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I don't really see why bandanas wouldn't be durable, please explain? I mean I don't care what the bags are made of but I'm just saying after having them in my pair of jeans I just think it's a really cool detail. Maybe if not bandanas then atleast some sort of pocket bag design on the canvas plain pocket bags are nice and simple but a design will really make them pop.

Its really up to Ande anyway so I guess he will decide!

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itschrisb - we're talking about two different things here. Originally, when the bandana idea was brought up, it was in regards to having it as an accessory, not attached or related to the jeans. This would be for the participants in this contest, something extra and exclusive that we can choose to rock in the back pocket, around the neck, arm, head, etc.

While bandana pocketbags definitely sound interesting, I'm not sure if thats even an option for Ande, or if any of the other participants would like to see that happen.

So we can start with figuring out which route we want to go with the accessorized-bandana for now.

as far as pocketbags, I would love to see some sort of design implemented too. Doesn't necessarily have to be bandana print per se.

For example, on my new Double Volante denim I requested bingata handbags, which I think are gonna be crazy.

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Not necessarily this one but do we have access to some materials like this? I'm really not familiar with these, and until I did a google search, have never seen selvage chambrey bandana's in my life. lol Something along these lines, not necessarily from this brand, would be kind of cool.

The Hill-Side Selvage Bandana



New York label The Hill-Side - cotton selvage wares. They make all their merchandise right in NYC, and source their material in Japan. What really stood out for me was the rich red chambray colour of their bandanas and pocketsquares. Stuff one in the back-pocket of some blue jeans or worn as a neckerchief and you've added that visual flourish that will set you apart.




maybe something like this, with our name stitched onto it? I don't know, just trying to find something that is new(to me at least..lol) and different from just a regular bandana.

so....Does anybody have access to selvage chambrey? : )

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I know originally we weren't talking about bandana pocket bags, and we were talking as an extra accessory to be used with the jeans or personal use. But then somehow people started talking about pocket bags so I chimed in. I'm fine with whatever actually a personalized bandana would be much cooler!

Any time frame or anything set on this? Do we have all 30 confirmed?

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  poly800rock said:
Hey guys, let's try to keep this in-house...I'm not keen on andewhallxwhoeverx100000 other random brands. I've been thinking too, ande should really pick what he thinks is best, seeing this really isn't a MTM/bespoke like double volantie.... Just my 2 cents

I don't think anyone was talking about taking anything out of house for the contest. People were throwing out ideas for an accessory, which wouldn't make some sort of collaboration.

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Poly800Rock - well, my bandana post actually states that I wasn't talking specifically about that brand, just showing you pictures for reference, in regards to having bandanas done up for the contestants.

I don't think Ande does bandanas but if he is willing to make some for us, I'm all for it.

This was simply for the bandana, not for the denim. I mean, if we decide to do a bandana, SOMEBODY will have to make them, unless we are going to sew our own.


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^ no problem, Poly.

yeah, we're just throwing idea's around to have bandana's made up for each of us.

I was thinking instead of just a regular 'ol bandana with regular bandana print, maybe we can either find a way to source some cool material (like selvage chambrey), OR perhaps have somebody like Tender/etc. maybe do up a batch of bandana's for us instead.

The other option is to just find some that we like, and purchase them retail. Then we could have the names custom embroidered or whatever.

I'd prefer to either be able to source the materials ourselves, or have somebody whip up a batch for us.

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Meh, I'm not really interested in having something like this just for the sake of having it. I'm aware that I'm the one that originally brought up the idea, but just because other contests have something like this, doesn't mean we have to. It seems a bit try-hard

If Ande wants to include something, cool. If a contestant is crafty and has something to offer, super cool. But I have NO interest in anything outside of that.

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I might be coming up on 3 yards of selvedge denim soon if it ever gets shipped out I'm only Gunna be using a little piece of it so if anyone can think of a cool idea to do with that I'd be willing to donate it or help to make something!

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Sold off a few things to get the money for these jeans still have Tanner Goods card holder the older model that's half wool half leather up for sale. Ill let it go for 36.50 shipped if anyone in this thread is interested.

I'm all ready for this to get under way!!

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I donno what is up with the "bandana" pockets, Fabric is Fabric.... Hill side Bandana is just a piece of Chambrary cloth, Ande can easily source that from his denim supplier...

THe 14.5oz DLX started off with chambrary pockets, but later models used canvas. IMO They are not as durable as canvas pockets.

I pushing for Hickory pockets!! or Wabash pockets!



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  dawei69 said:
I donno what is up with the "bandana" pockets, Fabric is Fabric.... Hill side Bandana is just a piece of Chambrary cloth, Ande can easily source that from his denim supplier...

THe 14.5oz DLX started off with chambrary pockets, but later models used canvas. IMO They are not as durable as canvas pockets.

I pushing for Hickory pockets!! or Wabash pockets!

Fisher Stripe

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  Festival said:
Yeah, not to tromp on anyone's excitement, it seems like we're getting ahead of ourselves. Do we have a solid list of people in the contest yet, or even if we're gonna be 15 or 30?

Unless Ande can't get enough denim, I think we'll be doing 30. The list is at 28 right now, so only 2 more people need to commit, and theres more than 2 people waiting on details.

Even after we hit 30 though, I'll maintain a list of interested people just in case someone in the 30 doesn't come through with payment or whatever.

Also, the wabash fabric is dope!

Panda, I think you're right about that being the same denim. Looks great!

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