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Ofwgkta...swag Swag!

dunkin deeznuts

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  toufu said:
pomona show was fucking swag!

bummed couldnt get no merch though...they didnt play tina either

i never liked tina, until they played it live in SF... i look forward to it every show now but they never play it anymore!

i got one of those white cross tees they were selling but it ended up wit blood on it by the end of the night, not swag

  dovo said:
Damn Shoulda hit that Pomona show then. Good thing I didnt though or else I wouldnt have enjoyed this one as much as I did haha. The mosh was kina weak though there was only like me and two other guys. Is it always like that at their shows? I thought there was supposed to be crazy ass pits.

a gang of people hopped the fence into the vip section (including us), the pit in there was pretty live... the crowd at coachella was full of non-of fans just checking out the buzz (i.e. lots of white girls and lame dudes) so a lot of the crowd were just standing around either boppin their head or, in the white girls's case, dancing like hoes

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Minds Playground

I take a quiet moment on the swings to forget every lie I've ever told.

And go down the slides to escape this bullshit reality we call life.

I teeter totter with death, to run away from anxieties.

And play hide and seek with my integrity.

These rules were never really there.

I'll make my own wonderland.

Fuck a rabbit hole.

Thebe Kgositsile aka. Earl Sweatshirt

February 17th 2009 at age 16!!!

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  dovo said:
Damn Shoulda hit that Pomona show then. Good thing I didnt though or else I wouldnt have enjoyed this one as much as I did haha. The mosh was kina weak though there was only like me and two other guys. Is it always like that at their shows? I thought there was supposed to be crazy ass pits.

lol....the whole pomona venue was the fucking pitt

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You know how the internet gets when an independent artist is rumoured to sign anywhere. Well, today we got word that Odd Future may be signing some sort of deal with RED Distribution and Sony Music. Their manager Chris Clancy described the deal as something promising, with the group getting “100% creative control of all aspects of their music, art, and release schedule” with “no cheesy hooks or fluorescent liquor product placements”. We’re excited, especially to hear GOBLIN when it drops on May 10th.

from a blog I look at.


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Damn odd future tickets went up for sale again today the Toronto and got sold out before most people even knew about it, They were sold for like 30 bucks and everyone wants like 150 on craigslist lol. I was so hyped to go to this show....and i know this has nothing to do with the band. But shit like this makes me not wanna be a fan. Yes im hating yes im mad!!! fsdijfslkdjfsdkljdfk

By the way if anyone has 2 tickets and wants to see them at a reasonable price PM me.

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