody else to post, a whole page of conversation has happened in most other forums. Not a lot of discussion happens here at all in this thread.

Edited by Ghost714
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  On 6/4/2012 at 5:11 AM, Ghost714 said:


Sometimes the forum I normally post on is down. So one day when it was down, I found this one, and some people were posting about some bs, so I had to jump in and throw in my two cents.

Admittedly, it was not my best find, considering the time it takes for anybody else to post, a whole page of conversation has happened in most other forums. Not a lot of discussion happens here at all in this thread.

this site has some good theories about different storylines and the best part is you can edit it to show only as much as you have read so you dont get spoiled (on the top drop down)

for everyone else,

dont click if you dont want to know some things...


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  On 6/4/2012 at 5:22 AM, chantheman said:

this site has some good theories about different storylines and the best part is you can edit it to show only as much as you have read so you dont get spoiled (on the top drop down)

for everyone else,

dont click if you dont want to know some things...


Yea I have checked that stuff out before, thank you for posting it though.

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  On 6/4/2012 at 5:11 AM, Ghost714 said:

some people were posting about some bs, so I had to jump in

Hey, mister White Knight I actually heard from several different people that Clarke spoke about her tit-clause in a television interview. How are you gonna save her now?

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  On 6/1/2012 at 6:34 PM, Ghost714 said:

Have you read the books?

When you say something like, "there wasn't enough fire to scare the hound", I kind of lose all interest in your opinion. Sandor would always come close to winning in the melee's, but Thoros's flaming sword would always freak Sandor out, so Thoros would beat Sandor. If one flaming sword is enough to freak Sandor out, then all that wildfire and flaming arrows definitely would to. Especially when you consider there was a guy running at him on fire. The show did a decent job at setting this up for people who have not read the books, by having Sandor say "if any of those flaming arrows come near me, I'll come back and strangle you with your fucking guts", before he went out the gates to fight.

And clearly it was enough fire to scare Sandor, because it did scare him! Sandor also told Sansa that he was going some place that was not burning. So clearly the fire outside the city was enough.

The acting in this episode was perfect from everybody, Sansa, Cersei, Bronn, Sandor, Tyrion, Joffrey, Stannis, Varys, and hell even Shae was great this episode. The script was also very good. They did the absolute best with everything they had.

If you have not read the book, and If this episode was not good for you, then maybe you should give up on television, because I sure as hell can't think of any other show that's ever had such a well rounded awesome episode, and I watch a lot of tv.

The only way I could understand you not having any "anxiety" or "fear", is if you have read the book.

And Tyrion's speech was awesome, but mainly he shamed people in to fighting, because he was a dwarf and he was willing to lead the fight, so if they did not follow him, "then what would that make them".

I have read the books, and the inferno Martin painted in my brain, and turned the Hound craven, is nothing like what was portrayed on screen. I don't see a few flaming arrows and a couple burning men turning a killing machine into a coward. If wild fire and burning ships were washing ashore, then I'd be more inclined to believe the premise.

IMO, the acting and dialogue was flat for most of the season, most obviously to me in final two episodes.

The house of the undying scene last night deviated so wildly from the book I'm not sure why it was even included in the show. I wondered how they'd portray all the scenes she was seeing when she looked through doors to here left.... easy, leave all that shit out!

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**This has spoilers for anybody who hasn't read the book**

^The House of the Undying scene was weak.. she didn't even get the warnings of three betrayals, etc. There are a lot of things that I wish had been different in the episode.. what was up with that last scene? I know they wanted a big shock and awe moment to end the season but the way it happens in the prologue of the third book is much better than how the show portrayed it. And why does the white walker/other look like a wight? I was under the impression they're not supposed to be hideous creatures, just different looking.

This whole season jumped around too much for me.. I know they only have 10 episodes to work with but they really left out details that would've made the stories make more sense and flow more naturally. It feels really disconnected sometimes. Why do the writers do things like have Roose Bolton reference his bastard son at the Dreadfort (in episode 6 or 7 I think?) if they're not going to show him? I was assuming he was just being pushed back to the third season but he's not on the cast of new characters for the third season. And why the hell is Jeyne called Talisa and why is she from Volantis? They could've played out the plot from the book the way it was written with her being a Westerling. Lastly, I don't think anybody who hasn't read the books connected the events of Beric being sent by Eddard to find Gregor Clegane in season 1 episode 5 to this season when Clegane was in Harrenhal having people tortured trying to find "the brotherhood". What was the point of wasting screen time showing the Tickler torturing people if it wasn't at least referenced who the brotherhood was, why Gregor was looking for them, etc?

