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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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  Manx said:
What subject? We all know that certain concentrations cultivate massive egos.

medieval history. he's a good prof, really knows what he's talking about and is very comprehensive, but when the essays come around it gets tough. i guess he has a bit of an ego. hes always bragging about former students who went on to better schools (i take college courses at the local community college for high school credit) but still came back to him say say they learned more form his classes than any others.

the paper is on:

1. the cultural, military and economic contributions the byzantine and islamic empires had on the emerging latin west

2. the attempts made by the carolingian monarchs to overcome the crises they faced, and the impact of those attempts on the emerging feudal society

3. the complex interplay of forces which caused the medieval institutions of feudalism and manorialism to come into form

4. the roles of the typical lord, vassal and serf, and their relationships with one another

5. the emergence and significance of the medieval town and its impact on the existing feudal system

so yeah, 600 years of history basically

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At first I wanted to concentrate on history. Glad I didn't. 101 or 102?

A lot of history professors have political agendas so roll your eyes and give him what he wants.

Same story. I had an EXCELLENT Community College history professor for two semesters straight. He taught post-retirement for fun.

It should be easy If you've taken notes and outlines. Just reiterate them and flesh them out. He most likely just loves to hear himself talk anyway. It has nothing to do with whether or not you've taken a ambitious personal interest in the subject.

History professors can be either really good or really, really awful.

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every hist teach/prof i've ever had has always been very laid back, it's the english profs that are the most smug, egotistical pieces of shit. it's like the english department requires all employees to be a total bitch to students.

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  Oxy. said:
every hist teach/prof i've ever had has always been very laid back, it's the english profs that are the most smug, egotistical pieces of shit. it's like the english department requires all employees to be a total bitch to students.

this is what happens when you graduate in art history or english litterature and realize that the only way youre gonna get a job is to go to graduate school and become a university professor (3)

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most humanities professors are bitter in general. 7-8 years of schooling to land a shit job in east bumblefuck, iowa, that is, if you are lucky to even get one. then all that backstabbing and gossipy shit in departments, trying to publish constantly and land tenure, all the while teaching ridiculous course loads filled with dumbass undergrads at the same time. id fuckin kill myself. you have to give them props.

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so i'm part of this asian business club at school

some lady came in and gave us this whole personality test (INTJ, etc.)

i was the only one who got ENFP (basically the opposite of everybody else = introverts)

the lady happened to also be ENFP, and in front of everybody, she asked me about my major (finance) and if i'm okay with it. i said not at all, and i saw a bunch of the other members giving me dirty looks.


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Well, so what happened..

I was contacted by the agent of an Olsen twin. She found my Ipman for hire ads that I keep posted on the deep web. Said Olsen twin happened to be very embarrassed by some guy apparently making up crazy stories on the internet and wearing cosplay outfits with her name written across his hat, in turn asking her agent to do something about it. So.. to answer your question, yes.

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  ohsnap said:
so i'm part of this asian business club at school

some lady came in and gave us this whole personality test (INTJ, etc.)

i was the only one who got ENFP (basically the opposite of everybody else = introverts)

Just did on online, never done one before - ENFJ

Ok just read up on it...freakishly accurate.

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