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Ultimate jeans kit - link to article


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Aside from the fact that I like to wear my jeans in. I think this is quite a good marketing ploy. I have seen these at a denim bar in Santa Barbara, I think the packaging is pretty cool. Old selvedge denim that is worn. I think the denim is from old vintage levis. I think it would be a cool gift for the ladies that want to customize their jeans. There is also a book that comes with the kit that has some decent pictures of worn jeans and instructions of how to get that effect. I know some people on here may claim not to "accelerate" the wear on their jeans, but you can tell by the pictures they post. $300 is quite steep though for this. I too would rather pick up a pair of Jean Shop jeans.

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I just think it is a big wate. All that is in there is some of the same junk most all of us have laying around the house. you could grab all that crap together, pick up a couple of cheapo pair of jeans to practice on, and then do your own pair for a lot less.

Don't you hate in when you're in a line and there's that guy like right behind you and you can feel him almost touching you, hovering near you, in your personal space and all you want to do is turn around and scream, "move three feet back before I beat you," but you don't? They'd put you in a strait jacket if you did, and it is soooo hard to find a pair of shoes that match those.

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you have a grinder, a seam ripper, and sandpaper at the same time lying around in your house? icon_smile_shock.gif

but i guess that sort of thing is innovative. we all have this shit around somwhere, but no one's gathered up it up into a bag and sold it as a kit. So props to him, but his packaging still sucks.

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Quote: you have a grinder, a seam ripper, and sandpaper at the same time lying around in your house?
I'd think most guys would have a grinder and sandpaper on hand at home... Unless they're the kind who never do anything with their hands...

This is a stupid product. A niche product for a niche. The kit is most likely to be used on raw, or one-rinse jeans, which is a niche in itself. But the product is catered to those people who buy raw denim but are too impatient to wear it in themselves, but ARE patient enough to spend hours manually doing it by hand. And THOSE people, are very few in the people who buy raw.

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Thing is guys that " kit " included a pair of redline selvage jeans . That kit was made by Diesel Jeans

edit > hmm my apologies - you said $300 and I jumped the gun however there was one Diesel put out and I believe still sells for $300 VERY similar , BUT includes a pair of jeans

http://www.denimdesignlab.com/ I believe has taken that over now ..

Edited by numero_uno_3xl on Mar 26, 2006 at 04:33 PM

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