At least the third book is being divided into two seasons.. that will hopefully give the writers enough time to cover all the important details of the story. The third book is incredible so I hope they don't fuck it up.


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  On 6/4/2012 at 3:44 PM, shufon said:

At least the third book is being divided into two seasons.. that will hopefully give the writers enough time to cover all the important details of the story. The third book is incredible so I hope they don't fuck it up.


heard this too which leads me to believe we in store for a 10 year run at this rate...(not necessarily good or bad i guess)

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  On 6/4/2012 at 12:13 PM, jackg said:


well that was short lived, guess i am going to have to actually read the books now.....(at least 3 times??? (10))

so who is this guy suppose to be? a coworker said that is Samwell's uncle but i dont think the show has ever introduced Samwells uncle. I dont think thats Jon's uncle either so do we know who this is?

and after a little research my suspicion that my co worker is wrong has been validated



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*More spoilers*

^Yes, I interpreted him as the white walker and the rest as wights. I think this was an adaptation of the prologue to book three where the 3 horns blast and wake up the raiders to wights attacking the camp on the Fist of the First Men. My expectation is that the next season will open with a combination of the camp being attacked (prologue) and Samwell killing the white walker with his dragon glass dagger (Samwell's first POV chapter in the book).

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  On 6/4/2012 at 1:10 PM, aoi said:

Hey, mister White Knight I actually heard from several different people that Clarke spoke about her tit-clause in a television interview. How are you gonna save her now?

Easy, the "several different people" you "heard it from" interpreted what she said wrong. Either that, or they read a troll of a post, and then told you that they saw it themselves.

If so many people have seen it, then why didn't they tell you the exact source? Or why haven't you posted the source?

I'm really not trying to be rude, but frankly I am tired of people posting this. Why is it that nobody can provide real proof? I am not talking about "he said, she said".

I am pretty sure I have seen what they are talking about, and they definitely took what she said the wrong way. I watched an interview with her right after the filming of season two, and the interviewer asked Her if she liked the costumes for season two. Clarke then said, "after many scenes of not having a costume for season one, I am lucky to always be wearing one in season two, so I am thankful for that".

In all interviews i can find, she has only ever said that she had no nude scenes in season two, not that she refused to do them. She wouldn't say I was "lucky" not to have any this season", if it was a no nudity clause that dictated that, because that's not "luck", that's would be do to her own intervention.

So it sounds very much like the writers just didn't give her any nude scenes this season. Probably because they had so little time for her story already, and any nude scene would have been just for the fact of nudity. There was no real reason for Dany to be nude at all in season two, once you take out the Qartheen gown.

In other interviews, Clarke has said that the nude scenes terrified her, but she was fine with them because the nudity was important for the scene, to really make viewers sympathize with Daenerys, and what she was going through etc..

And there is the fact that Clarke did the nude photo's for GQ magazine, right after she filmed season two of thrones. So obviously it's not something she will "never do again", or anything.

I know I was being an ass earlier in my post, I would just like it if people could provide actual proof, or stop saying it. I seriously think people are just jumping to conclusions because we did not see her naked, so then people assume "Emilia Clarke must have added a no nudity clause to her contract".

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  On 6/4/2012 at 2:57 PM, setterman said:

I have read the books, and the inferno Martin painted in my brain, and turned the Hound craven, is nothing like what was portrayed on screen. I don't see a few flaming arrows and a couple burning men turning a killing machine into a coward. If wild fire and burning ships were washing ashore, then I'd be more inclined to believe the premise.

IMO, the acting and dialogue was flat for most of the season, most obviously to me in final two episodes.

The house of the undying scene last night deviated so wildly from the book I'm not sure why it was even included in the show. I wondered how they'd portray all the scenes she was seeing when she looked through doors to here left.... easy, leave all that shit out!

In the books there is probably ten times more fire, than the show. However, had the book had less fire, Sandor could have still "turned craven". It could be that he would have left even if there was only a fraction of that, but it just so happens that the fire was "ten times bigger than his turning point". There was more than acouple of flaming arrows too, there were hundreds of arrows, those arrows catch more things on fire, and then you have the wildfire... That's plenty enough to make Sandor want to be somewhere else. The show can only do so much to. Do you think they should have gone to HBO to ask for more money because there wasn't enough fire to scare the Hound??

