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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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  On 2/19/2012 at 6:50 AM, Denton said:

as in with black people in them or as in gallows humor

comedies aimed at black people... i.e. tyler perry shit.

  On 2/19/2012 at 6:59 AM, DÃœM said:

if you don't like Coming to America you racist son

I literally just ordered this on Blu Ray to prove I'm not racist. If a black person comes to my house, I'm immediately putting on Coming to America.

  On 2/19/2012 at 1:20 PM, NatseOklim said:

Nah, black comedy is a comedy solely aimed at black people. Like all the Tyler Perry stuff.


Edited by Layne
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  On 2/17/2012 at 12:23 AM, littlemike said:

i love coffee, but i've been using a keurig for the past 2 years. expensive, wasteful, and not particularly good. finally upped my ish to a french press and it's so good. should have done this sooner.

keurigs suck so bad! the coffee is horrible but its so much easier to clean up =/

  On 2/17/2012 at 4:19 PM, scientifick said:

quality banana nut bread is delicious, especially if warm. just can't fuck with the fruit itself

man, fuck bananas. mushy consistency >_< but as far as bread goes, zucchini bread is fucking amazing.

best scene everrrrrr

  On 2/19/2012 at 3:39 PM, mass said:

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Jenny Hyun, the co-songwriter behind Girls' Generation's "How Great is Your Love" and Chocolat's "One More Day" recently sparked controversy with a slew of racist tweets.

On February 16, the former singer posted over a dozen derogatory comments on her Twitter against African-Americans. The fuel for her outrage? A dismissive tweet by boxer Floyd Mayweather about NBA star Jeremy Lin:"Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he's Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don't get the same praise."

Hyun responded that Floyd was a "subhuman, ungrateful APE," and then started spreading vitriol about the black community in general. She insinuated that Whitney Houston's recent passing wasn't such a loss because of "all that baggage" she came with, and referred to African-Americans as "disgusting, violent, arrogant, and stupid." Then, in an even more frightening twist, she repeatedly called for the eradication of the entire black race:

  • "Eradication of one toxic family is exactly what this world needs."
  • "Think about all the money we would save not having to give their never ending charities, replacing a black worker with any other race."
  • "We don't know what it's like with them not here. But imagine a world with NO BLACK PEOPLE. All the tension in every aspect of life would be drastically improved without them around. And ONLY them."

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by fang, February 21, 2012 - answered
Hidden by fang, February 21, 2012 - answered

anyone know if i could rock sand suede khans or grey desert boots to vegas clubs? silly question, but i don't wanna buy cheapo dress shoes i'm gonna throw away after a weekend

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