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On finding STF 501's and the leg twist...ranting


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Just a short rant....I went looking for Levis STF 501's yesterday and could not find them anywhere. I went to Dilliards (2 stores), JC Penny's (2 stores), Sears, Goodys (called and they said they had them....got there and they didn't) and MM Kohls. What the hell? I used to wear the STF's in jr. high and high school back in the 80's. I remember back then there was a huge marketing push for the STF's and it seemed like everyone wore them....of course everyone wanted them faded out and not the dark blue....but that just came with time.

The other thing I have noticed with Levis is that the leg twist seems to be the worst in the left leg. I remember taking a pair back in the 80's that had such a bad twist that the seam ended up running down the front of my leg and on top of my shoes. Has anyone else noticed the left leg seems to be the worst for leg twist?

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from what people here say, the leg twist is completely normal, even up to 90 degrees thats just the way it is.

my lvc 47 have almost a 90 degree leg twist in the left leg, and the 45 rpm that i tried on months ago had the same tihing .. it does seem that the left leg is always worse than the right leg.

that is just the way the jeans are.

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they didnt have them at sears? They must be out of stock, just wait a week.

As far as the twist, yeah they twist massively, most people seem to like it. I don't so thats why I dont have any 501s right now.

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there is nothing wrong with the 30 dollar stfs, the dudes who say the jeans totally suck are so fucking pretentious they actually feel spending hundreds of dollars on denim justifies the tiny increase in quality

you notice all the label dropping in wdywt? its because that is the only way to show off all the money they spent(wasted)

Edited by lyingonyourdriveway on Mar 14, 2006 at 11:53 PM

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Quote: yeah i noticed this today while sitting in one of my classes, the right leg definitely twists to the inside a bit

The right leg should twist to the outside. It might have been the way you were sitting.

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there is nothing wrong with the 30 dollar stfs, the dudes who say the jeans totally suck are so fucking pretentious they actually feel spending hundreds of dollars on denim justifies the tiny increase in quality

you notice all the label dropping in wdywt? its because that is the only way to show off all the money they spent(wasted)

Edited by lyingonyourdriveway on Mar 14, 2006 at 11:53 PM

--- Original message by lyingonyourdriveway on Mar 14, 2006 11:51 PM

not everyone is trying to pay for an engagement ring, LOYD. icon_smile_wink.gif

"I want to die with myh bluejeans on," I heard myself say.

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Guest Fade to Black

Those are late 60's big E levis. I pulled the pic from an ebay auction.

--- Original message by Serge d Nimes on Mar 14, 2006 10:24 PM

Wow sounds incredible...what is the current price for those babys?

Is it possible to come across a pair of legit Big E Levi's for real cheap, on eBay, at thrift stores, where ever? I'm guessing probably not since most thrift store owners probably up on their denim...but I remember seeing posts on message boards about how people came across real Big E's for like $2-$30...i found it kind of hard to believe.

Also interesting how you mention the depreciation in value of selvedge denim...what do you think accounts for that, i mean the discrepancy between how a worn LVC will pretty much stay put while 45 RPM, etc. goes for much cheaper? I remember seeing some 45 RPM clothes on ebay and they were being sold for dirt cheap...made me wonder.

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FADE----last month I got a 67-69 BIG E 70505 at a thrift in RENO, NV for $50, a lot for a thrift store, but I had to have it because it fit me perfectly. I mean, deep-discounted LVCs are double that price...

The store knew what it was selling, but it wasn't behind the counter or locked behind glass...

That said, I haven't seen big E or redline jeans in a thrift store, though there are a bunch of nice orange-tabs for a reasonable price. For reference, I do live in a major city.

One last thing, my local Salvation army had only one pair of Levi when I went last week. All the rest were bizarre brands, mostly of the "urban" variety. These boutiques that go around plundering thrifts for resale are killing me.


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Big E 70505 jackets will typically sell for $40-$75. I used to have one and I sold it on ebay for like $60. Big Es are so hard to find at thrift stores that it is not even worth trying. I have never found a pair (except ones that were priced way higher thn their ebay price) but I have spent an obscene amount of time looking over the past 6 years. I actually have only found 3 pairs of redlines! I find a lot of cool sweatshirts though.

Carpe Denim! (not the jean brand silly!)


Edited by Serge d Nimes on Mar 19, 2006 at 07:38 PM

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