I will say it again, in the books they talk about how Sandor would often be close to winning different Melee's, but then Thoros of Myr would beat Sandor, because Thoros had a flaming sword. So if a flaming sword can stop Sandor from beating Thoros, then I think all the fire shown in the show would do the trick, especially because men were on fire charging him.

Besides, Sandor didn't just leave because of the fire, in the books he left also because he was tired of being kicked at by his masters. He even says something like, "even a dog gets tired of getting kicked by its master", to Arya.

So it wasn't just the fire in the show, did you see the looks he would give Joffrey, when Joffrey would treat him like shit? It was a combination of things, mostly all the fire, but also he thought the city was lost, most his men had been killed, and he was tired of being the Lannister's "dog".

Then there is the fact that George rr Martin wrote the Blackwater episode, and I think he knows best how much fire it takes to make Sandor say "fuck it".

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Posted · Hidden by chantheman, June 5, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by chantheman, June 5, 2012 - No reason given

you're assuming hes still reading/watching it.

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It's not that we keep reading them. You keep posting them, and we are forced to sort of skim over your three paragraphs per post. Aren't there entire forums dedicated only to the tv series you could be posting on?


I haven't read the books but was there a huge plot hole with the King's Landing thing, or am I just severely confused? How did the Iron born escape with the Stark general's bastard surrounding them? And where were they when the Castle was getting sacked/ Bran came out of hiding?

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^The way they handled Bran's story frustrated me. All of the things going on were completely too vague and disconnected. I'm assuming at least some of the events will be explained when the bastard son is (hopefully) introduced in the series.

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  On 6/5/2012 at 6:59 PM, alopecia said:


because of their saturation of this thread? you have 6 comments on this page alone.

So you think an actual Discussion works better if people only have one post per page?

And their are other forums dedicated to the show and books etc, and I post on those to.

I am sorry though, reading three paragraphs must be tough.

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You're in the wrong forum we're all ignorant plebes who care more about Littlefinger's perfect haircut and Arya's distressed boots and random women's supple breasts than whatever the hell you talk about

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  On 6/5/2012 at 8:06 PM, yachtrock89 said:

I haven't read the books but was there a huge plot hole with the King's Landing thing, or am I just severely confused? How did the Iron born escape with the Stark general's bastard surrounding them? And where were they when the Castle was getting sacked/ Bran came out of hiding?

Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! (sort of)

As I understand it (and I yield unreservedly to Ghost714's superior knowledge and wit as it goes far beyond what any of us lowly savages are capable of), the Iron Born were allowed to escape because of Robb Stark's condition that any Iron Born would be allowed to leave unharmed provided they hand over Theon. Furthermore, I think it was Roose Bolton's bastard who in turn sacked Winterfell as House Bolton allied with House Frey in reaction to Robb's marriage to Talisa/Jeyne. I'm guessing the vagueness of the tv show is due to them not wanting to spoil the Red Wedding next season by giving away the whole Bolton betrayal.

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  On 6/6/2012 at 2:20 AM, Nov Spur said:

Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! (sort of)

As I understand it (and I yield unreservedly to Ghost714's superior knowledge and wit as it goes far beyond what any of us lowly savages are capable of), the Iron Born were allowed to escape because of Robb Stark's condition that any Iron Born would be allowed to leave unharmed provided they hand over Theon. Furthermore, I think it was Roose Bolton's bastard who in turn sacked Winterfell as House Bolton allied with House Frey in reaction to Robb's marriage to Talisa/Jeyne. I'm guessing the vagueness of the tv show is due to them not wanting to spoil the Red Wedding next season by giving away the whole Bolton betrayal.

This lines up well with the TV series, but in the books Ramsay Snow knocks out Theon and sacks Winterfell near the end of A Clash of Kings and Robb's meeting and wedding of Jeyne Westerling doesn't happen until A Storm of Swords. Also, almost halfway into A Storm of Swords, Roose at Harrenhal still refers to Robb as King Robb even after he's wed. The destruction of Winterfell was totally Ramsay's doing.. I always just took it as him being crazy and sadistic.

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  On 6/6/2012 at 2:19 AM, lotek01 said:

You're in the wrong forum we're all ignorant plebes who care more about Littlefinger's perfect haircut and Arya's distressed boots and random women's supple breasts than whatever the hell you talk about

so true ..

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