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Ofwgkta...swag Swag!

dunkin deeznuts

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Burger has to be the hardest track on Goblin .... Listened to this shit like 10 times yesterday

.... Can someone please tell me where I can get the Earl Download ? ... IT's not working on the site anymore

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mike g is pretty unbearable as a rapper.

havent heard any domo.

hodgy is probably top for me.

i'll take tyler on a good day though.

earl will be scary in 3 years if the samoans didnt make him forget how to rap.

missed the show in boston.

and the riot on newbury.

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  BIZ said:
Burger has to be the hardest track on Goblin .... Listened to this shit like 10 times yesterday

.... Can someone please tell me where I can get the Earl Download ? ... IT's not working on the site anymore

excluding the singles, i would say so too

burger's bassline is :D:D:D

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a call for change

When will misogynistic and homophobic ranting and raving result in meaningful repercussions in the entertainment industry? When will they be treated with the same seriousness as racist and anti-Semitic offenses? While an artist who can barely get a sentence fragment out without using homophobic slurs is celebrated on the cover of every magazine, blog and newspaper, I’m disheartened that any self-respecting human being could stand in support with a message so vile.

As journalists and colleagues defend, excuse and congratulate ‘Tyler, the Creator,’ I find it impossible not to comment. In any other industry would I be expected to tolerate, overlook and find deeper meaning in this kid’s sickening rhetoric? Why should I care about this music or its “brilliance” when the message is so repulsive and irresponsible? There is much that upsets me in this world, and this certainly isn’t the first time I’ve drafted an open letter or complaint, but in the past I’ve found an opinion – some like-minded commentary – that let me rest assured that my outrage, my voice, had been accounted for. Not this time.

If any of the bands whose records are held in similar esteem as Goblin had lyrics littered with rape fantasies and slurs, would they be labeled hate mongers? I realize I could ask that question of DOZENS of other artists, but is Tyler exempt because people are afraid of the backlash? The inevitable claim that detractors are being racist, or the brush-off that not “getting it” would indicate that you’re “old” (or a faggot)? Because, the more I think about it, the more I think people don’t actually want to go up against this particular bully because he’s popular. Who sticks up for women and gay people now? It seems entirely uncool to do so in the indie rock world, and I’ll argue that point with ANYONE.

No genre is without its controversial and offensive characters- I’m not naive. I’ve asked myself a thousand times why this is pushing me over the edge. Maybe it’s the access to him (his grotesque twitter, etc). Maybe it’s because I’m a human being, both a girl and a lesbian. Maybe it’s because my mom has spent her whole adult life working with teenage girls who were victims of sexual assault. Maybe it’s because in this case I don’t think race or class actually has anything to do with his hateful message but has EVERYTHING to do with why everyone refuses to admonish him for that message.

It is not without great hesitation and hand wringing that I enter into the discourse about Tyler, the media who glorifies and excuses misogyny and homophobia, and the community of artists that doesn’t seem remotely bothered by it. I can only hope that someone reading this might be inspired to speak out. At the very least, I will know that my voice is on record.

make first album bitching about dad

make 2nd album about critics and popularity

get gay people against you

ive seen this before. His name was eminem.

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um yea mike g is cool as fuck haha. dude got dat effortless delivery and his beat selections are ★★★★. He's OF's most interesting rapper aside from earl/tyler, trailing right behind hb ||.Taco gets shot in the leg at the end of this one lul. oh, early man is on it too. stop sleepin!!


some rare trackk from last year called "Welcome 2 LA." It was supposed to be an "intro to Mike G and LooFy's postponed collaboration album '2 King$'"





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the upshot of the cross pollination between streetwear urchins and new yorker readers is potentially hilarious. i.e., kids arguing the relevance of the talk of the town section; ofwgkta x supreme x paul stuart?; dentists commuting on the LIRR reading Updike on their kindle while listening to goblin

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seeing a huge increase in CWGs posting tyler videos lately, only a matter of time for the backlash to hit

+ rep, ofwgkta is the new crack spreadin around on cwg facebooks. shit last week these cwg's would be disgusted by tyler. not even a few days later they would fuck the same dude in a heart beat. my how fame can change a brother.

gotta spread ROYALEFATALE

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