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ande whall contest thread


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Yo I committed on page 5; I thought we had more than 30? If not, I better be in the 30.

And I'm feeling that wabash too.

I had you down as maybe for some reason? If you're definitely in, you have a spot my friend

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Hey guys. I just hope there are still stocks left of the denim swatches posted, they tend to get sold out relatively fast as they only produce 500-1000m. Just finding out stock levels at the moment.

Just a another idea. Have been talking to a cool sufu guy that has a leather press and the possibility of getting a hair on hide patch made, will have to test it out and see how it goes though. Most hair on hide logos are fairly simple to get a good clean brand. Did a quick PS mock up, it does look rather shit, but you can imagine something along these lines would look really cool in real life.

Also have some random gold/black pocket tabs from ages ago.


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Hey guys. I just hope there are still stocks left of the denim swatches posted, they tend to get sold out relatively fast as they only produce 500-1000m. Just finding out stock levels at the moment.

Just a another idea. Have been talking to a cool sufu guy that has a leather press and the possibility of getting a hair on hide patch made, will have to test it out and see how it goes though. Most hair on hide logos are fairly simple to get a good clean brand. Did a quick PS mock up, it does look rather shit, but you can imagine something along these lines would look really cool in real life.

Also have some random gold/black pocket tabs from ages ago.



Yes, please.

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Id rather a non hair on hide patch and just go with a natural leather patch that would age nicely along with the denim unless the hair on hide patch would too but it might be a little much.

I'm down for whatever though just my two cents!

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^I'm with chrisb to be honest, kind of wanted a more traditional, subtle pair of jeans, with some cool shit denim

I REALLY hope I don't come off as a dick in saying this, but if that's the case, why don't you just buy a special roll pair when they are available? I think the point of the contest jeans is to be a little wild, untraditional.

I def want you to be in the contest, but regular Andes with special denim are going to exist

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honestly i like the idea of the hair on the hide patch think its cool and all but its just not for me at all, not really a detail id like on my jeans. if it comes down to that being the final patch i might be out.

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though I'd love to see the winged pant make it into the design of the patch.

YES, Ande if there is any way at all that you can fit in the flying winged jeans(the one sketch that itstherealchris did with winged jeans AND winged jeans with evo was sooo dope), please do so.

I love the flying wing jeans logo and it sounds like a few of us share the same sentiment.

Also, if we can get the patches numbered(which I don't imagine would be that hard to do/fit in) that would be greatly appreciated by the Ande Whall participant populace.

Aside from that I would prefer a leather patch, but what I would prefer even more is for Ande to design these things according to his vision. (With the flying jeans logo & numbered thrown in to appease the masses) : )

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I REALLY hope I don't come off as a dick in saying this, but if that's the case, why don't you just buy a special roll pair when they are available? I think the point of the contest jeans is to be a little wild, untraditional.

I def want you to be in the contest, but regular Andes with special denim are going to exist

I was looking to get a pair of Ande Whalls that were unique with cool details, a unique denim, but a still subtle traditional pair of jeans, as I thought was the aesthetic of Ande Whall at this point. To that notion, I would just prefer a tried and true leather patch. And I guess I'm just not too found of the horse hair patch.

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I was looking to get a pair of Ande Whalls that were unique with cool details, a unique denim, but a still subtle traditional pair of jeans, as I thought was the aesthetic of Ande Whall at this point. To that notion, I would just prefer a tried and true leather patch.

+1 well said.

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It's a cool design and concept but really the evo on that patch doesn't lOok anywhere near as cool as evo on a nice leather patch. IMO that kind of looks cheap almost like a beat up paper patch.

There are already Gunna be so many small little details tangled into this pair of jeans that's Gunna make them look awesome there's no point to really just Included every single detail we can think of just for the sake of including it bc it's Gunna be a one off pair. Back when they were trying to get the samurai contest together the same thing kind of happened everyone wanted this that and everything and it just became to much and to crazy for it's own good.

Would the hair on hide patch make this pair of jeans unique, yea it would be interesting. Does this pair really need it to separate it from just another pair of jeans, no not at all.

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I really dig the hair on hide, but I can understand why some people may not. I don't think anyone should leave the contest over it though. The patch is usually hidden under belt, shirt, etc...

I think we'll all just have to agree to disagree, and see what Ande wants to do.

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Robotbox - well put.

I'll be the first to say.. I understand the historical significance of the hair-on-hide patch in re: to Lee and what not. I know its been done over a few times by Sugar Cane/etc.

Me personally, I've always been slightly turned off by the hair of anything, other than my own lol.

That said, as robotbox pointed out. Its DEFINITELY not a deal breaker. And it is going to be under a belt/shirt/etc.

Again, we have to stay focused and remember why we even requested to be in this.

And that's to get in on an Ande Whall designed & made pair of exclusive denim, as well as see who can rock out the best in them. We can't expect to have each and every design we would personally request make the final cut.

I'm just hoping he can get the flying wings logo added in, as well as getting these bad boys numbered.

If not, I'm still excited to see what we get.

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you guys will go probably go through another 10 pairs (at least) pairs of jeans in your lifetime. Probably none of them will have hair on hide. You may not realize it, but it is pretty special, and very cool looking. My point is: Hair on hide is super bad ass, plus it perfectly fits in with this ande-pro jean hes trying to make. Lets run with these bad boys.

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Not to sound arrogant but I'd never own a pair with hair hide patch not bc I couldn't find a pair with that feature but bc it's something I have no desire of having on my jeans.

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itschrisb - fair enough.

I agree, I've actually passed on pairs because of a hair-on-hide patch.

at this point, I've committed and, while I'd rather a leather patch, I'm not 100% against owning a pair with a hair-on-hide patch on it either.

I'd say let's just relax and see what Ande comes up with. It sounds like some of these things may or may not make the final cut anyway.

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I think the hair on hide is cool. I love anything that would make these jeans truly unique.

The flying jeans logo is rad. I don't care for the font used on the Ande's World Rodeo.

That's why I decided to do the contest instead of just buying regular Ande Whall denim. I wanted a pair that would be unmatched for many years.

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