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my 5EPs 5mo's and Sugarcanes 3mo's


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I've had my 5EPs almost twice as long as my Sugarcanes yet you can clearly see which one is kicking ass. I think I royally screwed up on the 5EPs. Here's the quick biography on them:

Late last summer: Purchased 5EPs, but still working on APC and Nudie so project put on hold.

Nov: Began wearing 5EPs, activities include working in a very VERY busy ER for 12 hour shifts, 5 days a week followed by about 1-2 hours at the gym. Normal weekend usage around house/city etc.

Dec: Vacation in Asia for first 2 weeks. Activities include site seeing, hiking. Highlight of the trip is a torrential downpour in the middle of a Thailand rainforest where our tour guide, instead of refunding our money and taking us home, takes us on a ridiculously dangerous "alternate route" -- lotsa slipping and sliding in the jeans on rocks, bushes etc. Made it back to civilization amazingly and what's even better, from that one day of usage, jeans look fucking amazing -- that crease under the right pocket, most of the wallet wear on the back pocket, and the fly button contrast is all from that ONE day!! Second 2 weeks of the month I have the night shift at the hospital which means more running around and busy work; lotsa hand washing obviously so I was rubbing them dry on my thighs at least 15 times a night.

Jan: By this time the jeans are absolutely nasty, they've been through a Thai rainforest downpour and one and a half months of hospital work...I absolutely NEEDED to wash them. Considering the beautiful wear that had started already, I figured it would be ok. Washed jeans. To my slight disappointment, they didn't lose that much color. But to my horror, they are ridiculously soft now. No amount of starch is enough to get them to crease up in the same places.

Jan-Mar: I continue wearing them to the gym while starting to phase in my Sugarcanes. And just as I feared, they don't stay creased at the same spots, old creases that were starting to fade nicely during the Asia trip are now superimposed on broad areas of new fading.

Apr: Retire? I am thoroughly displeased with my 5EPs now, with the exception of the back pocket they look like a mess now with just generalized fading, the old creases taunt me, reminding me of what could have been if I had only waited and not washed them...let that be a lesson to all of you!! I'd completely stop wearing them if not for the fact that they, along with maybe 3 Dolces, are the ONLY pairs in my entire collection that really, truly fit me well (see my other posts about not fitting into jeans well).

My Sugarcanes are coming in nicely however. I think I'll focus most of my time on them now. But my mouth is already watering for the next challenge. I've got a tough one waiting for me in the closet -- a really baggy pair of Howies...:-)

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I don't think there's anything wrong with your 5EPs. but let me get this straight...

You work in an ER, you wash your hands to sanitize them but yet you rub them dry on your grubby jeans that haven't been washed in god knows when...

Please don't operate on me.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with your 5EPs. but let me get this straight...

You work in an ER, you wash your hands to sanitize them but yet you rub them dry on your grubby jeans that haven't been washed in god knows when...

Please don't operate on me.

--- Original message by Landy on Apr 6, 2006 03:57 AM


I don't think (personally) your 5eps are that bad. Maybe in person, and maybe with more pics, i'd say otherwise.

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Someone with more denim knowledge than myself may be able to shed some light, but the denim on my 5EPs seems different that other jeans somehow - darker and with a 'deeper' colour... hard to explain (and i've done a shite job)

maybe it's because they come washed, but it seems that the colour takes far far far longer to start to fade.

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Quote: Someone with more denim knowledge than myself may be able to shed some light, but the denim on my 5EPs seems different that other jeans somehow - darker and with a 'deeper' colour... hard to explain (and i've done a shite job)

maybe it's because they come washed, but it seems that the colour takes far far far longer to start to fade.

yeah, in a month of wearing nearly every day the only contrasted wear is a touch under my wallet and over the hidden rivets...the deep creases are there in the back of knees and whiskers, but no fading yet...

i'd love to know more about their denim itself. They fit really great, it's a shame my girlfriend like me better in my New Standards... icon_smile_tongue.gif

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I think they both look great, but I like the 5EPs better. I'm not sure what you were expecting.

I'm going to give you and your employer the benefit of the doubt and assume that you do not actually touch any patients or sterile instruments, because drying your hands on your jeans would definitely be a problem otherwise.

ask a cassowary

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You workout in your jeans? interesting, maybe I'll do that too... I've done in once, when I first got my APCs coz I wanted to stretch them out quickly...

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Yeah, 5eps lose color the slowest out of my nudies, apc, dope+drakkar, evil, levis, and rogan.

I've had mine for about a year and they don't look as worn as the ones in the pic. For the record, my 5EP has the nicest denim I own and some of the best denim I've seen (at least as far as i can tell). mine are fading into a greenish blue color.

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HA HA HA, don't worry I'm NOT a surgeon. Hard to describe what I mean by "busy work" but it doesn't entail getting my hands dirty with bodily fluids, it's lotsa running around, writing notes, filling forms, lotsa lotsa writing! The hand washing is a must in a hospital whether you are the chair of medicine or just a cook in the cafeteria....some units have you wash hands just for entering and exiting it. And also I'm just paranoid. As for my disappointment with the 5EPs, it's hard to pick out what I mean by there are old creases and new ones but that's basically what's happened to them -- some creases that were starting to fade in nicely now have new ones setting in over them or around them, creases that were troughes leaving dark spots are now peaks that are starting to fade. Understand what I mean? Well regardless, like I said, it's not like I'm totally giving up on them, they still are my best fitting pair of jeans.

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Quote: did i ever tell you that this here snakeskin patch is a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom?

real good movie right up until the wicked witch shit.


the 5eps look amazing, the fly is nice,

i don't think it matters if you have moving creases, in the end it just means a more complex fade.


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