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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/24 in all areas

  1. Aaaaannnndddd they're done. Still gotta wash them to get rid of anything from the mill, but they're done. The waistband went much easier this time around. Decided to baste it in place and that made a world of difference (last two pics). I had far less problems getting the needle to grab the inside edge. Went with tucked loops again. Also pleased with how easily my zig zag machine did bartacks on the loops. I think this Janome might run smoother than my 201. He also wanted 7 loops instead of the standard 5 because he likes how it keeps his belt in place better. I'll update with fit pics in a couple weeks after his birthday. Things went really well on this pair though. I wasn't able to use my compensating foot because I realized the needle bar nicks it slightly and I don't want to mess anything up on my Singer. So I had to do most of the topstitching by lining the edge up with the presser foot toe. It was a good lesson in sewing straight and patience, but I think it made me a better sewist because of it.
    9 points
  2. Been a couple days since I've had a busy week. Last night I serged and topstitched the inseam and sewed the outseams as well. My brother wanted purple topstitching down the inseam, but I got in a groove last night and used yellow. Didn't catch my mistake till after I got the outseams and the topstitching on the hips, so I had a lot of backtracking to do. I was afraid things would end up sloppy but everything stitched up nicely imo.
    2 points
  3. Vacation in the Bavarian Forest
    2 points
  4. WWII OOE arrived. Almost need to go up three sizes for a proper looser fit
    1 point
  5. https://acrnm.com/P38-DS_SS24 Price: 1,986 EUR w VAT Price: 1,641.32 w/o VAT how the mighty have fallen.
    1 point
  6. Solid black Buffalos. I’ve had these since 2016 but wore them sparingly as I kept them for slightly smarter wear. More recently I’ve started wearing them regularly to the point where they need a crotch repair. They’re a bit darker and less grey in real life than my iPhone photos show. You can also see how Ande’s lockstitch hemming technique enables strong roping.
    1 point
  7. genuinely surprised this happened with him, did a size swap for J105 and dude was super patient, legit and shipped fast
    1 point
  8. Progress from the last couple days. Yokes are attached, backs are sewn, and rear pockets are attached. Front pockets are done too. I've had this gingham canvas for ages and I'm glad it's getting put to use now. My brother's name is Evan, so he wanted a lowercase e on the back pockets. He also wanted a purple tab (and purple serging and inseam topstitching to match later). Added a closeup of the bartacks which came out better than I expected.
    1 point
  9. Went to a vintage fest and antique store with my girlfriend today. Got his n hers garfield keychains, a cool puffer vest, a flick tricks for my friend who grew up on a bmx bike, and also found my favorite hot wheel from my childhood still boxed up with the hauler I never knew it came with. Also saw a few cool ratty lookin vans. Good day.
    1 point
  10. At my parents' place for a family birthday. Planted a persimon tree [1] as a birthday gift. Got the new dick carroll comics [2] Tried air layering on my parents yuzu [3]. Let's hope it works out. Fig tree we planted last fall at my grandparents' place is coming along pretty good [4], let's hope for good fruits. Stork's nest right around my parents' place [5]. They used to come back every year, nowadays they don't even leave anymore, since the winters are so mild
    1 point

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